Yeshiva University (Albert Einstein College of Medicine)
The Albert Einstein College of Medicine is one of the nation’s premier institutions for medical education, basic research and clinical investigation. A full-time faculty of more than 2,000 teaches, delivers health care and conducts research in every major biomedical specialty.
From an original class size of 56, the College of Medicine has evolved into one of the largest medical schools in the country. Today, the student body includes 750 M.D. students, 394 Ph.D. students attending the Sue Golding Graduate Division, (117 of whom are in the combined M.D./Ph.D. program), and approximately 360 postdoctoral investigators currently receiving advance training at our Belfer Institute for Advanced Biomedical Studies. Approximately 7,000 Einstein alumni are among the nation’s foremost clinicians, biomedical scientists, and medical educators.
When the medical school opened its doors to its first class in 1955, The New York Times was already noting that “the new medical school’s distinguished and talented faculty assured the institution of a place in the ranks of the great medical schools in the world.” Among its pioneering educational initiatives, Einstein was among the first of the major medical schools to integrate bedside experience with learning, bringing first-year students into contact with patients and linking classroom study to case experience. In addition, the College of Medicine is widely known for its socially conscious approach to medicine. During the 1970s and 1980s it was a pioneer in the development of medical ethics as an accepted academic discipline in medical school curricula. Einstein was also the first private medical school in New York City to establish an academic Department of Family Medicine (1993), and it created New York’s first residency program in internal medicine with an emphasis on women’s health (1994).
The medical school is affiliated with five hospital centers: Montefiore Medical Center, The University Hospital of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine; Beth Israel Medical Center, the University Hospital and Manhattan Campus for the Albert Einstein College of Medicine; North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System, the Manhasset and New Hyde Park campuses of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine; Jacobi Medical Center; and the Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center. It is also affiliated with three mental health facilities and four long-term care facilities. Through its extensive affiliation network, Einstein runs the largest post-graduate medical training program in the United States, offering some 150 residency programs to more than 2,500 physicians in training.
The faculty’s consistent high level of scientific achievement resulted in the last year alone in the awarding of more than $152 million in peer-reviewed grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Six major Einstein programs have been designated NIH “Centers of Excellence:” the Albert Einstein Cancer Center, the Brain and Neuroscience Center, the Diabetes Center, the Liver Research Center, the Sickle Cell Center and the Center for Aids Research. In addition, Einstein was the only New York City institution selected to participate in the federally funded mapping of the human genome. The medical school has also established a Center for the Study of Reproductive Biology and Women’s Health, with a mission to develop research programs in fundamental issues in female reproductive biology and their applications to clinical areas. The Einstein research centers are integrated with the College’s education and training programs, providing the opportunity for students to train in a stimulating environment that reflects the dramatic changing nature of medicine as it advances into the 21st century.
Consistent with its tradition of scientific leadership, Einstein has just broken ground for a new 201,000 square-foot research building. The Michael F. Price Center for Genetic and Translational Medicine will be housed in the new Harold and Muriel Block Research Pavilion and will contain 40 state-of-the-art research laboratories, nine shared or core facilities, and a 100-seat auditorium. These laboratories and supporting facilities will enable Einstein to bring together world-class scientists and the most advanced technology to uncover the origins of health and disease on the molecular level. In addition, the College of Medicine recently opened its new Gruss Magnetic Resonance Research Center, one of the nation’s most technologically advanced research centers for magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The cutting edge technology in the Gruss Center provides some of the most detailed images ever seen of the anatomy and physiology of living organisms. Together, the Price and Gruss Centers will provide invaluable knowledge that will translate into exceptional clinical applications for the treatment and prevention of disease.
The College of Medicine maintains its special character as a community in which students, faculty and administrators share—on a personal as well as professional basis—the challenges of learning, teaching, providing clinical care to a diverse urban population, managing health care delivery systems, and exploring the newest vistas of biomedical research.
Our curriculum is always on the move, and we continue to implement modern educational strategies even as we retain what is best of the traditional. We offer significant patient-centered experiences within a few weeks after matriculation. The case based, small group conference is a dominant feature of pre-clerkship courses , and didactic teaching hours have been reduced substantially. A new and innovative third year program deals with issues such as prevention, ethics, professionalism, cultural competency and alternative/complementary medicine in small group settings. We have an extraordinary program in Medical Spanish, entirely elective, but taken by most students in the class. A new program in Personal Wellness is meant not only to promote health and reduce stress, but also to expand students’ views of what they, as future physicians, can provide for their patients.
Our medical school’s namesake was alive while the buildings were under construction, and this is the only institution in the world to which Einstein agreed to give his name. In addition to his stature as a scientist, Einstein’s moral and compassionate views on human affairs place him clearly in the camp of philosopher and humanist as well as scientist. Our students and faculty- indeed, all members of our community- continue to honor his legacy.
Seven buildings stand on the original 16.5 acres of the medical school campus proper. These include the Forchheimer Medical Science Building, The Ullmann Research Center for Health Sciences, the Arthur B. and Diane Belfer Educational Center for Health Sciences, the Irwin S. and Sylvia Chanin Institute for Cancer Research, the Samuel H. and Rachel Golding Building, the Rose F. Kennedy Center for Research in Mental Retardation and Human Development, and the D. Samuel Gottesman Library.
These buildings house the medical school's lecture halls, seminar and conference rooms, research and teaching laboratories, classrooms, auditoriums, and administrative offices for all of the preclinical and clinical departments of the College of Medicine.
Located in the Belfer Educational Center for Health Sciences are instructional laboratories and conference rooms, all fully equipped with multimedia digital data projectors, VCR's and computers connected to the Albert Einstein Network. Except when in use for classes, these rooms are available to students for use as study areas. A total of 60 computers are available for student use in these Belfer rooms.
The Library has a collection of approximately 217,000 volumes, 2,000 print journal subscriptions and 1,200+ full-text online journals. The Library also provides electronic access to many databases such as MEDLINE, Evidence- Based Medicine Reviews (EBMR) Current Contents, Dialog@Carl, PubMed, SPIN (grant information), Alt-Health Watch, Health Reference Center, and PsycINFO.
Einstein has a special and deeply rooted commitment to the value and process of multidisciplinary research programs, both fundamental and clinically oriented. That commitment is manifest in such well-established activities as those carried on by investigators involved in cancer research at our NCI-designated Albert Einstein Cancer Center, liver research at the medical school's Bessin Liver Center, the neurosciences at the Rose F. Kennedy Center for Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities, diabetes at the Diabetes Research and Training Center, sickle cell research at The Sickle Cell Center, gerontology at the Jack and Pearl Resnick Gerontology Center, AIDS at the Center for AIDS Research, and general clinical research at the General Clinical Research Center.
In order to assure the highest quality and broadest possible array of clinical training opportunities for its students, the College of Medicine has academic affiliation agreements with five of the largest voluntary and municipal hospitals in New York comprising more than 6,000 beds. The medical school also has affiliations with numerous long-term and other health care facilities. Through these varied clinical affiliations, Einstein medical students see patients from a wide range of economic, ethnic and racial groupings an unusual opportunity available only in an urban setting with multiple training sites.
School name:Yeshiva UniversityAlbert Einstein College of Medicine
Address:Jack and Pearl Resnick Campus, 1300 Morris Park Av.
Zip & city:NY 10461 New York
Address:Jack and Pearl Resnick Campus, 1300 Morris Park Av.
Zip & city:NY 10461 New York
(1 vote)
Albert Einstein College of Medicine Medical School Location
Albert Einstein College of Medicine Courses
The first year of the curriculum includes elective mini-courses in Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Nutrition in Clinical Medicine, and Medical Spanish. Spanish language training in the first year is provided at beginning, intermediate and advanced levels.
* Histology and Cell Structure
* Clinical and Developmental Anatomy
* Cardiovascular Physiology
* The Renal System
* Molecular and Cellular Foundations of Medicine
* Disease Mechanisms
* Principles of Pharmacology
* Introduction to Clinical Medicine : Introduction to the Patient/The Clinical Experience/Ethics
* Principles of Preventive Medicine and Clinical Research
In the second year, all students are required to take instruction in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) with certification by the American Heart Association. Medical Spanish elective courses continue with offerings at beginning, intermediate and advanced levels.
* Nervous System and Human Behavior
* Cardiovascular Medicine
* Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
* Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases
* Hematology
* Endocrine System
* Reproductive System and Human Sexuality
* Musculo-Skeletal Disorders
* Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
* Parasitology & Global Medicine
* Introduction to Clinical Medicine: The Clinical Examination
In June of the third year, the student begins a sequence of clerkships in internal medicine, general surgery, pediatrics, psychiatry, obstetrics and gynecology, family medicine, geriatrics and radiology. During this important phase of medical education, the student becomes virtually a full-time inhabitant of the various public and private health care affiliates of the College. The student learns to take responsibility for patient care under supervision and during this learning process interacts with attending physicians, residents, nurses, social workers and physician assistants.
Learning experiences during clerkship training are very diverse, including conferences, seminars, lectures, demonstrations, ward rounds and grand rounds; but the essence of this training is, above all, interaction with patients in both inpatient and ambulatory patient environments. It is primarily through direct encounters with patients that the student learns a systematic approach to patient care based upon accurate and comprehensive histories, thorough physical examinations, proper analysis and interpretation of laboratory and imaging data, understanding of disease mechanisms, formulation of rational therapeutic goals, and careful evaluation of treatment effectiveness.
While attending to the patient's medical problems, the student is also expected to be considerate and compassionate, appreciate the influence of sociocultural and economic factors on the patient and family, acquire understanding of ethical issues in clinical decision-making, and practice high standards of professional behavior.
At the end of year three, each student participates in a six-hour assessment of history- taking, physical examination and differential diagnosis skills through the use of standardized patients. CD's of each student's encounter with a standardized patient are reviewed with faculty, and remedial assistance is provided to students who do not achieve an acceptable level of clinical competence.
* Internal Medicine
* Pediatrics medicine
* Psychiatry medicine
* Obstetrics & Gynecology
* General Surgery
* Family Medicine
* Radiology medicine
* Geriatric Medicine
During the Ambulatory Care Program, students participate in the evaluation and therapy of adult or pediatric outpatients. Students in this program are expected to develop a sense of responsibility for continuity of patient care and appreciation of the special problems that confront the physician of first contact.
Every student is required to do a two-month Subinternship in medicine, pediatrics or adolescent medicine. Functioning as an integral member of the patient-care team, the subintern assumes many of the responsibilities of a first-year resident under supervision of the resident and attending physician staff.
A one-month clerkship in Neurology rounds out the four months of required senior year courses.
A major part of the senior year is an elective period of seven months duration. Students choose from a wide selection of electives offered by virtually every department. Through the elective program, a student may choose to obtain additional subinternship experience, further training in ambulatory medicine and primary care, or participate in a research project. Electives in clinical specialties such as cardiology, infectious disease, endocrinology, dermatology, nephrology, gastroenterology, pulmonary medicine and emergency medicine are very popular. Also available are programs in community medicine, drug abuse, alcoholism, and geriatrics. Many electives may be arranged to be taken in other medical schools in the United States or abroad. Funding is available for students to travel abroad to participate in exchange programs with overseas medical schools or obtain clinical or research experience in less developed nations.
* Subinternship in Medicine or Pediatrics
* Ambulatory Care Program in Medicine, Pediatrics or
Family Medicine
* Neurology
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