Michigan State University (College of Human Medicine)
The College of Human Medicine (CHM) has a national reputation for its history of innovation and excellence in medical student education. Founded in 1964, CHM was the first community-integrated medical school, with a curriculum that emphasized a patient-centered philosophy and a biopsychosocial approach to caring for patients. More than 3,100 M.D. graduates of the College have experienced a unique combination of basic science education on the campus of a large, land-grant University, and clinical education in one of six campuses located across the state of Michigan. More than 200 paid and 3200 volunteer faculty are committed to teaching core institutional values that mark CHM graduates as unique and exemplary: respect of and care for patients, commitment to community, and the incorporation of psychological, social, and spiritual elements into care delivery.
The mission of the College of Human Medicine at Michigan State University is to educate and develop exemplary physicians, create and disseminate new knowledge, and provide service to the people of the State through education, research, clinical and outreach programs which are:
* Integrated with and responsive to communities, and their systems of health care;
* Focused on meeting the primary health care needs of patients, families and communities;
* Considerate of the dignity, diversity, needs and values of individual patients; and
* Responsive to the unmet needs of medically underserved populations.
The College of Human Medicine (CHM) at Michigan State University has a significant impact on Michigan's population. With its unique community campus-based structure, CHM doctors and medical students are positioned in six communities (Lansing, Grand Rapids, Flint, Kalamazoo, Saginaw and the Upper Peninsula) throughout the state, serving some of Michigan's most underserved and vulnerable residents.
CHM is home to one of only four national Breast Cancer and the Environment Research Centers and collaborates with McLaren Health System to direct the Great Lakes Cancer Institute. CHM also administers the nation's only international research training program in the prevention of drug abuse, the nation's only program project grant in neurohumoral control of veins in hypertension, the nation's only training grant in perinatal epidemiology and the nation's largest ongoing epidemiological study of the bio-psycho-social origins of preterm delivery.
The goals of the medical education program at CHM are to educate students who will serve the health care needs of people in the state of Michigan, including in rural and inner-city areas; who will be caring, compassionate, and humane in their care of patients; who will respect human differences; and who will commit to ethical practices and lifelong learning. CHM is nationally known for its educational innovation.
CHM is a community-based medical school which means clinical practice, undergraduate and graduate medical education, and research takes place across six campuses through affiliations with local hospitals, physicians, and other health care providers. Our campuses are located in Flint, Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids, Saginaw, Marquette, and East Lansing. Each campus has a Community Dean overseeing medical education. In addition, they all have their own Research Director and infrastructure through which research is conducted independent of CHM as well as with CHM units and investigators. Each is a vital component of the unified CHM research system.
The College of Human Medicine (CHM) has six community-hospital campuses across Michigan where students serve their Block III (years 3 and 4) medical clerkships. An important component of CHM’s mission is serving the needs of Michigan’s people. By integrating CHM students with the state’s communities, CHM allows for significant, meaningful patient contact that best prepares students by exposing them to real world situations where they can make a difference. Community integration allows CHM students to make the maximum positive impact on the health of Michigan’s population.
CHM has community campuses in Lansing, Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids, Saginaw, Flint and the Upper Peninsula. Each of the six clinical campuses is comprised of full-time, part-time, and volunteer faculty in all clinical disciplines, along with an administrative team lead by the community assistant dean in each campus. Each campus connects students to an array of health care resources in the community: hospitals, clinics, physicians’ offices and many other health care settings. In this way, CHM exposes all students to clinical settings that are rich with opportunities for learning, hands-on experience, and engaging in actual medical practice.
In the first two years, students spend most of their time in the Life Science Building and Clinical Center complex located in the southeast corner of the beautiful and spacious campus of Michigan State University in East Lansing. This complex includes the Robert Echt Computer Laboratory and Learning Resource Center (Learning Center), the study and classroom areas, the lecture facilities, the MSU Science Library satellite, and the Clinical Skills teaching area. Lectures are held in two computer-equipped auditoriums (one equipped with distance learning technology), and a new "high technology" conference facility featuring an audience response system.
In fall 1999, the computer lab and the Learning Center relocated to a spacious and newly renovated first-floor location in the MSU Clinical Center, designed as the Echt Center, and contains an expanded 45-station student computer facility along with six multi-media carrels and traditional print resources.
CHM medical students make good use of the CHM Student Learning Center along with state-of-the-art small group classrooms which are available to CHM students 24 hours per day in the nearby Radiology Building.
The Clinical Skills Teaching Area (CSTA) is a 20-room module in the Clinical Center in which students practice interviewing and examination skills prior to working with actual patients in the nearby clinical facilities of the Greater Lansing area. The new CSTA is equipped to facilitate the multiple performance assessment events taken by all CHM students.
Address:A110 East Fee Hall
Zip & city:MI 48824-1316 Michigan
College of Human Medicine Medical School Location
College of Human Medicine Courses
BLOCK I - YEAR I Block I comprises the first year of medical school and is divided into three semesters of 15, 15, and 7 weeks, respectively. The courses include experiences in the biological and behavioral sciences, basic clinical sciences, clinical correlations, and mentor groups. The biological science courses (gross anatomy, biochemistry, molecular biology & genetics, cell biology & physiology, pathology, neuroscience, immunology/microbiology, pharmacology, and radiology) present fundamental concepts that will be built upon during Block II. These courses are taught jointly to students in the Colleges of Human Medicine and Osteopathic Medicine; all other courses in Block I are taught only to students in CHM. The instruction is discipline-based and conducted in large-class and laboratory modes. COURSES : * Behavioral science course - Human Development and Behavior : Is taken during the third semester. This course presents basic concepts in human development across the age spectrum. The course is conducted using both large-group lectures and small group discussions as well as field experiences coordinated with the Clinical Skills course. In Block II, more advanced behavior/social science concepts are integrated into the small-group, problem-based learning exercises along with more advanced biological concepts. * Integrative Clinical Correlations (ICC) : Is focused around a series of clinically oriented cases. Each case integrates basic or biological science content from the courses being studied that semester, thus demonstrating how the concepts apply to clinical practice. The ICC cases are conducted jointly by a basic science faculty member and a clinician, usually with a patient present, in a large-group setting. * Basic clinical sciences : Are taught in a series of Clinical Skills courses spanning Blocks I and II. Students learn the dynamics of the doctor-patient relationship, how to interview patients, and how to conduct physical examinations. Students begin interacting with patients during the first semester of the Clinical Skills courses. The courses are conducted with a combination of large-group lectures and small group activities. * The Mentor Group course : Provides all students with an experience intended to facilitate students' socialization to the medical profession. This is accomplished through small group discussions with students and a physician mentor, prompted by observations of the physician mentor with patients and through selected readings. The College offers an Extended Curricular Program for students who elect to take Blocks I and II over three years rather than two. Students choosing to extend at the beginning of Block I typically select a blended option that aims to balance the Block I and Block II requirements across three years. Students electing to extend at a later date will have a program customized to their individual curricular needs. In addition to course directors and faculty participants, personnel directly related to the Block I program include a director, secretary, curriculum assistant, and academic support coordinator. The Clinical Skills Program begins in fall semester of Block 1 with the Physician-Patient Relationship course. Students examine the patient-physician relationship from many perspectives as they read short stories, poems, and essays, and discuss them in small group sessions. Later in the first semester, students move on to interactional skills as they learn basic interviewing skills. They practice with simulated patients and review these interviews in small groups with experienced preceptors. Physical examination skills are introduced in the spring semester; once again, students work in small groups with experienced instructors as they practice physical examination skills on classmates. In addition to practicing on classmates, students interview and examine hospitalized patients under the supervision of a clinician. In summer semester, the focus shifts to special area skills as they learn to examine a newborn and a young child, to interview an adolescent and an elderly person, and to conduct an interview about a sexual concern. The format for the course in all three semesters is one of large group experiences (lectures) followed by hands-on experiences and small group discussions with faculty preceptors. BLOCK 2 - YEAR 2 Block II emphasizes the application of basic biological and behavioral sciences to the understanding of human disease. Having studied the characteristics of normal function in their first year, Block II students build upon this foundation as they learn how a person malfunctions and adapts in the presence of disease. For example, the students learn how pathology alters normal physiology. As the students are studying the mechanisms and characteristics of human disease, they are also learning the related clinical skills of physical diagnosis and the ways in which individuals and society cope with illness and its outcomes. Throughout the year, students gain skills for independent study and group learning. For example, fewer lectures are presented in Block II than in Block I, and students rely more on textbooks, journal articles, computer-aided instruction, and Web resources to supplement and reinforce their learning. Students master the skills of group learning and group problem solving as they work six to eight hours each week in small groups with a faculty member acting either as a teacher or a facilitator of group process. Block II courses help organize the students’ learning. COURSES : * Problem-based learning (PBL) : Stems from the principle that learning occurs best when it is aimed at solving a problem. In Block II, students working in small groups are given a paper case describing a person with an illness. This case is the "problem" and the group’s goal is to explain what is causing the patient’s symptoms. Following their initial review and discussion of the person and her or his symptoms, the students determine what topics they need to study in greater depth to fully understand what is happening to the patient. The students then study independently and later reconvene to discuss what they have learned and how it applies to the current patient. Their discussion of the case can now proceed with greater understanding. During Block II, students learn all of their advanced behavioral and basic science using the PBL format. The PBL cases each include content from several different disciplines which the students learn to integrate and apply as their depth of understanding increases. In addition, PBL is based on more independent, integrated, and case-based learning, and is more dependent on the small group activity than is Block I. All of this makes PBL a new and challenging learning experience for students–one that is exciting and rewarding. * The Social Context of Clinical Decisions : Is a modular course that extends over two semesters and is based mostly in small group discussions. It is based on the premise that there are powerful social forces (economic, technological, political, organizational, managerial) that shape the practice of medicine and, sometimes, threaten the moral integrity of physicians, such as pressures for cost containment. The primary goal of the course is to provide students with the intellectual knowledge (medical ethics, health care economics and politics, the structure of managed care, epidemiology) needed to understand those social forces so that they can work with their medical peers in the future to shape social policies that are more just and caring, and health care delivery systems that are more supportive of virtuous, patient-centered medical practice. * The Clinical Skills Program : Continues throughout both semesters of Block 2. Students acquire more advanced skills in all arenas as they build on the basic skills they acquired in Block 1. They work on advanced interviewing skills through encounters with hospitalized patients, individuals with specific diseases, and simulated patients. Advanced physical examination skills are also taught as students learn to examine in-depth the cardiovascular, pulmonary, musculoskeletal, and neurologic systems as well as to perform examinations of the breast, pelvis, and male genitalia. Students practice writing complete histories and physicals as well as focused progress notes as they master the skills necessary to document their findings in an appropriate format. Most significantly, greater integration of skills is expected as students progress through the program. Experiences in the Clinical Skills Program are scheduled to coincide with units in the basic sciences to facilitate the integration of skills with basic science knowledge. The format for the course includes lectures and "laboratory" experiences. The laboratory experiences are primarily clinical encounters in hospital settings, nursing homes, or on campus. * Humanities in Medicine : Is an 8-hour small group seminar course that allows medical students to reflect on medical issues from the standpoint of the humanities. Students are given the choice of one of three areas: spirituality and health, literature and medicine, or history of medicine. Students meet in groups to discuss assigned readings and complete two essay assignments. BLOCK III - ELECTIVE CLERKSHIPS A chart of MSU-CHM Elective Clerkships follows, indicating those community campuses, that offer each elective. Following the charts are brief clerkships descriptions arranged by clinical department. More detailed descriptions may be available from each community campus. Each elective assumes that visiting students will have: Met prerequisites by completing his or her own school's required clerkship in the elective discipline being requested. Any additional prerequisites will be clarified when the elective is scheduled. Attained senior status prior to enrollment. Third-year students may apply if prerequisites have been completed but preference will be given to senior applicants. BLOCK III - YEARS III & IV Block III, which extends through years three and four of the medical curriculum, comprises weeks of required and elective clerkships; required clerkships span 56 weeks, while elective clerkships span 20 weeks. Students are required to attend a week-long orientation scheduled in each community prior to the commencement of clerkships. Clerkships are physician-supervised learning experiences in which students work with patients at clinical health care sites. The required clerkships in family practice, internal medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, surgery, and psychiatry involve both hospital-based and ambulatory care sites, including geriatric centers, physicians' offices, out-patient clinics, and patients' homes. Advanced clerkships in internal medicine and surgery follow the specialty clerkships. Concurrent with the clerkships, all students are required to participate in the Core Competency experience that provides students with structured learning seminars on core, interdisciplinary topics important to the care and health management of patients. These topics include medical ethics, professionalism, analysis of the medical literature, managed care, palliative care, and minority health care. All required Block III clerkships are completed away from the East Lansing Campus at one of the six community-based program sites. Students are assigned to a community at which they commence their clinical studies during the summer of their third year. Located throughout Michigan, the six community campuses are Flint , Grand Rapids , Kalamazoo , Lansing , Saginaw , and the Upper Peninsula. As a community-based medical school, the College of Human Medicine is uniquely positioned to provide students with comprehensive training in clinical settings that most closely parallel the environment in which many physicians practice. Each community program is aligned with area hospitals and outpatient facilities that join Michigan State University in creating a rich educational environment for students. All community programs offer electives in both specialty and subspecialty areas. Research opportunities are also available. At the conclusion of the required clerkships, students take elective clerkships that can include advanced elective experiences; international elective clerkships, such as studying comparative medicine in third world countries; and elective options that provide students with opportunities to explore career choices more fully. Electives offered at any of the six community campuses are available to all College of Human Medicine students.
The Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine offers a friendly, informal atmosphere at three sites: in East Lansing on a Big 10 ... |