Wayne State University (School of Medicine)
Founded in 1868, the Wayne State University School of Medicine it is the largest single-campus medical school in the nation with more than 1,000 medical students. In addition to undergraduate medical education, the school offers master’s degree, Ph.D. and M.D.-Ph.D. programs in 14 areas of basic science to about 400 students annually.
The School of Medicine’s mission is to provide first-rate medical education while leading the field through research and patient care. The school ranks 22nd in total research expenditures in health sciences with a research portfolio of about $137 million annually, according to the National Science Foundation. Its faculty is dedicated to the provision of the most advanced medical care, delivered by the nearly 700 members of the Wayne State University Physician Group.
Although the school’s faculty offer expertise in virtually all medical fields, the institution’s areas of research emphasis include cancer, women’s and children’s health, neuroscience and population studies. Research highlights in these areas include:
* WSU’s Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology ranks first in the country in terms of total funding from the National Institutes of Health. It is the home to the NIH Perinatology Research Branch, which is dedicated to improving the quality of maternal-fetal health nationwide. The department pioneered several innovative therapies in this field of medicine, including fetal surgery to treat birth defects in the womb, the first-ever successful in-utero bone-marrow transplant and Michigan’s first in vitro fertilization program.
* WSU is the academic affiliate of the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute, one of only 39 federally designated comprehensive cancer centers in the country. WSU researchers, in conjunction with Karmanos Cancer Institute, oversee more than 400 clinical trials, participate in a national program to collect and study cancer data for future research and provide about half of all national statistics on cancer in African Americans.
* The school has a major program of emphasis in the neurosciences, including neurology, neurotrauma, neuromuscular and degenerative diseases, vision sciences, neurobehavioral sciences and neuro-imaging. WSU is also home to the Ligon Research Center of Vision, one of the only centers in the world working on both retinal and cortical implants to restore sight and advance artificial vision, as well as the newly established and highly innovative Center for Spinal Cord Injury Recovery.
WSU’s School of Medicine is affiliated with the hospitals of the Detroit Medical Center, which include Children’s Hospital of Michigan, the Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan, Hutzel Women’s Hospital, Detroit Receiving Hospital, Harper University Hospital, Sinai Grace Hospital, Huron Valley Sinai Hospital and the Michigan Orthopedic Hospital. It maintains a research and education partnership with Henry Ford Health Center, in Detroit, and coordinates teaching experiences with 14 community hospitals through the Southeast Michigan Center for Medical Education.
The school’s ties to the community are strong. As the only medical school in Detroit, WSU has a stated mission to improve the overall health of the community. As part of this mission, the School has established with the help of a $6 million NIH grant the Center for Urban & African-American Health to seek new ways to redress health disparities by identifying preventive strategies and therapeutic approaches to chronic diseases that plague this population, namely obesity, cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Perhaps the most significant contribution the School provides to the community is care to area residents who are under- or uninsured. Along with the Detroit Medical Center, WSU faculty physicians provide an average of $150 million in uncompensated care annually.
WSU sponsors a number of community-service and health-awareness programs in southeastern Michigan, including mental-health screenings, Diabetes Day, the Community Health Child Immunization Project, the Detroit Cardiovascular Coalition and Brain Awareness Week. In addition to faculty-sponsored programs, WSU medical students are among the most active in the country for community outreach. The medical students, with supervision, regularly provide free medical care for homeless and unemployed patients at Detroit’s Cass Clinic. Student-sponsored outreach programs also include Senior Citizen Outreach Project, Adolescent Substance Abuse Prevention Program and Teen Pregnancy Education Program.
The mission of the Wayne State University School of Medicine is to provide the Michigan community with medical and biotechnical resources, in the form of scientific knowledge and trained professionals, so as to improve the overall health of the community.
As Detroit's only medical school, Wayne State University's School of Medicine is directly involved with health care delivery in the city through a partnership with The Detroit Medical Center. It is a collaboration that allows for shared services so that each facility can emphasize its own areas of excellence. Wayne State School of Medicine faculty hold key positions in Detroit Medical Center hospitals. The DMC has a combined total of over 2,400 licensed beds, making it one of the largest medical centers in the country. Each year the DMC hospitals log more than 87,000 admissions and nearly 900,000 outpatient visits. Providing this care are over 2,400 physicians, 900 residents and fellows, 1,000 medical students and 13,950 full time employees.
The Detroit Medical Center (DMC) is one of the largest multi-hospital complexes in the United States, The DMC's Central Campus is located over 110 acres in the north-central area of Detroit, between the John Lodge and Chrysler freeways and just south of the Ford freeway. The DMC also operates Grace Hospital in northwest Detroit and Huron Valley Hospital in Commerce Township, as well as four ambulatory health care centers in Detroit, Livonia, Novi and Southfield. All institutions are affiliated with Wayne State University's School of Medicine, School of Social Work, and School of Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions.
In additional to the DMC facilities, the school of Medicine is closely affiliated with the OHEP Center for Medical Education and a Veterans Administration hospital which is located adjacent to the DMC's Central Detroit Campus. The relationship with OHEP provides affiliation between the school and fourteen other major urban and suburban hospitals in the metropolitan Detroit area. In addition to programs for third and fourth year medical students, the agreement provides for a continuum of education through post-graduate training and professional practice.
The medical school also participates in nationally funded programs through the Karmanos Cancer Institute, one of 40 such centers comprising a network of cancer research and treatment.
WSU students represent more than 20 different cultures and ethnic backgrounds. With one of the most ethnically diverse student bodies, the WSU School of Medicine ranks seventh in the nation for the number of underrepresented minority graduates, according to the Association of American Medical Colleges.
The percentage of African-American residents and fellows in advanced training programs at WSU-affiliated hospitals is nearly three times the national average. Overall, WSU ranks seventh of the nation’s medical schools in the number of full-time faculty who are African American, according to the Association of American Medical Colleges.
Over the 16-year period from 1981-1996, Wayne State University has led the nation’s medical schools in graduating African-American medical students, exclusive of the traditional minority schools of Howard, Morehouse and Meharry Universities.
Wayne State University is the only public university in Detroit and one of the country's leading urban universities.
Approximately 33,000 students are enrolled at the University. Although students come to Wayne State from all parts of the country, the majority are Michigan residents.
With almost 5,000 courses offered each year, Wayne State provides one of the widest and most comprehensive ranges of academic programs among urban universities in the nation. A student may choose from among nearly 400 major subject areas. Graduate student offerings include 143 master's and 67 doctoral programs as well as degrees in medicine and law.
In addition to the School of Medicine, WSU is comprised of the College of Education, College of Fine, Performing and Communication Arts, the Law School, College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions, College of Engineering, College of Nursing, School of Social Work, School of Urban, Labor and Metropolitan Affairs, College of Lifelong Learning and The School of Business Administration. A department of mortuary science is also maintained by the University.
Both the University at large and the School of Medicine have a history that is rich in community involvement. As a federally designated Empowerment Zone, the city continues to offer opportunities for collaboration in many areas. The federal designation, for example, recently made possible the opening of a new primary care facility for the city's residents. The new Woodward Corridor Family Medical Center is the result of the tireless joint efforts between the School, The Detroit Medical Center and the Detroit Community Health Connection, Inc., and is another example of the School's commitment to improving the health of its community.
The School's medical students, too, reflect an exemplary commitment to the urban environment that makes Detroit special. A large number of students make community outreach a priority during their medical school experience and, by graduation, they have spent countless hours, days and weekends serving the needs of the city's youth, elderly, under-insured and non-insured populations. Wayne State medical students have a reputation as being among the most active in their community when compared to the nation's other medical schools.
School name:Wayne State UniversitySchool of Medicine
Address:540 East Canfield Avenue
Zip & city:MI 48201 Michigan
Address:540 East Canfield Avenue
Zip & city:MI 48201 Michigan
(1 vote)
School of Medicine Medical School Location
School of Medicine Courses
* GROSS ANATOMY : The purpose of Human Gross Anatomy in the medical curriculum is to enable the medical student to acquire knowledge of the normal structure and organization of the human body. This provides the student with a basis for understanding normal function and allows the student to acquire the skills for detection of abnormal structures.
This acquisition of anatomical knowledge is accomplished through a combination of lectures, small group presentations, radiological anatomy sessions and the experience of dissection of the entire human body. The use of radiological (X-rays), computed tomography (CT-scans), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasonographic (US), and cross-sectional images complements dissection in helping the student achieve and retain a three-dimensional image of anatomic structures and their relationships to each other. Clinical correlation lectures given by clinicians enhance the learning experience and demonstrate the relevance of anatomy to clinical practice.
The sequence of lectures and dissections follows the natural regional organization of the human body: Upper Limb and Back, Head and Neck, Thorax and Abdomen, Pelvis and Perineum, and Lower Limb.
* HISTOLOGY/EMBRYOLOGY : The overall goal of the Year 1 Histology/Cell Biology is to engage the medical student in learning the key concepts related to recognizing the normal appearance of human cells, tissues and organs as well as relating the structure and histological organization of the cells, tissues and organs to their functional role in the human body. The systematic application of this knowledge will be applied to pathological examples in Year II.
The overall goal of the Year 1 Embryology Course is to engage the medical student in learning the key concepts related to the development of human cells, tissues and organs.
* BIOCHEMISTRY : The two principal objectives of this course are to provide every student with a solid background in basic, medically relevant biochemistry, in preparation for his/her future medical training and the best possible preparation for the USMLE Step 1 Examination.
* PHYSIOLOGY : Physiology is a study of normal bodily functions. Many aspects of your study of physiology
require core knowledge of biochemistry and anatomy. To a large extent, your degree of
comprehension of physiology will be directly related to the ease with which you will subsequently
be able to fulfill your duties in the clinics. All of the knowledge presented in the physiology
curriculum is of fundamental importance for your understanding and dealings with pathological states.
* GENETICS : Human genetics is the study of biological variation in humans. Medical genetics is the study of human biological variation as it relates to health and disease. Human molecular genetics is at the center of one of the most rapidly advancing areas of scientific research with clinical applications in practically all areas of medicine. It will be essential for clinicians practicing medicine in the 21st century to have a working knowledge of the science of medical genetics.
* CLINICAL NUTRITION : At the end of the Clinical Nutrition course, students will:
1. Know terminology commonly used in clinical nutrition.
2. Understand how the nutrients in food are made available to the body through digestion, absorption and metabolism.
3. Identify the specific functions for each of the nutrients.
4. Apply the functional role of each nutrient to diseases involving inadequacies.
5. Determine the effects of taking excessive amounts of nutrients.
6. Know the mechanisms that protect us from some toxic substances naturally found in foods.
7. Understand the concept of functional foods.
8. Know the possible benefits and risks associated with the use of popular supplements.
* NEUROSCIENCES :The Neuroscience course provides a series of lectures and laboratories on the anatomical, physiological, biochemical and behavioral foundations of neuroscience upon which the student will build clinical knowledge and skills in pathology, neurology and psychiatry in subsequent years. There are two main objectives in the course: First, that the student comprehends the neurobiology of nervous tissue, and secondly understands the organization of the major centers and nerve pathways in the human central nervous system.
The Neuroscience course is divided into four subject areas: 1) Morphological/functional correlates of neuronal activity, 2) Sensory systems, 3) Motor and sensorimotor integrating systems and 4) Forebrain systems. For each area the student is expected to correlate specific neuroanatomical, neurophysiological and biochemical parameters in order to understand how a given system operates and how that system integrates with the rest of the central nervous system. To accomplish this goal it is necessary for the student to become proficient with certain concepts while mastering the details supported by those concepts. The first subject area includes the anatomical, functional and biochemical organization of the neuron. Using the single neuron as a model, the student relates basic anatomical and functional properties to more complex neural circuits concerned with sensory and motor processing. In the former case, the student determines how systems of related neurons maintain a constant flow of externally and internally derived information to higher neural centers. For the motor systems the student correlates the various supraspinal motor centers with specific somatic and visceral motor activity and sensory processing. The final subject heading, the forebrain system, introduces the student to areas of the brain dealing with mentation and instinctual behavior. The student is expected to know what types of intellectual and behavioral activities are most common in the normal individual and what types of neural integration can most likely explain these functions.Clinical material has been included in the course. This is accomplished by a series of lectures by clinical faculty, which will serve as an introduction to clinical neurology and neurosurgery, as well as to highlight some of the clinical aspects of neuroscience.
* CLINICAL MEDICINE I : Clinical Medicine (CM) 1 differs from most other courses taught in the first year because it is case-based and includes physician-led small group sessions. It is an interdisciplinary course and includes both University faculty and community-based physicians.
* IMMUNOLOGY/MICROBIOLOGY/INFECTIOUS DIS. : The Immunology/Microbiology/Infectious Disease Course seeks to provide students with an understanding of host-parasite relationships. This understanding will encompass the workings of the innate and acquired immune protective systems as well as the microorganisms with which the protective systems seek to cope. The course has two coordinated components, Immunology and Microbiology/Infectious Disease. The Microbiology/Infectious Disease component is presented using an organ-based approach to reflect the diagnostic strategy used by physicians. Basic science lectures in Microbiology are followed by Infectious Disease presentations by the clinical faculty. Case studies are presented in small group sessions in the MD labs. Wet labs cover topics in basic Immunology and diagnostic Microbiology. Students are also responsible for a series of computer tutorials available on the MD lab computers.
* CLINICAL MEDICINE II : Clinical Medicine II (CM II) occurs in the Year 2 curriculum and is a continuation of Clinical Medicine I in Year 1. It differs from most other courses taught during the first two years of medical school because it is case-based and a significant portion of the course takes place in small groups. It simulates the clinical learning environment in that it includes peer-based team learning facilitated by an experienced clinician. It is a collaborative course including the departments of Community Medicine, Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Pediatrics. It is taught by University faculty and community-based physicians. The purpose of Clinical Medicine is to introduce the student to the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed in clinical practice.
* PATHOBIOLOGY : The Pathobiology course is a formal introduction into the mechanisms and cellular consequences of human disease. The course draws heavily upon previously introduced concepts of gross anatomy, histology, microbiology, immunology, biochemistry, physiology and genetics. Familiarity with these areas is important since disease states are essentially presented as perturbations of normal biochemical, cellular and anatomical homeostasis.
* PHARMACOLOGY : Pharmacology, the study of the action of drugs on cells and organisms, is interdisciplinary in that it combines knowledge of the biochemical and molecular mechanisms of drug action with the anatomical distribution of drugs in the body and the physiologic (and sometimes pathologic) responses to the drugs. Upon successful completion of the medical pharmacology course, we expect that students will possess a therapeutics (the clinical application of drug use including appropriate doses) will be learned subsequently in the clinical training.
* PSYCHIATRY : This course on psychopathology builds upon concepts of normal growth and development taught in the first year. The course will focus on the recognition, assessment, and treatment of the common psychiatric disorders seen in adults and children. We will also discuss psychiatric nomenclature, the mental status examination, and DSM-IV. In addition, there will be lectures on common psychiatric problems seen in the general hospital setting, and the impact of medical illness and hospitalization on the patient. This course will prepare you for your clinical rotation in psychiatry in the third year. It will also provide a background in psychiatry for future work in any clinical area of medicine.
* PATHOPHYSIOLOGY COORDINATOR : The course is overseen by three co-directors, and divided into 10 units, with each unit delivered by 2 unit directors. Co-directors and unit directors consist of faculty from the departments of pathology, internal medicine, dermatology , and neurology. The units include pulmonary, cardiology, GI, renal. Rheumatology, dermatology, neurology, hematology, endocrinology, and integrative.
- Pathophysiology – Respiratory Unit : The overall objective of this unit is to provide the student with a conceptual framework for analyzing and understanding common chest diseases in terms of their causes (when known) and the derangements of function that result.
- Pathophysiology – Hematology Unit : The curriculum for the Hematology Section of Pathophysiology encompasses a wide spectrum of hematologic disorders, transfusion medicine and pharmacology as it relates to hematology. The overall philosophy for each section will be to include a brief review of the normal physiology/structure/function followed by a discussion of the pathogenesis/pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, laboratory features, diagnostic criteria, and differential diagnosis. Treatment will not be stressed, but will be included as it relates to the natural history, prognosis, or the understanding of the pathophysiologic disease process.
- Pathophysiology – Cardiovascular Unit : To understand and be able to describe the mechanisms by which altered anatomy, physiology and biochemistry result in diseases of the heart and vascular system.
- Pathophysiology – Renal/Urinary Tract Unit : The sophomore medical student integrated pathophysiology unit on the urinary tract is taught by faculty members from disciplines of Pathology and Nephrology. The aim and responsibility of the two unit co-leaders is planning the course to ensure: a logical progression of taught topics; the synchronization of lectures and seminars etc.; and the integration of the various principles of basic and clinical sciences in a patient-oriented problem-solving approach.
- Pathophysiology – Dermatology Unit : At the completion of the course students should be able to Understand the function and structure of the skin, Understand basic concepts and terminology in dermatology, Classify skin lesions based on morphology.
- Pathophysiology – Endocrine Unit : The WSUYr II endocrine pathophysiology unit is taught by faculty members from the Division of Clinical Endocrinology, Department of Internal Medicine and the Department of Pathology. The specific aim of the unit’s co-leaders, Drs. Nandalal Bagchi of Clinical Endocrinology and Faisal Qureshi of Pathology is to plan the contents and sequence of the materials so that the unit is more cohesive and the materials understandable. The common disorders affecting the endocrine system will be highlighted through didactic lectures. Where pertinent, the clinical and pathologic lectures will be supplemented by pharmacology lectures, to provide a more comprehensive and integrative approach. In addition there will be three MD laboratory sessions, which will involve clinical problem-solving sessions with a focus on the more common clinical problems. These small group sessions will allow close interaction of members of the Clinical Endocrinology faculty and students.
- Pathophysiology – Neurology : The Pathophysiology Unit: Neuroscience builds on the elements of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology presented in the Year 1 Neurosciences course to provide an introduction to the pathologic and pathophysiologic basis of diseases of the nervous system. These include diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, muscle, neuromuscular junction, and organs of special sensation. The course emphasizes the principles of neuroanatomic localization of lesions in the nervous system as a basis for understanding the use of the neurologic examination and includes basic principles of neuroradiology in clinical diagnosis to prepare for the Year III/IV clinical rotations in Neurology.
The Clinical Science curriculum includes eight required courses comprising eleven months during the third year, and three required courses during the fourth year.
Third year required courses:
* Pediatrics
* Internal Medicine
* Surgery
* Obstetrics and Gynecology
* Neurology
* Psychiatry
* Family Medicine
* Continuity of Care Clerkship
Fourth year required courses:
* Emergency Medicine
* Inpatient Medicine (adult or pediatric)
* Outpatient Medicine (adult or pediatric)
The other required courses during the Clinical Science curriculum include a minimum of six electives, typically taken as one elective in the third year and five electives in the fourth year. Kenneth A. Ginsburg, MD, Assistant Dean for Clinical Education, supervises this portion of the curriculum. For more information regarding the Clinical curriculum, follow this link.
Midway through the third year, students typically being to choose an advisor and focus on postgraduate (Residency) training. The residency application process begins in the summer of the fourth year, with interviews for most specialties in the fall and early winter. Match lists for the National Residency Matching Program are due in February of your senior year, with results announced in mid-March. Senior students are required to take the United States Medical Licensing Examination Step 2 before graduation, and beginning with the Class of 2005, passage of this examination will be a requirement for graduation.
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