Louisiana State University (College of Medicine)
The Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center at Shreveport is an integral part of the Louisiana State University System that is composed of public higher education and health care entities throughout the state. As articulated in its mission statement, located elsewhere in this publication, the mission of the LSU Health Sciences Center at Shreveport encompasses delivery of healthcare services, healthcare education, biomedical research and community outreach. Each of its three professional schools and two hospitals combine these four integrated mission themes in service to the citizens of Louisiana. Approximately 70 percent of the physicians and other healthcare professionals in practice in the region were educated
or trained at the LSU Health Sciences Center in Shreveport.
The primary mission of Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center at Shreveport (LSUHSC-S) is to provide education, patient care services, research, and community outreach. LSUHSC-S encompasses the School of Medicine at Shreveport, the School of Graduate Studies in Shreveport, the School of Allied Health Professions at Shreveport, the LSU Hospital and E.A. Conway Medical Center in Monroe. In implementing its mission, LSUHSC-S is committed to:
• Educating physicians, basic scientists, residents, fellows and allied health professionals based on state-of-the-art curricula, methods, and facilities, preparing students for careers in health care service, teaching or research.
• Providing state-of-the-art clinical care, including a range of tertiary special services, to an
enlarging and diverse regional base of patients.
• Achieving distinction and international recognition for basic science and clinical research
programs that contribute to the body of knowledge and practice in science and medicine.
• Supporting the region and the State in economic growth and prosperity by utilizing research and knowledge to engage in productive partnerships with the private sector.
The Louisiana State University Hospital in Shreveport was created by the Louisiana Legislature in 1976 when it authorized the merger of the Confederate Memorial Medical Center, a 100 year old state charity hospital, into the LSU System and the Medical Center. The merger of the hospital was effected October 1, 1976, as specified by Act 385 of the 1976 legislative session. Following the merger, the Act further directed that “...the Board of Supervisors of the Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College shall establish such procedures and policies as shall be necessary to effectively use Confederate Memorial Medical Center at Shreveport as a teaching institution without impairment of the functions for which this institution was created.”
The change in philosophy from a state charity hospital to a university teaching hospital was reflected in the subsequent change in name from Confederate Memorial Medical Center to Louisiana State University Hospital Shreveport on July 28, 1978. Since the mid-1970s the University Hospital has continued to undergo major renovation and expansion of physical facilities. A new Ambulatory Care Building will provide expanded clinic areas to care for the more than 443,000 outpatient visits each year.
Full-time members of the faculty have the same academic status as members of the faculty of other institutions of The LSU System.
The four faculty academic levels are, in the ascending order of their rank: Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor.
Full-time academic personnel of the Health Sciences Center whose primary role is related to a clinical setting but who do not hold tenure at the rank indicated are designated by the word “Clinical” following their academic rank.
Full-time academic personnel of the Health Sciences Center whose primary role is related to a research setting but who do not hold tenure at the rank indicated are designated by the word “Research” following their academic rank.
The Faculty Senate of the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center serves as a representative voice of the faculty. The Senate consists of faculty elected representatives from the School of Medicine, School of Graduate Studies and School of Allied Health. The Senate provides a means of communication between the faculty and the Chancellor and a means whereby the administration, through the Chancellor, may refer matters of common faculty interest to a body representing the faculty. The Senate also provides a means whereby the faculty can offer suggestions or recommendations to the Chancellor pertaining to matters of common faculty interest. The Senate may hear, consider, and advise the Chancellor on any matter of faculty interest. The Senate accepts and shares responsibility with administration and students in all efforts to improve the stature and to accomplish the mission of the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center.
The LSU Health Sciences Library in Shreveport serves as a principal information resource for the School of Medicine, the University Hospital, the School of Graduate Studies, and the School of Allied Health Professions. The library occupies 39,000 square feet over three floors, with seating for 269 users at tables, carrels, and in study rooms. The library also houses five small-group teaching rooms, five photocopiers, a scanner, and a fax machine. The library has two state-of-the-art computer labs. One has twenty-eight Windows XP computers, two network printers and a projection system for teaching. The other lab has twelve workstations with Windows XP, a projection system for teaching, and teleconferencing capability. Wireless access to the campus network using the 802.11b protocol is also available throughout the library’s three floors.
The library provides a variety of information services including answering basic reference questions, providing assistance in online searching, mediated searching of online databases, e-mail and web-based reference service, and user education. Interlibrary loan requests are placed electronically through the ILLiad system. Networked access is available to 52 databases. The library’s collection includes over 190,000 print volumes (books and bound journal volumes), 235 electronic books, and over 2100 print and electronic journals. The Library also has an extensive audiovisual collection that includes audiotapes, videotapes, slides and X-rays. The Library is open 101.5 hours per week.
The library has an active teaching program. Library faculty teach classes on information retrieval and knowledge management within the medical and allied health curriucula. In addition, library faculty conducts classes, seminars and training sessions for the Schools of Medicine and Allied Health Professions as well as the School of Graduate Studies.
In summary, the LSU Health Sciences Library in Shreveport provides LSUHSC-Shreveport students, faculty and staff with critically important information required for research, patient care, and teaching.
The most important objective of the School is to guide students through their professional Education so that upon graduation they will be competent, ethical physicians, motivated toward and capable of providing health care of high quality to individuals and families, and of initiating and participating in effective programs in community health. It is expected that they will be compassionate toward their patients, primarily person oriented, secondarily disease oriented, and concerned as citizens in community problems, which do not necessarily pertain directly to health.
The program of instruction, student experience, and the example of faculty members in classrooms, laboratories, patient care clinics, and hospitals is intended to foster the attitudes and develop the competence referred to above. It is expected that many of the graduates will select family practice or other primary care specialties, but that those who elect other fields of practice will retain and enhance their concern for the patient as a person, the patient’s family, and the well being of the community.
It is realized that all students must learn the fundamentals of the sciences basic to medicine, but that from the beginning, application of these sciences to clinical medicine should be introduced. Basic sciences taught in isolation may become onerous and uninspiring. Early contact with patients is of great inspirational value. Abrupt transition from study of the basic sciences to the clinical responsibilities of the later years in School retards development of clinical acumen and professional skills.
School name:Louisiana State UniversityCollege of Medicine
Address:1501 Kings Highway
Zip & city:LA 71130-3932 Louisiana
Address:1501 Kings Highway
Zip & city:LA 71130-3932 Louisiana
( vote)
College of Medicine Medical School Location
College of Medicine Courses
Basic and clinical science faculties offer students in each of the four years the opportunity of participation in specific research projects. Such endeavors may be selected as extracurricular electives in the appropriate academic year.
Each student is required to take the Step 1 of the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) within a period of time as specified by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs after satisfactorily completing the second year of medical school. If a student fails the first attempt at the Step 1, he/she may enroll in Special Topics or take a leave of absence, in order to prepare for the second attempt at the USMLE Step 1. If a student fails the second attempt at Step 1, he/she must either enroll in Special Topics or may take a leave of absence, in order to prepare for the third attempt at the USMLE Step 1 at a time to be specified by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, to occur near the end of the current academic year. Students who have failed the USMLE Step 1 examination three times will be dismissed from the School of Medicine.
The curricula of the third and fourth years consist largely of supervised experience in patient care, with emphasis on the development of clinical skills. All departments emphasize application of the principles of comprehensive care. Forty percent of the fourth year curriculum is elective, and opportunities are offered for extramural and intramural elective work in all clinical specialties, basic sciences, and in research. Each student must sit for the USMLE Step 2 in his/her fourth year, although successful completion is not required for graduation.
* Introduction to Medical School : This three-part course is held over a six day period at the beginning of the first year. Students complete course work in computer-aided learning, how to use the medical library, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Computer-aided learning involves learning how to use educational software and how to maintain a laptop computer. Librarians show students how to select, access, and use library resources; students learn how to build a search strategy, define search with Boolean and other operators; students learn to evaluate the quality and accuracy of information and how to use the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Reference Styles. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation includes lectures and practical exercises using manikins.
* Core Concepts in the Basic Sciences : Module I is an integrated presentation of core elements of the basic science foundation needed for medical education. There are four courses in Module I covering all of the disciplines of pre-clinical medical education. In order to emphasize the interdependence of the different disciplines, these four courses run concurrently and, whenever possible, related topics in different courses are presented in the same week. Whereas courses in Module II concentrate on specific organ systems, those of Module I deal with core concepts of the basic sciences (biochemistry, anatomy, molecular biology, genetics, cell biology, embryology, pharmacology, pathology, immunology) that are common to all organ systems.
* Interdisciplinary Course One : Physiological Chemistry, Medical Genetics, and Developmental Biology. This course presents the core elements of biochemistry, molecular biology, human genetics, embryology, and developmental biology in lectures, small-group case discussions, clinical correlations, and other teaching modalities. Clinical relevance is stressed as well as self-directed and problem-based learning in small groups mentored by basic sciences and clinical faculty.
* Interdisciplinary Course Two : Cellular Structure & Function: Physiological & Pharmacological Processes. Course 2 presents basic concepts of cellular and subcellular structure and function, biological membranes, cell physiology, the cell cycle, signal transduction and pharmacologic processes. The course includes two histology laboratories plus self-directed, problem-based small-group learning.
* Interdisciplinary 103 Course Three : Three-dimensional Organization of the Human Body. Module I, Course 3: Three-dimensional Organization of the Human Body. 15 lecture hours and 36 laboratory hours, Course Director, Leonard Seelig, PhD., Department of Cellular Biology and Anatomy. Course 3 provides an overview of the human anatomy of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis as well as the genital, urinary, and nervous systems. Functional, radiographic, and clinical aspects of anatomy are studies using visual aids, lectures, and laboratory. The course stresses an understanding of the basic structure and three-dimensional organization of the body. Students, in groups of four, complete regional dissections of an embalmed adult.
* Interdisciplinary 104 Course Four : Mechanisms of Disease and Host Defenses. Course 4 is designed to present basic concepts of normal tissue morphology, mechanisms of cellular damage, and tissue responses to injury, focusing on neoplastic transformation, oncogenesis, and treatment of cancer as a model of the disease process. Course 4 will also give a basic background to acquired and innate immune responses, and the interaction between these two elements. The course consists of a series of lectures, small-group case discussions, clinical corrections, four history laboratories, and other assigned exercises.
* Interdisciplinary 105 Module III : Students are introduced to aspects of the relationship of physicians to patients. Topics include professionalism, humanism/empathy, stress management, family systems and disease prevention, problems of aging, cultural diversity, growth development, and epidemiology. Physician-patient communication is taught in small groups and in simulated doctor-patient medical history interviews and examinations.
* Interdisciplinary 106 Module III : Students are introduced to aspects of the relationship of physicians to patients. Topics include professionalism, humanism/empathy, stress management, family systems and disease prevention, problems of aging, cultural diversity, growth development, and epidemiology. Physician-patient communication is taught in small groups and in simulated doctor-patient medical history interviews and examinations.
* Module II Organ-based Concepts in Medicine, Module II is a series of consecutive courses based on specific major organ systems of the body. The basic anatomy, biochemistry, histology, physiology, microbiology, pharmacology and pathophysiology unique to each organ system is covered, along with introductory clinical and laboratory medicine relating to the organ system.
* Interdisciplinary 107 Musculoskeletal : This course provides a in-depth examination of the musculoskeletal system, correlating basic and clinical sciences and includes the diagnosis and treatment of disease in this system. An integrated curriculum includes Anatomy, Embryology, Histology, Pathology, Pharmacology, Physiology, Radiology, Rheumatology and Orthopedic surgery. Regions examined include the back, upper extremity, and lower extremity.
* Interdisciplinary 108 Neurosciences : Course provides a in-depth examination of the human nervous system and the head and neck region including the diagnosis and treatment of disease in these areas. Integrated curriculum includes Head and Neck anatomy, Neuroanatomy, Neuropathology, Neurophysiology, Neuroembryology, Neuroradiology, Neuropharma-cology, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Ophthamology; Otolaryngology, and Psychiatry.
* Interdisciplinary 110 Microbiology and Infectious Diseases : Basic and medical aspects of antibiotics, microbial genetics, bacteriology, mycology, parasitology, and virology are taught in lectures and by use of clinical case correlations, small group discussions, and computer assisted instruction. Student evaluations are based on several written examinations, presentation of laboratory findings, participation in small group sessions that address both basic information and clinical cases, a comprehensive oral examination, and a comprehensive final examination prepared by the National Board of Medical examiners.
* Interdisciplinary 111 Blood & Lymph and Neoplasia : Basic concepts in hematology and the lymphoid system, with emphasis on neoplastic disorders, are presented. Biochemical, histologic, and pathophysiologic aspects of the hematopoietic and lymphatic systems are covered. Basic diagnosis and epidemiology of the more common cancers and their treatments are presented. The format is lectures, histology labs and web-based case studies for self-directed learning.
* Interdisciplinary 112 Cardiovascular : This course addresses the cardiovascular system in health and disease. The course includes anatomy, histology, physiology, pharmacology, pathology, cardiology, and surgical aspects of the circulatory system. Gross anatomy and histology labs, small group learning sessions, and case presentations are used.
* Interdisciplinary 113 Respiratory : This course addresses the respiratory system in health and disease. The course covers the anatomical, histological, pulmonary, medical, physiological, pharmacological, pathological, radiological, and surgical aspects of the respiratory system. Gross and histology labs, small group learning sessions, and case presentations are also included.
* Interdisciplinary 114 GI/Liver : This course presents basic concepts in gastrointestinal (GI) and liver anatomy, physiology and pathology. In addition, the course familiarizes the students with the major GI/liver diseases and presents the various pharmacological interventions used to treat these diseases. This course is composed of lectures, laboratories and self-directed study.
* Interdisciplinary 115 Renal/Nephrology : This five week course offers an integrative curriculum covering renal/male genitourinary system structure-function relationships. Emphasis is placed on the molecular, cellular, and organ basis of normal function followed in turn by the study of pathophysiological and pathological processes leading to dysfunction. In addition to the vertical integration of functional systems, emphasis will also be placed on longitudinal analysis of renal/male genitourinary function and dysfunction in the context of sociological/psychological factors impacting in disease treatment/prevention.
* Interdisciplinary 116 Endocrine / Reproduction Genitourinary : This course integrates an introduction to the physiology and diseases of the endocrine system, female reproductive systems, the breast, and the female genitourinary system. Topics covered within endocrinology will include hypothalamic-pituitary regulation of the thyroid, adrenal glands, and gonads; growth hormone and its disorders; obesity; thyroid function and diseases; adrenal function and diseases; the function of the endocrine pancreas and diabetes; parathyroid function, calcium metabolism, and calcium disorders; and the histology and pathology of the pituitary, thyroid, adrenals, and endocrine pancreas. Topics covered within the reproductive system will include: normal reproductive function; female reproductive pathology; infertility, contraception, and menopause; female reproductive system embryology and anatomy; normal pregnancy and parturition, prenatal care, placental function, and the management of labor. Topics covered under the female genitourinary system will include: pelvic anatomy, the pelvic exam, vaginal disorders, and sexually transmitted diseases. Topics related to the beast will include: normal anatomy and histology, breast pathology, and breast cancer. Additional topics will include the pharmacology of key drugs used in treating endocrine and reproductive disorders and selected sessions on the radiology and surgery of these systems. Module III topics will include: human sexuality, sexual abuse, teen pregnancy, and more.
* Interdisciplinary 117 Integument : This course provides an introduction to diseases of the skin, expands medical student’s mastery of dermatology, and provides self-assessment and readings for medical students in dermatology.
* Interdisciplinary 118 Integrative Processes I & II : Integrative Processes I and II use clinical presentation-based, small-group instruction to emphasize clinical-problem solving. The course focuses on the systemic effects and fundamental issues underlying specific disease processes.
* Interdisciplinary 120 Basic Science Review : This course helps to prepare Sophomore students for completing the United State Medical Licensure Examination, Step 1, which is administered at the conclusion of the course. A workshop on test-preparation and test-taking skills is presented early in this course; the remaining time is principally independent study. (Pass/Fail)
* Interdisciplinary 121 Module III : Students are introduced to aspects of the relationship of physicians to patients. Topics include professionalism, humanism/empathy, stress management, family systems and disease prevention, problems of aging, cultural diversity, growth development, and epidemiology. Physician-patient communication is taught in small groups and in simulated doctor-patient medical history interviews and examinations.
* Interdisciplinary 122 Module III : to patients. Topics include professionalism, humanism/empathy, stress management, family systems and disease prevention, problems of aging, cultural diversity, growth development, and epidemiology. Physician-patient communication is taught in small groups and in simulated doctor-patient medical history interviews and examinations.
* Family Medicine Care and Comprehensive Care Clinic : Under the supervision of licensed primary care preceptors, third year students participate one half day each week for a period of forty-four weeks in this out-patient clinic wherein each assumes the role of primary physician, with continuing responsibility in the care of patients and patient families throughout the third and fourth years.
* Clinical Medicine : Students are assigned to the medical wards where they participate as part of the health care team. They record the history and physical examination on a limited number of patients. Many of the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures are performed by the student on patients under close supervision. Attending rounds are conducted regularly by faculty members for students and house staff. These rounds are oriented toward the problems and care of ward patients. At other rounds, lectures and conferences, emphasis is on a physiologic approach to medicine. At all times, emphasis is on thoroughness in the study of a patient’s disease, plus compassion and respect for the patient as a sick human being. This course is taught concurrently with third-year Pediatrics.
* Introduction to Clinical Medicine : Students receive instruction by lecture, demonstrations, video tape, and small groups in aseptic technique in the operation room; surgical scrubbing, gowning, and gloving in the operating room; an introduction of how to use electronically-stored records; an overview of Advance Cardiac Life Support certification and procedures; a review of the LSUHSC Clinical Orientation Manual, and a tour of hospital clinical areas.
* Clinical Neuroscience : This course includes clinical training in neurology and neurosurgery. Students participate in the departments’ outpatient clinics, grand rounds, and didactic sessions. In addition to core knowledge in the three individual specialties, students gain an understanding of the relationship between the disciplines as they are exposed to the evaluation and management of patients.
* Obstetrics and Gynecology : In this 8-week clinical clerkship, the student will attend a series of didactic lectures on basic topics in OB/GYN. There will also be student teaching rounds with the faculty on each service when students will present patients on the service with a guided discussion of the pathophysiology of the case. Students will also attend department post-graduate teaching conferences three times weekly. The third-year student will rotate on the Acute Obstetrics Service (labor and delivery), the Outpatient Obstetrical Clinic Service. The student clerk may also be assigned to clinical duties at E.A. Conway Medical Center in Monroe, LA, on the OB/GYN Service under the direction of Dr. Rodney Wise. The student will participate in the care of the low-risk normal obstetrical patient in both the outpatient and inpatient setting under the supervision of the resident housestaff and the faculty. On the gynecological services the student will round, and help care for inpatients on both the benign and oncology services as well as see gynecologic patients in the outpatient clinics. Students will be expected to “scrub in” and observe the surgical procedures performed on the gynecologic patients. At E. A. Conway the student will participate in the care of both obstetrical and gynecologic patients under appropriate supervision.
* Pediatrics Clinical Clerkship : During their clinical clerkship, students are assigned patients in rotation from the General Pediatric Ward. Each student serves as a member of the healthcare team in the care of the sick child, and is responsible for histories, physical examination, necessary laboratory procedures and general care of the patient in collaboration with the house staff. Attending rounds are made regularly and teaching conferences are held each day. The primary objective of this introduction of the student to Pediatrics is to make the student comfortable in contacts with both children and parents. The student learns to obtain an adequate history and do a thorough physical examination. The student observes how basic knowledge is used to solve clinical problems. This course is taught concurrently with third year Medicine.
* Basic Clinical Psychiatry : The student is given didactic seminars as well as case conferences involving various aspects of psychopathology, psychiatric interview, and psychotherapeutic techniques. Both normal and pathological clinical experiences are gained in inpatient settings with short term psychotherapy and medication management under the supervision of preceptors. The primary goal is to equip the student with knowledge and experience that will be beneficial in the understanding of patients regardless of his or her medical specialty interest. The clinical experience in the third year is in the inpatient psychiatric units at LSUHSC-S, Charter Forest Hospital (a private psychiatric facility), consultation liaison with patients hospitalized on other services at LSUHSC, and psychiatric emergency evaluation.
* Clinical Surgery : Students are assigned to general surgery for eight weeks. During the weeks on general surgery, the student is assigned to a general surgery services where experience is gained in taking histories, performing physical examinations, developing a differential diagnosis, and suggesting a plan of management. Three times weekly, students present selected patients to faculty in a ward-round environment. Three times a week, a lecture series is held discussing subject matter from assigned reading in a general textbook of surgery. Other teaching assignments consist of: 1. A weekly outpatient surgical clinic, 2. A weekly grand rounds in surgery, 3. A weekly tumor conference, 4. A weekly thoracic conference, 5. A weekly procto clinic, 6. Each student presents a selected case to the faculty and the rest of the group in a teaching session, 7. All students are required to attend the Vice Chairman’s weekly teaching rounds, 8. Weekly suture skills lab is held, 9. A written and oral exam is given at the completion of each rotation, 10. A written exam of National Board style is given at the end of the year. Students are encouraged and expected to accompany their patients to the operating room to assist in any given operative procedure. Students take night call with their general surgery service and are responsible for evaluating and assisting in the management of any surgical emergencies that are admitted during this period of time.
* Family Medicine Comprehensive Care Clinic : Continuation of Comprehensive Care. Under the supervision of licensed primary care preceptors, fourth year students participate one half day each week for a period of thirty-six weeks in this out-patient clinic wherein each assumes the role of primary physician, with continuing responsibility in the care of patients and patient families throughout the third and fourth years. (Pass / Fail)
* Emergency Medicine Clinical Toxicology : Lectures, audiovisual presentations and panel discussions. The course deals with clinical and laboratory methods for diagnosis as well as principles of treatment of drug over dosage and ingestion of common poisons. (Pass/Fail)1
* Electives.
![]() FIRST AND SECOND YEARS : The first two years of the curriculum are devoted chiefly to the basic medical sciences and a new course called the Scienc... Address: 533 Bolivar Street |
![]() FIRST YEAR The basic science courses in the first year focus on normal structure and function, while incorporating clinical material to emphasize t... Address: 1440 Canal Street |