University of Nebraska (College of Medicine)
The mission of the University of Nebraska Medical Center is to improve the health of Nebraska through premier educational programs, innovative research, the highest quality patient care, and outreach to underserved populations.
The four year course of studies leading to the degree of Doctor of Medicine is designed by the faculty to provide the best possible training for future practitioners. The curriculum ensures that students develop the understanding, clinical skills and knowledge needed for residency training and practice.
The Nebraska graduate develops superior skills in problem solving and clinical reasoning, extensive knowledge of the biomedical and psychosocial sciences and learns skills needed for lifelong learning of medicine. Interdisciplinary cores in the first two years introduce students to the basic sciences of medicine: anatomy, behavioral science, biochemistry, microbiology, pathology, pharmacology and physiology. Here students also begin to learn clinical skills and reasoning.
In the third and fourth years students apply their knowledge on the hospital wards and clinical offices. Under faculty guidance students develop clinical diagnostic and management skills. They learn to select clinical tests and prescribe therapies. They learn to provide comprehensive care and learn the art of medicine.
During the third year, students take clinical clerkships in Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, and Surgery. In the fourth year, students select from a variety of clinical and basic science experiences.
To qualify for graduation, students must show that they have acquired the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for residency training.
Students get early experience in medical problem solving through preceptorships and clinical case study in small groups. At the beginning of medical school, students work in small groups with a faculty member to solve clinical cases. This initial exercise helps develop the library and information retrieval skills they will need in their medical studies. Case study and small group teaching emphasizing problem-based learning are becoming more prominent features of all of the basic science courses.
Since 1986, simulated patients have been used to supplement the clinical experience of medical students. These trained patient simulators are used to teach and evaluate history taking and physical examination skills.
All these changes are making medical education more relevant to patient care and medical practice. The Curriculum Committee, with student representation, is responsible for curricular change and evaluation. All courses must have written educational goals and objectives.
The Clinical Facilities at the University of Nebraska Medical Center: Nebraska Medical Center, University Medical Associates, and the Meyer Rehabilitation Institute provide extensive inpatient and outpatient services in which students participate as part of their clinical education. The Nebraska Medical Center is a 687-bed facility and remains the primary teaching hospital for the College of Medicine.
Nebraska Medical Center (formerly NHS) operates clinics and health care centers serving Omaha, Nebraska and Shenandoah, Iowa. In addition, Nebraska Medical Center physicians operate more than 300 outpatient clinics in communities in five states (Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, Kansas, and Missouri). the Nebraska Medical Center provides access to tertiary and primary care including world-class specialized treatment such as solid organ transplantation, burn care, wound care, geriatrics, bone marrow (stem cell) transplantation and other cancer treatments. UNMC is world-renowned in the treatment of lymphomas and leukemias, and has one of the two most active bone marrow transplant programs in the country. Over 3,000 bone marrow transplants have been performed in the institution. The U.S. News & World Report ranked UNMC as one of the top 50 hospitals for cancer care in the country. UNMC also has a strong reputation in solid organ transplantation and has the third or fourth busiest small bowel transplant transplant program in the country. The liver transplantation program is in the top 15 in the country. The Emergency Services Department is a regional trauma center and is an important part of the educational experience.
The Leon S. McGoogan Library of Medicine is one of the country's major health sciences libraries. It occupies 60,000 square feet in Wittson Hall. Its central location reflects the concept of the library as a catalyst for all activities on the campus. The collection numbers over 225,000 volumes, with a current journal list of over 1,400 titles, more than half of which are available electronically. The library's catalog and electronic resources including health information databases, electronic texts and electronic journals can be searched 24 hours a day from on campus and off via the UNMC campus Intranet and the World Wide Web.
Multimedia materials for computer-assisted and self-instruction in curricular fields are collected and made available in the Sievers Facility for Interactive Instruction and its adjacent Learning Resources Center. Reference and educational services assist users in meeting their information needs, and in developing skills in retrieval, management, and evaluation of medical information. Document delivery and interlibrary borrowing are also available, as are special services such as dissertation binding and health information services for the health care providers and consumers within the state of Nebraska.
The gross anatomy laboratory is located on the second level of Wittson Hall. Nearby is a modern audiovisual room with a wide variety of auto-instructional materials. A multi-disciplinary laboratory located on the third floor of Wittson Hall is used for laboratory experience in histology, neuroanatomy, microbiology and pathology courses.
School name:University of NebraskaCollege of Medicine
Address:42nd and Emile
Zip & city:NE 68198 Nebraska
Address:42nd and Emile
Zip & city:NE 68198 Nebraska
( vote)
College of Medicine Medical School Location
College of Medicine Courses
* Structure and Development of the Human Body : This ten-week-long Core features a study of the structure and development of the human body in sequence beginning with the back and then the upper limb, head, neck, thorax, pelvis, perineum, and lower limb. Structural features are studied by gross dissection, demonstration, cross section, radiographs and in scans and are correlated to the appropriate living anatomy. Systemic embryology lectures will provide an understanding of the development of definitive anatomical structures. Emphasis is placed on the structure: function correlation and the relationship of anatomic configuration to diagnosis of clinical problems. The format of the course will include lectures, laboratories, demonstrations, small group discussions and many varieties of audiovisual aids. Evaluation will be in the form of traditional objective, laboratory, and essay examinations. The Core will be presented in the first ten weeks of the fall semester.
* Integrated Clinical Experience I & II Cores : The Integrated Clinical Experience (ICE) program is intended to help students recognize the clinical relevance of basic sciences and to gain an appreciation of the social, psychological, and ethical dimensions of the practice of medicine. The Primary Care Month is a three-week required experience for all first year medical students. Each student is required to spend three weeks with a primary care physician (family physician, internist, or pediatrician) in a non-metropolitan area. The students may elect to do this at any time during the summer in the months of May, June, July or August. These three-week rotations may be scheduled at any point in time based on the convenience of the student and the preceptor. Most students will live in the rural community during this primary care experience.
* Cellular Processes Core : This six-week-long Core presents an integrated, comprehensive course which covers the basic information in the area of cellular processes necessary to form a foundation for subsequent application to normal and disease-related processes described in subsequent courses of the medical curriculum. A coordinated presentation of appropriate materials from the areas of cell biology and physiology, biochemistry, molecular biology, histology, and genetics will be included in this core. The format of the course will include lectures, question/answer sessions and laboratories. Evaluation will be based on lectures in the form of traditional objective, laboratory, and essay examinations. The Core will be presented in the last six weeks of the fall semester.
* Neurosciences Core : This six-week-long Core presents an integrated, comprehensive study of neuroscience, including behavioral science, clinical neurology, neuroanatomy and neurophysiology. Topics presented in this course are selected to give students a basic understanding of the functioning of the nervous system in both health and disease. The format will include lectures, laboratories, problem based learning sessions and a selected number of clinical correlates. In addition, small groups of students will research, using computer assisted search methods and library materials, one topic in more depth and will present their findings as a poster. Grades will be established by objective, essay and laboratory examinations as well as by faculty evaluation of the poster presentations. The Core will be presented in the first six weeks of the spring semester.
* Function of the Human Body Core : This ten-week-long Core presents an integrated, comprehensive course which covers the physiology, biochemistry, nutrition and histology related to various functions of the human body including:circulatory; renal; respiratory; endocrine/reproductive and digestive, absorptive and metabolic systems.
The format of the course will include lectures, histology laboratories and a cardiovascular laboratory. Evaluation will be in the form of traditional objective, laboratory, and essay examinations. The Core will be presented in the last ten weeks of the spring semester.
* Introduction to Disease Processes Core : This ten-week-long Core consists of introductory material in the areas of immunology, microbiology (bacteriology, virology, mycology, and parasitology), pathology (Clinical, anatomic, pediatric, and forensic), clinical medicine (geriatrics, pediatrics, basic life support, and nutrition), and pharmacology. The format includes lectures, large and small groups and laboratories. Evaluations are in the form of multiple choice, short answer, and short essay exams.
* Neurology, Ophthalmology, and Psychiatry Core : This five-week-long core presents in an integrated and sequential fashion selected areas in neurology such as epilepsy and movement disorders; ophthalmology such as glaucoma and cataracts; and psychiatry such as anxiety, depression, and schizophrenia. In addition, the subjects of neuropsychopharmacology will be discussed after presentation of clinical entities. Each of the main three units will be heralded by presentation of biochemical and molecular mechanisms in signal transduction involving behavior, neurons, and vision. Each of the three units will culminate in case presentations dealing with proper usage of multiple medications in neurology, ophthalmology, and psychiatry. The assessment of successful acquisition of learning objectives will be based on traditional multiple choice questions and essay examinations.
* Integrated Clinical Experience III & IV Cores : The Integrated Clinical Experience (ICE) program is intended to help students recognize the clinical relevance of basic sciences and to gain an appreciation of the social, psychological, and ethical dimensions of the practice of medicine. Topics covered in this two year curriculum include: The history and physical examination, interviewing skills, behavioral sciences, ethics, preventive medicine, health care policy, and health care services research. In addition, students are given opportunities to participate in the practices of community and university based primary care physicians through the Longitudinal Clinic Experience and summer rural preceptorship (Primary Care Month) between the first and second years of medical school.
* Hematology/Oncology, Musculoskeletal, Dermatology, Basic Life Support Core : This six-week-long core is intended to provide an introduction to diseases effecting several body systems and includes a multidisciplinary overview of musculoskeletal, dermatology, and basic life support as well as lymphoid and hematopoietic malignancies, anemia, transfusion medicine and coagulation abnormalities.
Each area will be covered by a combination of lecture, small group discussion, and problem-based learning. Students will be given several case scenarios to help direct their studying. Evaluation will be in the form of traditional objective, laboratory, and fill-in-the-blank examinations as well as faculty evaluation of student performance in self-directed learning sessions.
* Cardiology, Pulmonary, Endocrinology, Ears, Nose, & Throat Core : This six-week-long core presents an integrated comprehensive study of cardiac, pulmonary, endocrine and ear, nose and throat diseases including clinical diagnosis and treatment, pathophysiology, pharmacology, and pathology correlates. Topics are selected to give students a basic understanding of the functioning of each organ system in health and disease. The format will include lectures, laboratories and small discussion groups. Evaluation will be in the form of traditional objective, laboratory and essay examinations.
* Genitourinary and Gastroenterology System Core : This five-week-long core includes instruction on the kidney and urinary tract, female genital system and breast, and gastrointestinal diseases. The series on the female genital tract consists of the pathologic basis intertwined with clinical approaches to the patient. The microbiology of venereal diseases is also presented. Pharmacologic considerations include contraception, fertility and hormone replacement. Social issues surrounding pregnancy are addressed. Breast disease is reviewed by small group discussion, lecture, and laboratories.
Pharmacology is presented throughout the second year.
* Clerkship-Internal Medicine
* Clerkship-Internal Medicine
* Clerkship-Psychiatry
* Clerkship-OB-GYN
* Basic Req. Clerkship-Surgery
* Basic Req Clerkship-Pediatrics
* Family Practice Preceptorship
* One month vacation allowed during senior year.
* Each senior elective is four (4) credit hours.
* Senior Selective
![]() COMPONENT 1 - FIRST YEAR The goal of the first year is to provide a strong foundation in basic biomedical science to prepare students for detailed ... Address: 2500 California Plaza |