Wright State University (Boonshoft School of Medicine)
Boonshoft School of Medicine is located in Dayton, Ohio, and serves the Miami Valley region of southwestern Ohio. Wright State is a community-based medical school affiliated with seven major teaching hospitals and more than 20 other health care institutions in the Dayton area. Boonshoft School of Medicine is committed to the process of life-long learning for physicians. Its educational programs include:
* undergraduate medical education leading to the M.D., M.D./Ph.D., M.D./M.B.A. or M.D./M.P.H. degree for about 400 medical students;
* residency training in 13 medical specialties for about 375 resident physicians; and
* continuing medical education programs for practicing physicians in the community.
The School of Medicine was established by the Ohio General Assembly in 1973. The school's charter class of medical students began studies in 1976 and graduated in 1980. Since then, 2,155 M.D.'s have graduated from Wright State. Wright State alumni are practicing in every state in the nation. (See: map.)
The School of Medicine's academic departments include basic science departments located on the Wright State University main campus and clinical departments based throughout the community. In addition to 290 full-time faculty, Wright State's voluntary faculty include approximately 1,250 physicians in private practice and other health care professionals in the community.
The Boonshoft School of Medicine's mission of excellence goes beyond the traditional categories of education, research, and service. Our innovative educational programs have made Wright State a national leader in primary care medicine and the diversity of our medical student population. Our research programs are distinguished by interdisciplinary teamwork and collaboration in the community. Our mission and vision of excellence as a community-based medical school are dedicated to improving the educational opportunities and health care resources of the community we serve.
Our vision is "To progress as a preeminent community-based medical school that advances new models of academic excellence and community health care." Our mission is "To educate culturally diverse students to become excellent physicians, by focusing on generalist training that is integrated, supported, and strengthened by specialists and researchers, all of whom value patient-focused care, community service, and research, and have passion for improving health in their communities."
The academic medical community and the practicing profession are intensely interested in the maintenance of a diverse student body. Wright State University School of Medicine is a strong supporter of equality in educational opportunities. Every effort is made to recruit qualified minority students who wish to pursue a medical career. The school's philosophy is to seek students with diverse social, ethnic, and cultural heritages. This includes not only minority students, but also the older and non-traditional student.
The School of Medicine promotes an environment in which all persons are free to make their contributions. All students are protected from prejudgment, intimidation, and/or discrimination. All individuals — regardless of race, color, religious beliefs, national origin, gender, age, ability, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status — are accepted and appreciated for their individuality and contributions to the diversity and functions of the school.
When Wright State School of Medicine was established by the Ohio General Assembly in 1973, one of its goals was increasing the number of physicians from traditionally under-represented groups. Over the years, the School of Medicine has consistently met this goal through pipeline programs, such as Horizons in Medicine and the Short-Term Training Program to Increase Diversity in Health-Related Research (STREAMS), innovative recruitment programs and a carefully designed admissions process.
In the early 1990s, Wright State became one of the first of the nation's 125 medical schools to admit more women than men. By 1995, Wright State ranked second in the percentage of women in its entering class and fourth in the percentage of women enrolled. Today, slightly more than half of our students are women.
A significant number of Wright State medical students come from nontraditional backgrounds. Some have undergraduate educations in the humanities as well as the sciences. Some delayed entrance to medical school until they tested their motivation to become a physician with "real-world" experiences, choosing medicine after careers in other health care fields, leadership experience in the military, and volunteer service with organizations such as the Peace Corps.
Clinical training for Wright State's medical students and resident physicians takes place in a diverse range of health-care institutions spread throughout the Miami Valley region. Instead of operating a single, university-based hospital, Wright State works with seven major teaching hospitals in the Dayton area and has formal affiliation agreements with more than 20 other health care institutions in the Miami Valley.
Wright State's clinical departments are based throughout the community and Wright State faculty teach and provide medical care for almost half a million patient visits.
In addition to 290 full-time faculty, Wright State has approximately 1,300 voluntary faculty in the community. Voluntary faculty provide an invaluable service for the School of Medicine by donating their time and expertise to the training and development of our medical students and residents. Physicians, basic scientists, psychologists, administrators, and other health care professionals teach, mentor, and supervise trainees in area inpatient and outpatient facilities, including hospitals, clinics, and private physician offices. In addition to direct contact with students, voluntary faculty are also active as members of various standing and ad hoc committees in the School of Medicine.
Wright State operates 12 integrated residency programs in the teaching hospitals and is affiliated with three additional residencies operated by individual teaching hospitals. The residency programs provide graduate medical training to close to 400 resident physicians, who serve as house staff at the hospitals.
The vision for a community-based medical school at Wright State University originated in the Dayton community in the early 1970s. Local physicians and community leaders recognized that using existing hospitals and other clinical resources in the community would be a cost-effective model for medical education. The medical school's community involvement, in turn, would strengthen the health care system throughout the Miami Valley region.
Wright State's model exposes medical students and resident physicians to a diverse range of patients and health care facilities. Medical educators believe that this "real world" experience is excellent preparation for medical careers in a rapidly changing health care system.
Wright State University School of Medicine has become a national leader in primary care education. Wright State has ranked in the Top 50 Primary Care Schools specialty of U.S. News and World Report's "Best Graduate Schools" in four of the last five years. While emphasizing the training of generalist physicians, Wright State's medical education model prepares graduates for training in the full spectrum of medical specialties. As the nation undertakes policy decisions that will change the mix of the physician workforce, Wright State can point the way to achieving an effective, collaborative balance between generalists and specialists.
School name:Wright State UniversityBoonshoft School of Medicine
Address:PO Box 927
Zip & city:OH 45401-0927 Ohio
Address:PO Box 927
Zip & city:OH 45401-0927 Ohio
( vote)
Boonshoft School of Medicine Medical School Location
Boonshoft School of Medicine Courses
Students receive early exposure to patients through Introduction to Clinical Medicine. You will also be trained through interdisciplinary courses in Human Structure; Molecular Basis of Medicine; Cells and Tissue Organ Systems; and Principles of Disease. Social and Ethical Issues in Medicine, Human Development, and Population Medicine courses are also required in Year 1.Your classroom training features a combination of traditional lectures with small-group sessions, computerized instruction, and basic science concepts emphasized with clinical case corollaries and team learning sessions. The Weekend Intervention Program (WIP) experience is a valuable part of Introduction to Clinical Medicine. This is a hands-on residential education program of intervention for persons involved with drugs or alcohol. Every student must attend one WIP program before the end of Year 2.
* Human Development
* Human Structure
* Molecular Basis of Medicine
* Social & Ethical Issues in Medicine I
* Intro. to Clinical Medicine I
* Cells & Tissue Organ Systems
* Social & Ethical Issues in Medicine II
* Principles of Disease
* Population Medicine
* Electives
* Interim P/F
* Clinical Decision Making
* Elective
* Pathobiology & Therapeutics
* Neuroscience
* Blood
* Musculoskeletal & Integument
* Cardiovascular
* Respiratory
* Renal
* Endocrine & Reproductive
* Gastrointestinal
Year 3 begins in late July or early August and lasts 12 months. The number of hours per week that students are in training varies with each clinical rotation. They will receive three weeks of vacation during the year.
* Family Medicine
* Medicine
* Women's Health
* Pediatrics
* Psychiatry
* Surgery
Year 4 begins in August and lasts 10 months. During this period, students may choose two months for vacation and visiting potential residency program sites. During the remaining eight months, the required and elective rotations will be completed.
Early in Year 4 students must participate in an O.S.C.E. Students are required to arrange their schedule to be in town during August or September. Much of Year 4 is devoted to electives. None of these electives may be "essentially identical," and only two may be extramural. Students may satisfy one of the months by completing two 2-week experiences.
Students will choose an electives program after consulting with an advisor and receiving his or her approval. Electives must be chosen from at least three different departments, with at least one being a Junior Internship in a primary care department (Family Medicine, Medicine, or Pediatrics).
* Emergency Medicine
* Neurology
* Surgical Elective
* Primary Care
* Electives
![]() YEAR 1 Year 1 focuses on the normal structure, function, and development of the human body. COURSES : * Biochemistry : Is a course designed ... Address: 231 Albert Sabin Way |
![]() Students enrolled in OU-COM study in one of two tracks – the Patient-Centered Continuum (PCC) curriculum or the Clinical Presentation Continuum (CPC) ... Address: Grosvenor, Irvine and Parks Halls, Athens, Ohio |
![]() FIRST YEAR In typical programs, students begin their medical education by studying basic science at the molecular level, not fully aware of the rel... Address: 2109 Adelbert Rd. |