Louisiana State University (School of Medicine at New Orleans)
Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans was established in 1931 by authorization provided in the charter of Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College adopted in 1877.
The original building was constructed at 1542 Tulane Avenue, adjacent to the Medical Center of Louisiana at New Orleans (Charity Hospital). Over the years, additions have been made to the original structure. New buildings have also been erected as the school expanded. These include the Residence Hall and Student Center at 1900 Perdido Street, the Medical Education Building at 1901 Perdido Street, and the Lions-LSU Clinics Building at 2020 Gravier Street. A Clinical Research Building has been recently opened as well as a new Student Learning Center which includes small group meeting rooms, procedure labs, simulation labs, lecture rooms and a computer lounge. A new residence facility, Stanislaus Hall, has been recently opened at 450 S. Claiborne Avenue. State-of-the-art fitness and day care centers will also be located within this facility.
The School of Medicine is one component of the LSU Health Sciences Center in New Orleans, which includes Schools of Allied Health, Dentistry, Graduate Studies, and Nursing.
Louisiana State University School of Medicine - New Orleans trains physicians and scientists in health care disciplines. The Medical School strives for excellence in medical education, research, and service through the following objectives:
Medical Education Mission Objectives : The undergraduate curriculum contains programs of study that enable students to become competent, caring physicians who can function in any health care system, continue self education, and appreciate and evaluate medical research.
Graduate Medical Education programs and their support are important components of the educational mission. Graduates of specialty training programs will be skilled and knowledgeable in their chosen discipline and able to assume the responsibilities of a practicing physician.
Training programs of the school assess and adjust to changing physician work force needs of the state.
Research Mission Objectives : Medical education and research are related pursuits. Academic excellence in research heightens the intellectual atmosphere, develops new knowledge, and transmits current information for the benefit of all constituencies.
The Medical School provides adequate facilities for trainee and faculty research including support areas such as the library, animal care, and computer services. Long term planning and acquisition of research funds are vigorously pursued to ensure research growth.
Service Mission Objectives : The school provides a model of excellence in public and private medical care and community oriented programs. The school remains responsive to changing health care systems and trends.
Patient care activities are important to all school missions. Personal practice supports and maintains the clinical skills of faculty and expands opportunities for undergraduate and graduate teaching and research.
The school develops community outreach programs that provide educational and service opportunities and enhance the quality of life of constituent communities.
The course of instruction leading to the degree, Doctor of Medicine, extends over a four year period. A major curriculum renewal effort has resulted in significant changes in the first two years of school with changes for the third and fourth year in the planning stage. The new curriculum focuses on less reliance on passive learning methods, active involvement of students in small group activities, hands on clinical experiences from day one and introduction of clinical decision making via computer simulations. The goal is to better integrate the Basic and Clinical Sciences and to amplify the clinical relevance of the sciences we teach. These changes are quite similar to those in most other medical schools in the U.S. and have been uniformly praised by students and faculty alike.
The Honors Program is in addition to the regular curriculum and is designed to challenge the exceptional student while stimulating the interest of the individual. It entails an independent research program encompassing both the basic and clinical sciences in pursuit of an area of mutual interest between the student and the student's faculty advisor. Students who have maintained high academic standards during their first semester in the School of Medicine are eligible for consideration.
The curriculum outlined below indicates the general policy of instruction and is subject to modification at the discretion of the faculty.
School name:Louisiana State UniversitySchool of Medicine at New Orleans
Address:533 Bolivar Street
Zip & city:LA 70112 Louisiana
Address:533 Bolivar Street
Zip & city:LA 70112 Louisiana
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School of Medicine at New Orleans Medical School Location
School of Medicine at New Orleans Courses
The first two years of the curriculum are devoted chiefly to the basic medical sciences and a new course called the Science and Practice of Medicine.
Generally, lecture hours have been significantly reduced and lectures are primarily given in the mornings. Afternoon sessions include small group instruction in “Clinical Forums,” clinical skills laboratories, interactive computer-based simulated clinical cases and clinical experience. These afternoon sessions are designed to stress professionalism and ethics.
* Gross Anatomy : The additional utilization of x-rays, CTs and MRIs serve to strengthen the students' knowledge of anatomy. An accompanying series of lectures are designed to guide and stimulate the students, thereby contributing toward an understanding of the clinical relevance of the learned anatomy. A cadaver procedure laboratory provides the students the opportunity to perform such clinical procedures as lumbar puncture, endotracheal intubation, urethral catherization, and chest tube insertion. A wide array of interactive computer-assisted software programs is available to supplement and encourage independent student learning.
* Human Prenatal Development : Normal and abnormal human prenatal development is presented in a series of clinically oriented lectures which are coordinated closely with the region of the body being dissected in gross anatomy. Beginning with gametogenesis and fertilization, students are provided with a thorough discussion of normal ontogenetic development to afford them an understanding of the embryologic basis of normal adult structures and their relationships. In addition, common congenital malformations and their causes and the embryonic susceptibility to teratogens are presented Included are important features of fetal development which are essential for normal birth and adaptation to the extrauterine environment, maternal/fetal medicine, human teratogenesis and neonatology. Fifteen hours of basic human genetics are presented by the Department of Genetics. Topics covered include chromosome structure and function, chromosomal disorders, inheritance patterns, population genetics, metabolic disorders, immunogenetics, cancer genetics, developmental genetics, treatments for genetic disorders, genetic counseling, new reproductive technologies, and legal and ethical issues in genetics. In addition, basic molecular events that guide embryologic development are correlated with the development of various organs and systems. Four laboratory demonstration sessions are utilized to reinforce key features of normal and abnormal human development, genetic syndromes, congenital malformations, and the structure and function of fetal membranes, and to provide the students with an opportunity for hands-on investigation of normal and abnormal human development.
* Cell Biology and Microanatomy : This course includes a study of cell biology and the histology of tissue types and organ systems. The first part of the course stresses cellular ultrastructure, and function and the four basic tissue types. Laboratory exercises, using both computerized virtual slides and microscope slides, include the identification of cell types, cell organelles, and the basic tissues at the light and electron microscopic levels. The second part of the course deals with the histology and function of the organ systems. This part of the course is integrated with the topics being covered in Human Gross Anatomy and Prenatal Development as much as possible. The course is designed to provide basic information that will be utilized in preclinical and clinical programs throughout the medical curriculum.
* Science and Practice of Medicine : This interdisciplinary course begins the clinical education of medical students. Each course has three components: computer-based cases, small group clinical forums, and clinical experiences (including the Skills Laboratory).
Computer-based cases are assigned to all students on a weekly basis. Students are expected to complete each case by a specified date and time. These assignments ensure that students develop some skill at clinical problem solving. The cases are selected to reflect complaints that are commonly seen in clinical practice. They are also selected to enhance the teaching of basic sciences. After the students have completed each case, the entire class meets for a discussion that is led by both a clinician and a basic scientist. The clinician discusses the case itself, the clinical learning objectives, and addresses common mistakes made by the class in solving the case. In the first year, the major focus is on making the appropriate diagnosis via history, physical examination and appropriate diagnostic testing. In the second year, more emphasis is placed on the pathophysiology of disease and patient management.
Students meet in small groups with clinical faculty on a regular basis in clinical forums. First year forums focus on professionalism, patient-physician communication, medical ethics, human development, social issues and cultural competency. In the second year, the focus of the small group sessions shifts to include population medicine, public health, prevention and wellness, healthcare policy, epidemiology, biostatistics and medical informatics. Basic principles of these disciplines are taught in a series of lectures at the beginning of the second year. After this introduction, students will meet in small groups to discuss and research questions pertinent to problem areas in public health (e.g. immunization, screening, substance abuse, etc.).
The third component of the course (clinical experiences) provides hands on experience and the opportunity for students to practice the skills of clinical medicine. Several training sessions are conducted in the Skills Laboratory. This lab provides supervised practice and assurance of student competency in basic medical procedures. The procedures and skills increase in complexity as students progress from the first year through the second. During the first year, students are certified in Basic Life Support. At the end of the sophomore year, students are certified in Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS). Other required clinical experiences in the first year include observation on the Labor and Delivery unit and in the pediatrics clinic, performance of an adolescent interview, and observation in the adult emergency department. Physical examination skills are taught in small groups in the laboratory and students are expected to practice on one another in the presence of an instructor. This is done in preparation for the hands on practice of physical diagnosis in the ICM course.
* Neurosciences : This course is designed to introduce the first year medical student to the form, function, and dysfunction of the nervous system. This information is presented in the context of the clinical situation, when feasible, and with an emphasis on the major disease processes a general physician is likely to encounter. Faculty participation primarily involves members from the Departments of Cell Biology and Anatomy, Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Physiology. The material is presented in four blocks. The first block covers the anatomy and blood supply of the cerebral hemispheres. During this block, the student is also instructed, in a small group setting, in how to do a neurological examination. In addition, there are patient presentations and lectures dealing with stroke and Alzheimer's Disease. The second block covers the systems located within the cerebrum, i.e. visual, limbic, learning and memory, and the role of the diencephalon in processing information. It also covers basic features of axonal and synaptic transmission, cell signaling, and diseases of molecules and neurotransmitters. In the third block, cortical motor function and the role of the basal ganglia and the cerebellum in motor function are covered as are the diseases associated with these structures. In addition, brain stem pathways and central systems are introduced as are their neurological deficits. The last block covers the auditory and somatosensory systems, sensory receptors, local circuits, spinal cord, pain management, and peripheral nerve and muscle disorders. The course material is presented in lectures combined with laboratory exercises utilizing human brain material, MRI films, and computer driven programs. Computer and video demonstrations as well as patient presentations are used extensively.
* Medical Biochemistry : This course provides the foundation for the study of normal and diseased states at the molecular level. The following topics are included in the course of study: macromolecular structure and function; enzymology and enzyme kinetics; intermediary metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, and amino acids; the metabolic basis of disease; nutrition, vitamins, and obesity; endocrine biochemistry; and, molecular biology, which includes DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis, molecular diagnostics, and the molecular basis of cancer. Particular emphasis is placed upon the medical relevance of biochemical concepts, and the biochemical defects that result in human disease. Modern, up-to-date developments are used to build upon classical concepts and data to provide the student with a background that will enable them to be excellent physicians who are well-equipped to effectively diagnose and treat patients. The course consists of lectures and review sessions.
* Human Physiology : The course consists of lectures, correlated laboratory experiments, and demonstrations. Principles of cellular and organ function and regulation of the various systems are studied. Clinical correlation lectures point out the derangements of normal function that may lead to disease. The importance of quantitative measurements of biological functions in physiology and medicine is emphasized. Major topics in the course include muscle action, bioelectric phenomena, peripheral somatic and autonomic nervous systems and reflexes, heart and circulation, respiration, kidney function, water and electrolyte balance, gastrointestinal function, endocrine function, metabolism, temperature regulation, etc. Laboratory experiments emphasize precision in observation, analysis, and interpretation of data. The topics studied in the laboratory and presented in demonstrations are correlated with lectures and conferences.
* Microbiology, Immunology and Parasitology : Four hours of lecture and four hours of laboratory per week is included in this comprehensive course covering the basic principles of immunology, bacteriology, mycology, virology, and parasitology. The application of these principles to the diagnosis, prevention, control and treatment of immunologic and infectious diseases is stressed. Conferences, including patient oriented, problem solving sessions, and clinical correlations are used to illustrate and emphasize medical aspects of the subject matter. Presentations by adjunct clinical faculty are offered to reinforce course topics.
* General and Systemic Pathology : This course is an introduction to the study of disease, its causes, its mechanisms, and its effects upon the body. The first part of the course is concentrates on the general reactions of tissues to different types of injury. In the second part, each organ system is considered with respect to the important diseases, which affect it. Each disease is related to clinical signs and symptoms, which will be encountered in patients. The subject material is taught by lectures, laboratory sessions, and selected case studies, using fixed tissue, microscopic slides, virtual slides, video clips, and selected web-based, independent learning modules.
* Clinical Pathology : This course includes lectures, demonstration, small group instruction and laboratory exercises. The course is designed to introduce students to appropriate use of clinical laboratories for screening, diagnosis, and prognosis, as well as to increase the student's understanding of disease. Proper use of diagnostic procedures is based, in part, on knowledge of the patho-physiology of disease and, in part, on knowledge of the limitations imposed by methodology and instrumentation. The laboratory sessions are intended to permit the student to become proficient in the performance of a few selected procedures most likely to be of value to the student in subsequent practice and to assist the student in understanding technical limitations of laboratory tests.
* Medical Pharmacology : This course is designed to present the student with a broad overview of pharmacology with an emphasis on its application to the practice of medicine. The objective of the course is to provide the student with a basis for understanding drug actions, desired as well as undesired, so that they will be prepared to use therapeutic agents in a rational manner throughout the span of their practice. Although the importance of basic concepts and principles are recognized, straight facts and their applications must also be learned and an ability to integrate information concerning one class of drugs with another must be demonstrated. The course begins with a treatment of general pharmacologic principles that apply to all drugs. This is followed by lectures on specific drug classes and the application of specific agents for the prevention and treatment of disease states. Throughout the course general topics relating to all drug classes are revisited by considering such issues as the influences of disease states, age and other factors on drug disposition and action. The philosophy of the department is that drug development changes rapidly while basic principles evolve and change more slowly, and that by understanding the latter, the student will be able to keep up with the former. Not only does the number of new drugs introduced into medicine continue to expand, but use of older agents endures. In order to live with this expanding number of drugs, we focus on teaching on prototypical drugs, pointing out how other agents vary from the most important agents of their class.
* Introduction to Clinical Medicine : In conjunction with the Science and Practice of Medicine course, students are trained in history taking and physical diagnosis. Groups of 2 students are assigned to an instructor (faculty or resident) and taken on hospital rounds. They are taught proper technique for physical examination and are assigned specific patients for history taking and/or physical exams. These are written up (with problem list and differential diagnosis) and critiqued by the preceptor. The sophomore course builds on a component of the course in the freshman year (40 hours) in which students work with a primary care physician for an entire week.
* Dermatology : Dermatology is coordinated with Introduction to Clinical Medicine in a thirteen week block in the second year. Clinical features, pathogenesis, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, therapy, and prognosis of various dermatologic disorders are covered.
* Psychiatry : This second semester course focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of patients with psychiatric conditions within the broader context of primary care medicine. Developed in conjunction with the Department of Pharmacology, the course emphasizes the connection between the acquisition of basic clinical science information and its application in direct patient care. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual published by the American Psychiatric Association serves as a basis for introducing the preclinical student to the classification of psychiatric disorders and the multi-axial approach to the assessment of the patient. Pharmacological interventions focus on an understanding of the neurobiological underpinnings of psychiatric conditions. A multimedia approach to this complex area offers the student multiple opportunities for mastering this challenging material.
Each student is required to take Step 1 of the United States Medical Licensing (USMLE) Examination after satisfactory completion of the second year of medical school. A passing grade is required. Should a student not pass Step 1 of the USMLE examination, the student may be immediately withdrawn from the clerkship in which the student is currently enrolled so that the student can devote his or her full effort to studying for the reexamination. Further progress in the third year is prohibited until a passing grade is achieved. Such a student will be referred to the combined First and Second Year Student Promotions Committee for disposition. Failure of the Step 1, USMLE may constitute grounds for dismissal from school. Under no circumstances may a student sit more than three times for Step 1 of the USMLE to fulfill this requirement.
Students entering the fourth year of study are required to take Step 2 of the USMLE examination and achieve a passing score, prior to their graduation.
Year three consists of eight and a half days of ophthalmology and radiology and four consecutive 12-week blocks: medicine; general surgery (8 weeks), otorhinolaryngology (2 weeks) and urology (2 weeks); pediatrics (8 weeks) and Family Medicine (4 weeks); and obstetrics and gynecology (6 weeks) and psychiatry (6 weeks).
The final year consists of 32 weeks divided into eight four week blocks. Blocks in ambulatory care, general medicine, neural sciences, special topics, and an acting internship are required of all students. The special-topics block includes nutrition, geriatrics, drug and alcohol abuse, office management and financial planning.
* Ophthalmology and Systemic Diseases : The main objective of this intensive one and one half week course is to acquaint students with the diagnosis and treatment of the more common eye diseases and the ocular manifestations of systemic diseases. This course is targeted for the generalist, not the specialist, and will emphasize ocular examination techniques with instrumentation, available to the primary care physician. Lectures will be given in ocular anatomy, physiology, diagnostic techniques, and ocular pathology (especially in its relation to systemic diseases). Workshops will allow students first hand contact with ocular examination techniques, especially ophthalmoscopy. Students will also utilize some of the more sophisticated techniques of ophthalmologic examination; however, the emphasis will be on examination techniques available to the physician in practice. A course requirement is that each student complete one ocular fundus drawing. A formal written examination at the end of the teaching period will assist the Department in student evaluation.
* Radiology : The junior radiology course is a very brief introductory course required for all rising third-year medical students. It consists of a series of paired, half-hour long didactic lectures given over the course of approximately eight days between the end of the second-year basic science courses and start of the third-year clinical rotations. The lectures are given by numerous members of the radiology faculty, representing all major imaging and interventional subspecialties, and provide a brief but comprehensive, subspecialty-oriented introduction to diagnostic and interventional radiology. There is also one two-to-three hour small group interactive case conference which is facilitated by a member of the radiology faculty. The course concludes with a final examination which includes written multiple-choice questions as well as a practical, image-interpretation component.
* Clinical Surgery : Students rotate through a twelve week block, which consists of four weeks on general surgery, four weeks on surgical specialties, two weeks on genito-urinary, and two weeks on Ear, Nose & Throat. During the surgical specialty block, the student will spend two weeks on each of two services - (selected from Plastic, Vascular, Pediatric, Orthopaedic or Cardio-Thoracic) surgery. The core lecture series will cover all of the above specialties. On the General Surgical rotation, students will spend four weeks at the Medical Center of Louisiana or at the adjacent Veterans Administration Hospital. Ward rounds supervised by the teaching staff are held on each service. Visiting staff rounds are held at least twice weekly. In addition once weekly students are assigned with their surgical team to the surgical outpatient dispensary where they are supervised by the teaching staff in the management of ambulatory surgical patients. Pre- and post-operative care and diagnosis are stressed. Experience in minor surgery also is provided at this time. During the block, students also have supervised experience with work on the wards, in the operating rooms, and in the emergency room, where they are instructed in the managements of minor and major surgical emergencies. Weekly throughout the course, the weekly class attends a conference conducted by the full time staff in which clinical clerks on ward services present selected patients for discussion of diagnosis and management. Other weekly conferences in which students participate are cardio-thoracic, peripheral-vascular, tumor and basic science discussions.
* Clinical Pediatrics : A clinical clerkship of eight weeks is served on the general pediatric, newborn wards and ambulatory clinics of the Children's Hospital of New Orleans or the University Hospital of the Medical Center of Louisiana, New Orleans. A few students also have the option of serving the entire eight week clerkship on the pediatric services of University Medical Center, Lafayette, or Earl K. Long Memorial Hospital, Baton Rouge. Students are assigned patients on admission by rotation, and are responsible for taking histories, examining patients, performing necessary laboratory procedures, and assisting in the work up of patients under staff supervision. Utilization of each patient as a learning experience in total child care is approached through completion of a pediatric work up involving assessment of the child's mental and physical growth and development, nutrition, and socio-economic factors bearing upon the child's health, and role in society. Teaching rounds and conferences are held daily, but the student is expected to exercise initiative in learning about his/her own patients as well as other patients on the team. Students present cases to the pediatrics faculty and other members of their block. Significance and techniques of health/maintenance are emphasized through participation in well child clinics. Students spend time in local pediatricians' offices in order to get a balanced appreciation of the practice of pediatrics.
* Obstetrics and Gynecology : A block of six weeks is devoted to principles of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Core material is presented in thirty-four didactic hours. Supplemental self-instructional materials and audiovisual aids are available to students. The block is divided into three weeks of Obstetrics and three weeks of Gynecology. On Obstetrics the students are assigned rotations on the delivery suite and on postpartum wards and Obstetrical clinics. Weekly Gynecologic presurgical seminars are held on Wednesday mornings. Staff, Residents and students attend weekly problem-case seminars and major conferences at noon on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. A weekly conference on Monday afternoon covers interesting cases and didactics. During the Gynecology portion of the block the student attends Gynecology Clinics, Ward Gynecology cases and surgical procedures. The student also observes the intra operative and postoperative management of cases. Staff teaching rounds are made three times weekly, while resident rounds are made daily.
* Family Medicine : This course provides students an experience in the delivery of health care in an ambulatory setting. It may take place in a Family Medicine residency or in a selected private practice. During the four weeks, the student has the opportunity, under supervision, to provide primary care to patients ranging in age from infants to the elderly in a comprehensive-care setting. These experiences emphasize the importance of continuity of care and follow-up, prevention, and patient education. The electives listed below that focus on ambulatory care may also be used to satisfy the school requirement, with approval of the course director.
* Clinical Psychiatry : A six-week clinical clerkship provides students with an intensive experience in the evaluation and treatment of psychiatric patients. The clerkship includes both inpatient and outpatient experiences. The inpatient portion of the clerkship occurs at the Medical Center of Louisiana at New Orleans and the Ochsner Clinic Foundation Hospital. Students participate in the clinical management of patients in general, co-occurring diagnosis, and geriatric services. Students experience numerous aspects of psychiatric practice, including emergency care and consult-liaison psychiatry. Students also participate in outpatient psychiatric treatment at sites throughout the New Orleans area, including public and private clinics. Throughout the clerkship, faculty, residents, and other mental health professionals supervise students as they learn to recognize psychiatric illnesses in their varied forms and manage patients using multiple treatment modalities.
During the clerkship, emphasis is placed on approaching the patient using the biopsychosocial mode. Students demonstrate their understanding of this model by performing complete psychiatric and physical evaluations, including comprehensive mental status examinations. Students also perform basic case management services, in order to appreciate the larger system of care in which individual patients are placed. Complementing this clinical instruction are lectures and group discussions in psychopharmacology and psychotherapy, as well as weekly case conferences and departmental Grand Rounds
* Clinical Otorhinolaryngology : This course is included in a twelve week block along with urology and general surgery, during which each specialty discipline is taught in two week rotations. Ten hours of core lectures on otology, audiology, vestibular disorders, laryngology, head and neck surgery, rhinology, facial cosmetic surgery, ear nose and throat emergencies and ear nose and throat office procedures is presented. Service in the outpatient clinics, with practical instruction in diagnosis and management of patients with conditions of the ear, nose, sinuses, larynx, pharynx, oral cavity, and head and neck malignancy is included. The course consists of outpatient and inpatient care including grand rounds, senior staff student conferences, and seminars in communication disorders. The Department also offers electives for fourth year students in the areas of clinical otorhinolaryngology.
* Urology : This course is designed to introduce students to the more common disorders of the genito-urinary tract. The teaching program consists of clinic work, ward rounds and new patient workup during 14 day periods for students who are assigned totally to the Department. In addition, lectures, X-ray conferences, observation and assistance in the cystoscopic suite and in the operating room, along with pertinent reading material, comprise the basic exposure to urology.
* Principles and Practice of Family Medicine : This required clerkship provides third-year students with an introduction to the principles of Family Medicine as practiced in a community-based ambulatory setting or in a residency program. The student is assigned to a clinical faculty member (also known as a preceptor) within the state and may live in that community. He or she spends most of the four weeks working directly in office-based patient care under the supervision of the preceptor. During this rotation, the student has the opportunity to see patients of all ages as they present with any of the broad range of medical problems seen by family physicians. It will be significantly different from most other clinical rotations that are part of the junior year in medical school. For one thing it is primarily in the outpatient setting, rather than hospital-based; therefore, the type of medical problems that students will see and the dynamics of health-care delivery will be different. The patients who present will come with common problems, chronic problems, and undifferentiated problems. Any and all of these may have easily treated biomedical etiologies, have psychosocial dimensions, or be the first symptom of serious illness. Students will see patients that the doctor has known for years or ones coming in for the first time. They will see the doctor caring for whole families—sometimes over several generations. In addition, students will be able to appreciate the interactions of a family physician with other specialists, support staff, ancillary health-care providers, and a variety of community resources. Because the practice of Family Medicine differs from that of hospital-based, tertiary care, this clerkship has something unique to offer regardless of career choice. Students will be afforded an in-depth view of ambulatory care and the manner in which family physicians practice.
Teaching activities include faculty-conducted presentations and clinical encounters including a musculoskeletal workshop, supplemented by recommended readings. Evaluation is based on the demonstration of clinical skills as observed by clinical teachers, successful completion of a class project, and satisfactory performance on the Subject Examination in Family Medicine of the National Board of Medical Examiners. Students may choose the site of their clerkship from a number of options that include urban, suburban, and rural communities across the state. Practices in under-served areas, both rural and urban, are included as possible sites.
* Neurology : A four week coordinated course of lectures, demonstrations, and clinical clerkship given by the combined staffs of the Department of Neurology and the Department of Neurosurgery during the Neurosciences Block. Emphasis is placed on performing and interpreting the neurological examination, and diagnosis and treatment of patients with neurologic disorders. Students rotate through Child Neurology, Faculty Clinic and Epilepsy Clinic. The Clinical Neuroscience Course includes lectures, conferences, patient presentations as well as in-patient and ambulatory patient contact experience.
* Neurosurgery : The Department of Neurosurgery is responsible for the care of patients with surgical illnesses of the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves, on the clinical services. Senior students who are on the Neuroscience block rotate through the neurosurgery service for a four week period. Services in Neurosurgery are maintained at the Medical Center of Louisiana, including Charity and University Hospital New Orleans, Ochsner Medical Institutions and Children’s Hospital. All Seniors in that block receive a series of neurosurgical lectures and attend neurosurgery conferences. Electives in neurosurgery are also available in the fourth year. The Department is also responsible for a portion of the first year neurosciences course.
* Elective Acting Internship : Students may elect to spend a four-week block in the Family Practice offices at Kenner Regional Medical Center or University Medical Center in Lafayette. The goal of this rotation is for senior students to function as first-year house officers, developing clinical judgment skills by being placed in situations where they are directly responsible for patient care. This is done under the close supervision and direction of senior Family Practice house officers and faculty. Within the confines of this supervision, the student is encouraged to take on as much responsibility as possible, including taking primary on-call duties once a week. The acting intern is required to attend outpatient clinics and department conferences with the patient-care team.
Other electives are available for fourth-year students wishing to deepen their understanding of the specialty
• Advanced Family Medicine Preceptorship (Urban or Rural). The purpose of this course is to provide students with an opportunity to enhance their clinical skills in the ambulatory setting and to practice the delivery of health care in the office of community family physicians. A variety of practices and community sites are available to students—rural and urban.
• Community Health. The purpose of this course is to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct a community health study in a defined population.
• Complementary and Integrative Medicine. This course is designed to give students the opportunity to experience different healing modalities and to understand how they could be applied to common patient encounters.
• Geriatric Family Medicine Rotation. The goal of this four-week course is to expose fourth-year medical students to the basic principles of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology.
• Sports Medicine in Family Practice. The purpose of this course is to provide students with an opportunity to develop competence in assessing and managing common sports injuries with an emphasis on safe return to competition. In addition, the course allows the student to understand the principles of prevention that reduce the risk of injury for athletes of all ages.
• Special Interest. The purpose of this course is to provide students with the opportunity to pursue special topics in Family Medicine. The following elective content is available for such study: Occupational Medicine, Public Health, Student Health Services, and International Medicine.
* Obstetrics and Gynecology Acting Internship : The Ob-Gyn acting internship is geared to primary, preventive and acute health care for women relating to Obstetrics and Gynecology. Students will participate in patient care on the Obstetric and Gynecologic wards; participate in surgery and in clinics. Daily hospital rounds and teaching rounds are included in the rotation. The student will be actively involved in patient diagnosis and management.
Acting Internship (required AI): This course is offered to provide a period of transition from status of student to clinician, to provide the student with a realistic picture of the specialty, and to provide a greater degree of faculty exposure for those who wish to pursue a career in OB-GYN. Six positions are available. Four positions are in New Orleans, one in Lafayette and one in Baton Rouge. As an acting intern, the student will attend general and sub-specialty clinics, make daily hospital rounds with residents and faculty, take call with upper level residents managing OB and GYN emergencies, act as a surgical assistant, and assist and teach 3rd year medical students as members of the medical team.
Formal lectures and conferences are held on Monday and Friday morning.
Acting Internship (elective AI): Activities are listed above. Two positions are available one in New Orleans and one in Baton Rouge.
* Ambulatory Care Selective Elective : The goal of this elective is to familiarize the student with the ambulatory care of patients requiring the skills and expertise of specialists in internal medicine. Students will learn diagnostic and therapeutic regimens appropriate for patients seen and evaluated in a short clinical encounter. Strategies in management of clinical problems, including use of the history and physical examination, interpretation and cost effectiveness of necessary laboratory tests, performance of diagnostic procedures and prescribing of medication, diet and activity levels will be emphasized.
* Internal Medicine Clerkship : Instruction during this twelve week bock is centered on development of knowledge, skills and professional attitudes required for the practice of internal medicine, both in the hospital and the outpatient clinic. Students are assigned patients in rotation, and are required to perform histories and physical examinations, interpret laboratory data and X-rays, and develop differential diagnoses and treatment plans based on clinical data and directed reading, Daily rounds, small group resident and faculty teaching sessions, and student case presentations stress the team approach to patient care. Educational emphasis includes outpatient medicine, and the student spends four weeks in the ambulatory clinics. Departmental conferences such as Morning Report, Grand Rounds and Case Management Conference, as well as student-oriented Clinical Core Conferences, EKG Conferences, Chest Conferences, and Professor Rounds emphasize essential concepts in medicine.
* Clinical Medicine : Students are assigned to the Department of Medicine for four weeks each during the fourth year. They are offered a variety of locations at which to complete this required block, including the Medical Center of Louisiana-New Orleans, Earl K. Long Hospital in Baton Rouge, and University Medical Center in Lafayette. The students attend clinics and conferences at the assigned location. Emphasis is placed on further developing basic knowledge, skills and attitudes first learned during the third year clerkship. Fourth year students are expected to play a more active role in patient care in order to improve their clinical judgment and procedural skills.
* Required Acting Intern : Students may elect to spend a four week block on the Internal Medicine services at Medical Center of Louisiana-New Orleans, Earl K. Long Hospital in Baton Rouge, Touro Infirmary, Lindy Boggs Hospital, or University Medical Center in Lafayette. The goal of this rotation is for senior students to function as first year house officers, developing clinical judgment skills by being placed in situations where they are directly responsible for patient care. This clerkship is performed under the close supervision and direction of Medicine house officers and faculty. Within the confines of this supervision, the student is encouraged to take on as much responsibility as possible, and is required to attend outpatient clinics and department conferences with the patient care team.
* Clinical Pediatrics Senior Programs : The Senior programs in ambulatory pediatrics are designed to provide opportunities for each student to augment or reinforce knowledge and skills learned in the pediatric core curriculum, as they apply to child health problems encountered in an outpatient setting. To facilitate accomplishment of this overall goal, the following basic program options are made available within a four week block of time. 415a: Ambulatory Pediatrics Medical Center of Louisiana, New Orleans: Students are assigned to general and sub-specialty pediatric clinics and the pediatric emergency room/walk in clinic. 416a: Pediatric Emergency Room/Walk in Clinic Medical Center of Louisiana, New Orleans: Students are assigned to evening (4 p.m.-12 p.m.) or day shifts in the Pediatric Emergency Room and see patients under the direct supervision of the medical staff. 415p: Ambulatory Pediatrics Private Office: The student works with a pediatrician on the clinical faculty in a private pediatric practice. Participation in the care of patients in the hospital (rounds), office, and emergency room is expected. 415e: Ambulatory Pediatrics Children's Hospital, New Orleans: The student will be assigned to general and sub-specialty clinics in the out-patient department of Children's Hospital. 415i: Ambulatory Pediatrics Earl K. Long Memorial Hospital, Baton Rouge: Major assignments are to local health department sponsored well child and mental health clinics, to LSU, Baton Rouge special education facilities, and to pediatricians in private practice. For all programs, evaluation of students will be based primarily on staff assessment of the student's abilities and attitudes in the student's day to day work with patients.
* Clinical Pediatrics 4 : The student functions as an intern in the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of acutely and chronically ill hospitalized children and adolescents under the direct supervision of house officers and faculty. The student will be on call in the hospital every fourth night to receive admissions. Evaluation will be based on day-to-day observation by faculty and house officers while the student is performing assigned duties. The experience is offered at University Hospital (419a) and at Children's Hospital (419e).
* Clinical Surgery : The fourth year course in clinical surgery has been structured to provide the student with an in-depth clinical experience to general surgery and the surgery subspecialties. Students will be assigned to one of three areas: 1) surgical preceptorships, 2) general surgery and specialty internships at the Medical Center of Louisiana, New Orleans, 3) internships in general surgery at Earl K. Long Memorial Hospital, Baton Rouge, and the University Medical Center, Lafayette. These students will be assigned to a specific preceptor for the entire four week block. These students assigned to an internship position at Medical Center of Louisiana, New Orleans or one of the other state hospitals will be the only Senior students assigned to the service and will function with the house staff as a member of the surgical team. The course will be structured to give each student the maximum responsibility possible, and to simulate as much as possible the experience obtained in a house staff training position.
![]() FIRST YEAR The basic science courses in the first year focus on normal structure and function, while incorporating clinical material to emphasize t... Address: 1440 Canal Street |