Creighton University (School of Medicine)
As one of the most trusted and respected names in the region, Creighton providers have been healing and teaching for more than 110 years. As an academic medical center, we're not only committed to providing excellent medical care today but dedicated to preparing tomorrow's health professionals for the medical challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in patient care, teaching and research.
Creighton physicians and researchers are significant contributors to national health care and educational advancements. In the Jesuit Catholic tradition of caring for the whole person - mind, body and spirit - Creighton University for more than a century has served as a vital source of health care and education in Omaha and the Midwest.
Creighton University has a national reputation for quality patient care and a large number of faculty and research programs with international reputations. The Hixson-Lied Science Building and Criss Health Science Building are the centerpiece of a $56 million initiative, providing Creighton's undergraduate and health professionals science facilities for discovery and implementing a leading approach to teaching and research.
In the Catholic, Jesuit tradition of Creighton University, the mission of the School of Medicine is to improve the human condition through excellence in educating students, physicians and the public, advancing knowledge, and providing comprehensive patient care.
We will be a School of Medicine respected by our peers for excellence in teaching, research, and clinical care. We will be distinguished for preparing graduates who achieve excellence in their chosen fields and who demonstrate an extraordinary compassion and commitment to the service of others.
As a private medical school, the Creighton University School of Medicine matriculates outstanding students from every region of the country.
There is no one state or geographical area, which is given a preference. A recent class includes students from thirty states and two foreign countries. This diverse geographic composition of your class gives both depth and breadth to your professional school training.
At Creighton the faculty is more concerned about “who you are”-academic preparation and a strong, personal commitment to service to others- rather than “where you are from.” Each new freshman class reflects the Committee on Admissions’ commitment to assemble a group of competent and caring first year medical students.
Throughout your four years at Creighton University
School of Medicine, you will be encouraged and
supported by administration, faculty, and peers.
Most importantly at Creighton School of Medicine, you compete against standards, not each other.
Our students quickly form friendships that enhance
mutual support. Through an organized support system,
sophomores help freshmen, juniors help sophomores, and seniors help juniors.
The system extends beyond graduation through an
organized nationwide network of more than 3800 alumni volunteers who assist our seniors in their search for residency placements.
This mutual support and respect is both the reason for
and the result of the “Creighton Family” tradition which
is pervasive throughout this university and its alumni.
Once here, you may find this spirit will never leave you.
Creighton medical graduates do well in securing residencies in virtually every medical specialty, ranging from anesthesiology to urology. They secure residencies at prestigious medical centers in such
competitive fields as dermatology, emergency medicine, obstetrics, ophthalmology, orthopedic surgery, otolaryngology, and radiology.
Year after year, Creighton medical graduates are offered residency training in excellent medical centers from coast to coast. Institutions from Stanford to Mayo to Massachusetts General select Creighton graduates for reasons that include Creighton’s comprehensive
clinical training, rigorous academics, excellent scores on the National Medical Licensing Examinations, student support systems, and Creighton’s national reputation.
Every year Creighton invites its medical graduates
from previous years to help obtain residencies for its current graduates. Eighty-five percent of the school’s medical alumni support the network that contributes to high residency acceptance rates.
A highly interdisciplinary curriculum, implemented in 1996, will assure our graduates’ success well into the twenty first century. The educational program is designed to provide a smooth transition into medical school and later into residency.
• Early clinical experience is a prominent part of the curriculum through all four years beginning with the physical diagnosis instruction and participation in the Clinical Assessment Center in the first year.
• The curriculum integrates ethical and societal issues into all four years of study.
• Instructional methodology utilizes case-based, small group sessions and computer-assisted instruction in each year.
• Required clinical rotations are completed in the third year, leaving the fourth year for a sub-internship, critical care rotations, and electives.
Competency based evaluation is used in all four years of the educational program and the students are graded on a Pass/No Pass/Honors system. Consult the Creighton School of Medicine
Creighton medical students score well on the basic science and clinical sections of the United States Medical Licensing Examination, owing largely to the challenging academic programs, clinical opportunities, and educational support systems at the School of Medicine.
The examinations are administered in Creighton’s own computer-based testing center, one of only eight such medical school based facilities in the nation.
Creighton medical school graduates have long enjoyed a national reputation for their comprehensive clinical education. Your clinical training begins immediately in the first year as part of the Human Development and Medicine course. Here you will complete patient histories and physicals under the guidance of a faculty tutor in the Clinical Assessment Center. The longitudinal clinic experience in the second year continues the students’
clinical training through to graduation. The large
number of Omaha area hospitals and community
clinics enable Creighton medical students to
experience a wide variety and diversity of clinical
instruction sites. The exceptional clinical training that
Creighton medical graduates receive plays a major role
in their success in attaining residencies in highly competitive fields at prestigious medical centers throughout the United States.
Creighton University School of Medicine is an international leader in research on several major debilitating diseases including hereditary cancer and osteoporosis. Through a major University commitment to its “Centers of Excellence” in medicine, the school is
pushing hard to develop comparable front-runners in infectious diseases, diabetes, and molecular biology. An exciting new generation of research projects is underway.
Creighton medical students are offered the opportunity to pursue University funded research projects at the end of the first year. The joint M.D./Ph.D. program is also available to a limited number of students.
Also available at the end of the first year is the opportunity to participate in the funded Family Practice Preceptorship Program.
You will have access to the most advanced medical technology and resources as a student at Creighton University School of Medicine, where all major teaching facilities are located in one medical center area on the University campus.
Creighton University Medical Center is the primary teaching hospital. Completed in 1977, the medical center contains 404 patient beds and is a Class I trauma center. In December 2002, Modern Healthcare named Creighton
University Medical Center to its 100 Top Hospitals list. The medical center was honored as one of the sixteen winners named in the Major Teaching Hospital category
for its quality of care, efficiency of operations, and sustainability of overall performance.
Creighton students also participate in clinical instruction at Immanuel Medical Center, the newly constructed Children’s Hospital, Omaha Veterans Medical Center, Bergan Mercy Medical Center, and at other area
hospitals and clinics including rural facilities.
The School of Medicine is conveniently located on
the University campus, a short walk away on the
mall from the V.J. and Angela Skutt Student Center and the newly expanded Kiewit Physical Fitness Center. Some medical students live in university- owned professional student apartment towers adjacent to campus, some in attractive apartments just one block away from the Creighton University Medical Center, and the others throughout the city. The average commute time in Omaha is only 20 minutes so it is possible to live in a variety of locations in the city, yet retain convenient access to campus. A student parking lot is across the street from the medical school.
School name:Creighton UniversitySchool of Medicine
Address:2500 California Plaza
Zip & city:NE 68178 Nebraska
Address:2500 California Plaza
Zip & city:NE 68178 Nebraska
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School of Medicine Medical School Location
School of Medicine Courses
The goal of the first year is to provide a strong foundation in basic biomedical science to prepare students for detailed basic science content that occurs within the clinically oriented system courses that begin later in the first year.
Students are also introduced to ethical and behavioral science principles in the Patient and Society course and learn the fundamentals of physical assessment and interviewing techniques.
An additional (non-curricular) requirement of advancement to Component II is the completion of certification in basic cardiac life support.
* Anatomy : This course focuses on the macroscopic structure of the human body and anatomic principles which provide the basis for physical examination and much of the diagnosis and therapy used in clinical practice. Nearly one third of the allotted course time is spent in lectures which have a strong audiovisual component. The balance of the time is shared between the cadaver dissection and clinical correlations. The course incorporates basic organogenesis exclusive of the central nervous system. Radiological components stress three-dimensional aspects of clinical anatomy. At the end of the dissection experience students are responsible for a report summarizing general pathological findings.
* Ethics and Legal Topics in Clinical Medicine : This course introduces students to the basic constraints and methods of ethical analysis and moral reasoning, with emphasis on their application to key ethical issues in health care practice and policy. Special attention is given to the role of the physician and the opportunities and challenges to the ethical practice of medicine in today’s society.
* Evidence Based Medicine : This course uses a series of didactic lectures, practice exercises and a small group experience to instill the fundamental principles of evidence based medicine (EBM). The course is divided into five parts. In part one the students learn the role of EBM in the practice of medicine, the basic steps of EBM, what research designs are used in medical research and the importance and value of internal and external validity. In part two students are introduced to the difference between descriptive and inferential statistics and how confidence intervals are used in medical journals. Part three teaches students the meaning of “testing” models, and the importance of statistical significance and confidence intervals. Part four instructs students on the evidence based medicine approach to the assessment of medical publications for therapy. Lastly, part five introduces the classical clinical diagnostic testing model and underscores the EBM approach to diagnostic testing.
* The Healer's Art : The Healer’s Art is a medical school curriculum designed by Rachel Naomi Remen, M.D., Director of the Institute for the Study of Health and Illness at Commonweal, and Professor of Family and Community Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) School of Medicine. It is a 15-hour quarter-long elective that has been taught annually at UCSF since 1993. It is a 1.0 credit hour course. The course’s innovative educational strategy is based on a discovery model. The UCSF course annually draws one-third of the Year I class, and has demonstrated that curriculum can be transformative as well as informative. The Healer’s Art course was featured in “U.S. News and World Report Best Graduate Schools” issue for the 2002 school year as an example of excellence in medical education. In addition to the USCF experience, the course has been successfully replicated at 35 medical schools nationwide. Seven medical schools will commence a pilot course this academic year.
The Healer’s Art addresses one of the hidden crises in medicine: the growing loss of meaning and commitment experienced by physicians nationwide under the stresses of today’s health care system. Among medical educators, the question of how to stress-proof students to meet the challenges of practice has become urgent.
The course consists of five three-hour evening sessions spaced two weeks apart, each divided into large–group and small-group experience.
* Host Defense : Host Defense is a course that integrates basic and clinical immunology. The overall goal of this course is to introduce students to the exciting and rapidly developing field of immunology and to prepare them for a lifetime of learning in this discipline. For physicians, the body’s defense systems are of particular relevance, and this course emphasizes the relationship to human disease as well as the remarkable biological mechanisms utilized by the immune system. At the end of this course students will have been provided with the information to have a clear understanding of various subject areas including antigen recognition, development of B and T cells, constitutive host defenses, immunopathology, inflammation, transplantation, allergy, and tumor immunology. This will be accomplished using a mixture of lecture presentations, assigned reading, and various interactive learning strategies including computer-aided-instruction and case-based discussions, etc.
* Human Development and Medicine : This interdisciplinary course presents an introduction to psychiatry and behavioral sciences. The purpose is to provide students with an overview and understanding of human development and behaviors as a foundation of knowledge for interacting with patients in the clinical setting, for diagnosing and treating diverse individuals with sensitivity and concern in serious matters of health and illness, and for treating and managing medical and psychiatric illness.
* Interviewing and Physical Exam : This course uses a mixture of lectures, assigned readings, demonstration labs and small group sessions. The student is introduced to the major components of a medical history, how to distinguish between symptoms and signs, the concept and descriptors of a chief complaint, patterns of pain radiation and patient information regarding medications, allergies, past medical history, and personal, social and family history. In addition, the student performs a video-taped OSCE and is assigned a preceptor with whom he/she completes a history and physical on three patients. The course is extended over two semesters.
* Molecular and Cellular Biology I : After completion of this course the students should have a sound understanding of the following:
- The major structural components of cells including the
structure and function of proteins and the major role
of cell membranes.
- Cell function, including the concepts of conservation
of energy, the synthesis and degradation of major
cell components and integration of the major cellular
- The regulation of gene expression of prokaryotic
and eukaryotic cells.
- The structure and synthesis of the major cellular
macromolecules, including DNA, RNA and protein.
- The biochemistry and biofunction of cellular signaling
and signal transduction.
* Molecular and Cell Biology II : The Molecular and Cell Biology II course is a continuation of the molecular and cell biology course begun in the 1st semester. An interdepartmental team of faculty from the departments of Biomedical Science, Internal Medicine, Preventive Medicine and Pathology participates in this course. The course introduces cell injury, genetic principle, the biology of neoplasia and ends with a overview of inflammation and repair. The course will use a mixture of didactic lectures, assigned reading, multidisciplinary conferences, various interactive learning strategies, including small group case discussions, computer based instruction.
* Neurosciences : The neuroscience course includes neuroanatomy, neuropathology, neurophysiology, neuropharmacology, and neurology.
* Principles of Microbiology : The overall goal Principles of Microbiology is to introduce students to the world of microorganisms and to prepare them for a lifetime of learning microbiology in relation to medicine and infectious diseases. In the recent past, major advances have been made in understanding the structure, physiology, and genetics of microbes. It is this understanding that has allowed us to understand the processes whereby microbial pathogens cause disease in humans. At the end of this course the student will have been provided with the information to have a clear understanding of the following general areas: (1) microbial cell structure and function, (2) bacterial genetics and regulation, (3) viral structure, multiplication and genetics, (4) basic concepts in pathogenesis. These goals are accomplished using a mixture of lecture presentations, assigned instruction, and computer-assisted instruction.
* Principles of Pharmacology : The course objectives are
- Describe the nature of pharmacology, its scope, and
drug terminology.
- Discuss Pharmacokinetic principles.
- Discuss Pharmacodynamic principles.
- Discuss the development of modern receptor theory.
- Describe the principles of drug metabolism.
- Describe factors that influence the action of drugs
and variation in drug response.
- Describe critical aspects of Clinical Drug Trials.
The goal of the second year is to provide the opportunity to learn basic science in depth and to learn introductory aspects of clinical medicine.
The second year is organized around a series of organ system-based courses, each presented by a multidisciplinary team of faculty members. Within each course, normal physiology and histology of the system are presented in conjunction with the pathology of common diseases, and the medical and pharmacologic approaches to diagnosis and treatment. Each course uses a variety of formats, including case presentations, lectures, small group discussions, laboratory sessions, computer-aided instruction, and independent study.
In addition, other courses develop clinical skills and address the psychosocial aspects of medicine. In IDC 289, students are assigned to a clinic one-half day per week to reinforce History and Physical Examination skills learned in the first year. In the Psychological and Social Dimensions of Medical Practice I and II courses, students are exposed to interviewing skills, psychiatry, health policy, public health, cultural competency and behavioral science issues.
* Cardiovascular : The course is a 4 semester hour course in the second year medical school curriculum. It is a survey of normal and abnormal aspects of the cardiovascular system. After a discussion of normal structure and function of the cardiovascular system, the student will study the pathophysiology and pathology of the common disorders of the heart and vascular structures and work through a series of clinical cases gaining some experience in developing a differential diagnosis and management plan. The students will learn and apply the basics of electrocardiography and gain some experience in auscultation of the heart.
* Endocrine and Reproductive System : This is a five week course in the second year of the medical curriculum. The course contains didactic and interactive instruction in aspects of normal structure and function as well as diseases of the endocrine/reproductive systems. The course will cover the normal histology, embryology and function integrated with a consideration of endocrine/reproductive abnormalities and appropriate therapy for these conditions.
* Gastrointestinal System : A three week course in the second year of medical curriculum, the course contains didactic and interactive instruction in aspects of structure and function, as well as diseases of, the gastrointestinal system. The course begins with a study of embryology and then progresses, beginning in the oral cavity and advances distally through the gastrointestinal tract, combining the biomedical sciences and clinical content.
The course is a mixture of didactic instruction, clinical discussions, laboratory, small group discussions and a multidisciplinary conference. All reading assignments are meant to be preparatory for lectures and should be read before class.
* Hematology and Oncology : A 3-semester-hour course in the 2nd year medical curriculum consisting of a study of normal and abnormal aspects of the hematopoeitic system along with an introduction to the multisystem discipline of oncology. The course is designed to cover all the normal and abnormal aspects of the hematopoietic system including anatomy, physiology, pathology, and clinical disorders of blood cells, bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen and other lymphoid tissues. Also covered are other topics including hemostasis, thrombosis and transfusion medicine. Only an introduction of the discipline of oncology is included in this course.
* Infectious Disease : This is a very important unit. Worldwide, infections cause more morbidity and mortality than any other disease. Our goal is to help you become familiar with the pathogenesis, epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of many important infectious diseases. You will learn about others in subsequent M2 system courses and during your clinical rotations.
You may not be considering a career overseas. So why should you worry about “unusual” microbes that are acquired only outside the U.S.? Worldwide travel transports patients with exotic infections to our clinic doorstep. It is highly likely that you will need to recognize and deal with many of these diseases after (if not before) you graduate.
* Longitudinal Clinics : By attending and participating in the Longitudinal Clinics and performing a focused history, the student will:
- practice their history-taking and physical examination
skills. These skills include complete history and
physical and focused history and physical
examination in the office setting.
- develop an assessment and plan for each encounter,
including a problem list and differential diagnosis.
- record a log of their activities, including the events of
their clinic.
- participate in patient education in the clinical setting.
* Multi-System Processes : This 3 semester hour course integrates the basic science (physiology, histology, pathology, and pharmacology) and clinical aspects of normal and abnormal processes that involve several organ systems and do not fit into any one of the organ system courses.
* Muscular, Skeletal, Integument Systems : This is a two semester hour course in the second year of the medical curriculum containing didactic and interactive instruction in the normal functions and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The course will cover the normal histology, embryology and function of the system integrated with a consideration of musculoskeletal abnormalities and appropriate therapy for these conditions. The course will consist of didactic instruction, clinical discussion, small group discussions and a multidisciplinary conference. Reading assignments are meant as preparation for lectures and should be read before class. Specific reading assignments are given at the beginning of each lecture.
* Psychological Dimensions I : The course “Psychological and Social Dimensions of Medical Practice” presents a series of lectures, small group discussions, Problem-Based Learning cases, visitor panels, and other learning activities, the main theme of which is to prepare students for the clinical encounter with medical and psychiatric patients.
To accomplish this, the course adopts the goal of increasing student awareness of the emotional, behavioral, psychiatric, and communications aspects of the encounter on the part of both patient and physician. The course will also introduce students to behavioral and psychiatric medicine and techniques for patient management, and extend the interviewing skills students were introduced to in the first medical school year.
* Psychological Dimensions II : Course IDC 242, is the second part of “Psychological and Social Dimensions of Medical Practice.” The main objective of both courses is to prepare students for the clinical encounter with medical and psychiatric patients. This course follows a format similar to the first-semester course IDC 241, presenting a series of lectures, Problem-Based Learning case, and other learning activities. The Spring 2006 unit focuses more specifically on societal problems that increase the risk of disease and illness to some members of the population, whose marginal social position excludes them from many of the social goods of our society, and increases their risks for disease and death. Lectures on the health care system, on poverty and on social determinants of health and illness illuminate the phenomena of health disparities and social marginalization, which is the subject for the Capstone Social Marginalization Module during the first week of March.
* Renal and Urinary System : This is a three-semester hour course in the second year of the medical curriculum containing didactic and interactive instruction in the normal functions and diseases of the kidney and urinary bladder. In the first portion of the course, students will study normal renal structure and function, including embryological development of the kidney, renal histology and renal physiology. Building on these fundamentals, the second portion of the course will be devoted to discussion of diseases of the kidney, systemic diseases that affect the kidney and therapy for these conditions. The final portion of the course is devoted to structure, function, and diseases of the urinary bladder and urogenital tract. The course will be a mixture of didactic instruction, clinical discussions, laboratory, small group discussions and multidisciplinary conferences. All reading assignments are meant to be preparatory for lectures and should be read before class.
* Respiratory System : This is a three semester hour course in the second year medical curriculum consisting of a survey of normal and abnormal aspects of the respiratory system. After a discussion of the embryology, the normal structure and function of the upper and lower respiratory system, the student will study pathology and pathophysiology and the common disorders of the respiratory system. The students will study a series of clinical cases gaining some experience developing a differential diagnosis and management plan. The psychosocial impact of pulmonary disease will be discussed, as well as an introduction to environmental respiratory diseases.
The third year comprises the core clinical clerkships. Students are scheduled into one of six groups that rotate through clerkships in:
* Ambulatory Primary Care (8 weeks), an integrated clerkship that includes experiences in the departments of Family Medicine and Internal Medicine.
* Inpatient Medicine (8 weeks)
* Psychiatry (8 weeks)
* Surgery (8 weeks)
* Pediatrics (8 weeks)
* Obstetrics and Gynecology (8 Weeks)
Students must also satisfy the following additional requirements:
* attend all Junior orientation sessions
* attend the Dimensions of Clinical Medicine course, which covers various clinically important topics (i.e., evidence-based medicine, sexuality, cultural competence, professionalism, alternative medicine, clinical skills and medical ethics) and is presented immediately following each clerkship.
* be certified in Advanced Cardiac Life Support during Component III
* take the Junior Clinical Competency Examination. Those students who do not pass the Junior Clinical Competency Examination must take and pass Advanced Physical Diagnosis (IDC 480) in their senior year to satisfy this requirement and to be eligible to take the USMLE Step 2 CS.
* Ambulatory Primary Care Clerkship : During this eight-week clerkship, students will complete four weeks on the Internal Medicine Component and four weeks on the Family Medicine Component. Both Departments randomly place students with one of their urban (Omaha metro area) preceptors.
The Family Medicine Department works with students on placements when a Family Medicine rural site is requested. Also, those students wishing to work at both an urban and a rural Family Medicine site, can choose a rural Family Medicine physician to work with during the Family Medicine Component and will be placed with a Family Medicine urban preceptor during the Internal Medicine Component.
* Inpatient Medicine Clerkship : The primary focus of the clerkship is to increase your capacity to function as a caring, increasingly independent but supervised
clinician on an interdisciplinary team.
For the specific goals of your internal medicine clerkship, consult the material your clerkship director
has provided. Many clerkship directors use the national Clerkship Directors in Internal Medicine/Society of General Internal Medicine.
* Obstetrics and Gynecology Clerkship : The third year medical clerkship for Obstetrics and Gynecology is eight weeks long. A maximum of 20 medical students are assigned to OB/GYN. The group is split into two. Each group spends 4 weeks at Bergan Mercy Medical Center and 4 weeks at Creighton University Medical Center. In addition the group at Creighton is organized into two smaller groups. These groups spend two weeks focusing on gynecology and two weeks focusing on obstetrics. All of the students get a variety of experience in outpatient clinics, inpatient, and surgical patient care in both obstetrics and gynecology. The students also,attend rounds,Colposcopy Conference, Complicated OB Conference, take call, present two topics each, and attend lectures and Grand Rounds.
* Pediatrics Clerkship : The Inpatient Pediatric component will enhance third year student education by :
- developing self-directed learners
- enabling them to acquire a strong foundation in the
basic and clinical aspects of Pediatrics and in those
aspects of the humanities, social and behavioral
sciences that are relevant to Pediatric practice
- fostering the development of the skills necessary for
the competent practice of medicine, particularly as it
relates to children, throughout their professional
- helping them appreciate and understand the diverse
values that are brought by health care professionals,
children, families, and society to the practice of
- being flexible in meeting their individual needs using a
variety of learning strategies and formats.
* Psychiatry Clerkship : The Psychiatry Clerkship Required Writing Assignment combines the case presentation of one of your patients and an extended discussion of some aspect of the case that you believe is an important element in the dynamics of the case. We would recommend that a patient on an Inpatient Service would provide you with more time and contact from which to get to know the patient.
* Surgery Clerkship : To assure that students are well trained in the fundamentals of surgery, learning will
occur in a supportive yet challenging environment. Students will learn effective use of language, critical thinking skills and the importance of precise written and verbal communication. Through interaction with surgical faculty and residents, students will recognize the importance of compassionate care. Students will experience a thoughtful supportive learning environment that will provide the core knowledge and skills acquisition needed to care for surgical patients. Guidance in the use of current tools to gather, organize, and present data in the evaluation of patients with surgical diseases will enhance the students overall understanding of patient care. Emphasis on exposure to surgeons as individuals will offer an opportunity to further explore career options.
* Dimensions of Clinical Medicine course : The Dimensions of Clinical Medicine course, which covers various clinically important topics, is presented at the conclusion of each clerkship. Topics addressed in the current academic year include:
- Clinical Skills Day (Part of the M3 Orientation)
- Evidence-Based Medicine
- Human Sexuality
- Human Spirituality and End of Life Care
- Complementary and Alternative Medicine
- Cultural Proficiency and Awareness
- Professionalism
- Medical Ethics
- Legal Issues in Medical Practice
Having been exposed to the breadth of medicine in the third year, the fourth year prepares students for residency and provides a chance to explore their own interests in specialized areas of medical practice. In the fourth year, each student selects:
* one critical care selective from an approved list
* either one additional critical care selective or a primary care sub-internship
* one surgery selective from an approved list
* twenty-two elective weeks
Students must also satisfy the following additional requirements:
* take the two week Neurology Clerkship
* take Step 2CK and Step2CS of the USMLE. The score must be reported prior to graduation
* participate in the Senior Colloquium.
* Senior Colloquium : This is an interdisciplinary colloquium that occurs at the end of the M4 year. Medical- legal, ethical issues, and other current topics will be discussed in the context of actual current cases.
* Medical Informatics : Medical informatics in an interdisciplinary field based on computer science, information science, the cognitive and decision sciences, telecommunications, epidemiology, and
other fields.
* Advanced PDX : Senior students interested in additional training in physical diagnosis and those who
post a failure on the third-year OSCE will be required to participate in this course.
The course will be given once during the academic year. It will consist of didactics, simulated patient practice sessions, and actual clinic interviewing and physical examinations.
* Minority Health Disparities-Issues & Strategies : This course explores cultural diversity and health disparities globally and locally. Through a cultural self-assessment, students explore how their own culture influences
their worldview. Selected components of complex cultural environments that relate to health disparities will be analyzed. Students examine existing health disparities, systems and potential solutions. This course recognizes cultural competency as a basic requirement of any health care system and its constituents. Students will determine the importance of responding respectfully to and preserving the dignity of people of all cultures both within and outside of health and social systems.
* Introduction to Anesthesiology : This elective is designed to give the student a brief overview of the specialty of anesthesiology. Specific objectives will be realized by active participation in the clinical anesthetic management of patients, while working closely with staff anesthesiologists.
* Teaching Practicum in Medical Anatomy : The students in this course will participate as teaching assistants in Medical Gross Anatomy Laboratory.
* Rural Family Practice : is an elective that gives the student opportunities in rural Family Practice.
The Department of Family Medicine has a number of practitioners in western Iowa, Nebraska, and Wyoming who serve as preceptors.
* Occupational Medicine : The Department of Family Practice offers six electives for seniors interested in urban family practice, hospice, and rural family practice.
* Private Family Practice : Students electing to take FAP 464 are assigned to a specific family practitioner in the
Omaha metropolitan area who has been approved by the Department for senior electives.
The student follows all hospital patients of the individual physician and spends clinical time in the practitioner’s office.
* Justice in Health Care : This elective picks up on two recent trends. First, Catholic hospitals and other health
care facilities experience an increasing pressure on their identity as a result of market forces. What does it mean nowadays to be a Catholic health care facility? Particularly, what does it mean positively, for example, in terms of justice? Second, the Jesuit colleges and universities that educate the next generations of health care providers face a similar challenge: Is the education these students receive different from the education
students elsewhere receive and, if so, how does this difference relate to the identity of the Jesuit university.
* Foundation in Patient Safety : This course is designed to educate health professions students about the fundamental core knowledge of patient safety. Faculties representing various disciplines teach the content from a patient-centered focus within an inter-professional framework.
Concepts of safe systems will serve as an overarching principle to patient safety. By engaging in a series of modules complimented by case-based exercises, participants will learn the scope of the problem of patient safety, and acquire the skills to foster a culture of continuous learning and incorporation of patient safety best practices and improvements in their own individual professional practices. A two credit hour core is offered; with a three or four credit hour option for students who choose additional experiences. Three credit hours may be earned by a written in-depth evaluation of a contemporary issue; four credit hours may be earned by adding a field evaluation or exploration of the safety question with a written evaluative report.
* Microbial Laboratory Diagnosis : This course is designed to familiarize the student with the practical aspects of clinical microbiology. Emphasis will be placed on specimen selection, collection, and processing,
identification of microbial pathogens and antimicrobial susceptibility testing as an aid for the diagnosis of infectious diseases.
* Methods in Molecular Epidemiology : This course is an elective for those wishing laboratory oriented experience. The elective will be available Second Semester continuously. This course is a laboratory
oriented experience related to the use of molecular techniques in the epidemiology of infectious disease. This will include “hands-on” experience in plasmid isolation and identification methods involving both gram-positive and gram-negative clinical isolates and the use of plasmid and chromosomal “finger-print” analysis to establish epidemiological relationships.
* General Medicine Sub-Internship : The senior student will participate as a sub-intern in the care of hospitalized patients. Patients are assigned to the students on a rotational basis under the supervision of a supervisory resident and attending physician.
* Ambulatory General Internal Medicine : Senior Medical Students will participate in a General Internal Medicine Clinic in an outpatient setting in Wyoming. The goal of the rotation is to familiarize the student with the varied approaches of evaluating and treating patients in an outpatient setting.
* Pulmonary/Critical Care Methodist Hospital : The Pulmonary/Critical Care Medicine Selective for Senior Medical Students includes the expansion of knowledge gained as sophomore and junior students in the fundamentals of physical diagnosis and disease recognition, evaluation, and management.
* Renal Medicine : In this rotation, the student functions as a member of the nephrology team at CUMC.
Students are assigned patients on a rotational basis and follow their patients throughout their hospitalization under the direct supervision of the attending physician, supervisory resident, and first year resident.
* Dermatology : The student will learn to diagnose certain skin disorders, their underlying medical
conditions, and treatment/consultation methods. Course can be offered as a two-week Section A course as well.
* Emergency Medicine : In this rotation, the student will participate as a member of a team in the care of patients
presenting to the Emergency Department.
* Intensive Care Unit : The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Selective Rotation for Senior Medical Students includes
the expansion of knowledge gained as sophomore and junior students in the fundamentals of physical diagnosis and disease recognition, evaluation and management.
The Intensive Care Unit team provides care to critically ill patients with a broad spectrum of acute and chronic medical and surgical diseases and traumatic injuries.
These patients are seen by the intensivist team providing full and shared levels of care as requested by the admitting physician. The students are closely supervised in these activities by junior and senior medical residents, pulmonary and critical care fellows,
and pulmonary and critical care attending physicians. The Critical Care Unit model involves a multidisciplinary team approach in critical care delivery where the student will be an integral part of the team rounding with physicians, nurses, respiratory therapists, pharmacists, and others.
* Clinical Genetics : This elective program will be devoted primarily to genetic models using families with
a high frequency of different diseases (e.g. cancer, heart disease, and others). This will enable students to evaluate the risk factors involved and the mode of genetic transmission of these diseases. Seminars will be offered to students on this subject to explain
the genetic models that have been used in clinical medicine.
* Sub-Internship in Trauma/Critical Care : The student is expected to participate in teaching rounds and assist in the operating room for patients admitted to the general surgical trauma service. The student will function as a sub-intern and be expected to present cases during rounds as well as at trauma conferences. The student will also be expected to participate in research activities within the trauma division.
* Elective in General Surgery : This service involves participation in preoperative and postoperative care of the general surgical patient. Students are expected to round with attending physicians and make appropriate orders and notes on patient charts. Students should be thoroughly prepared by reading appropriate material for cases on which they scrub. In addition, students will observe surgical techniques and perform simple procedures. During the month, students will be expected to present a 30-minute topic of their choice in an
area of general surgery to the attending physicians. The student will act as a sub-intern during this month.
* Selective in General Surgery : This service involves participation in preoperative and postoperative care of the general surgical patient. Students are expected to round with attending physicians and make appropriate orders and notes on patient charts. Students should be thoroughly prepared by reading appropriate material for cases on which they scrub. In addition, students will observe surgical techniques and perform simple procedures. During the month, students will be expected to present a 30-minute topic of their choice in an area of general surgery to the attending physicians. The student will act as a sub-intern during this month.
![]() FIRST YEAR COURSES : * Structure and Development of the Human Body : This ten-week-long Core features a study of the structure and development of t... Address: 42nd and Emile |