Northeastern Ohio Universities (College of Medicine)
NEOUCOM is a community-based, public institution that provides interdisciplinary training of health professionals, offering both a doctor of medicine and a doctor of pharmacy degree. The NEOUCOM educational consortium includes the Rootstown, Ohio, campus, eight teaching hospitals, 10 associated hospitals and two health departments.
The College offers a combined B.S./M.D. program with The University of Akron (UA), Kent State University (KSU) and Youngstown State University. In addition to these institutions, Cleveland State University makes up the educational consortium for the doctor of pharmacy program. NEOUCOM and its hospital partners co-sponsor graduate and continuing professional education programs for residents, physicians and allied health professionals. NEOUCOM also has collaborative arrangements with KSU and UA to offer graduate-level coursework and research opportunities in biomedical sciences and biomedical engineering leading to master’s and doctoral degrees.
NEOUCOM is an equal opportunity educator and employer. The College of Medicine is committed to preparing students for the practice of medicine in a multicultural environment by increasing the diversity of the student body, faculty and staff and by enhancing policies, procedures and practices that support a collaborative environment.
Graduates of the Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine (NEOUCOM) have earned their reputations as highly competent, compassionate health care professionals. Working in partnership with 17 associated hospitals and two departments of health throughout northeast Ohio, NEOUCOM provides a truly outstanding curriculum and a friendly, supportive environment.
NEOUCOM offers several routes to admission for those seeking a doctor of medicine degree. Students may apply for B.S./M.D., direct entry or transfer admission. NEOUCOM’s combined B.S./M.D. program is one of the largest B.S./M.D. programs in the country. High school students admitted to the B.S./M.D. program receive a reserved seat in medical school while completing their undergraduate requirements at one of the partner universities that make up the NEOUCOM consortium: The University of Akron, Kent State University and Youngstown State University. Undergraduate requirements can often be completed in two years, allowing students to complete their medical degrees in as few as six years.
NEOUCOM also offers a direct entry route to medical school for students who have completed their premedical studies at another college or university. Typically, 20 percent of our first-year medical school students are admitted to the College of Medicine through direct entry admission. Transfer students from other medical schools are considered for admission on a space available basis.
NEOUCOM recently received approval from the Ohio Board of Regents to offer a doctor of pharmacy degree. NEOUCOM will work in partnership with The University of Akron, Kent State University, Youngstown State University and Cleveland State University to offer the doctor of pharmacy program. Preferential admissions agreements will allow many students to complete their pre-pharmacy studies at one of these universities and then apply to the four-year doctor of pharmacy program at NEOUCOM. A direct-entry route to admission also is anticipated. It is anticipated that the first class of doctor of pharmacy students will enter NEOUCOM in the fall of 2007.
Address:4209 St. Rt. 44, P.O. Box 95
Zip & city:OH 44272-0095 Ohio
College of Medicine Medical School Location
College of Medicine Courses
FIRST YEAR Instruction in the basic medical science courses emphasizes the normal structure and function of the human body, the mechanisms by which these are maintained and the factors leading to injury and disease. The behavioral sciences program teaches the normal development of an individual’s mental, personal and social capabilities, as well as principles for application in clinical problem solving and in the medical interview. interdisciplinary instruction also is given in geriatrics, community health and human sexuality. COURSES : * Ambulatory Care Experience : For seven days during the first year, students leave the College and work at ambulatory care sites across the region. Over the year, they experience health care in a variety of settings: community based clinics, school based care, nursing homes and hospice programs. In every case, the emphasis is on the reality of health care outside of the hospital environment where so much medical education takes place. Students maintain personal records of their experience including notes on how their other course work relates to the reality they encounter in the community. * Anatomy : The study of human anatomy requires knowledge of ah the major vessels, nerves, bones and muscles, an understanding of how organs get their blood and nerve supply, and an awareness of the movements produced by different muscles of the body. These concepts, with an understanding of the relationship of structure and function, are gained through lectures, laboratory dissection and small group learning. The value of dissection as an aid to the learning of relationships cannot be overemphasized. * Behavioral Sciences : The Behavioral Sciences course seeks to enhance the psychosocial sensitivity and skills of medical students. initially, the course concentrates on individual patients and their families by addressing human growth and development across the life cycle, adaptation to stressful situations and maladaptive responses to life tasks and crises. Subsequently, the course concentrates on the patient-physician interaction by providing systematic instruction in interviewing skills. The instructional modules increase medical students’ competence in establishing caring relationships by teaching students to listen carefully and respond empathically to patient concerns. Finally, the course concentrates on the social context of the patient-physician relationship by examining the United States’ health care delivery system and considering the medical profession from sociological, economic, moral and political perspectives. * Biochemistry and Molecular Pathology : The Biochemistry and Molecular Pathology course teaches the molecular organization and function of tissues, the mechanism by which these are maintained and the genetic and environmental factors that may interfere with them and lead to cell injury and disease. Students learn to apply this knowledge in a logical fashion and to understand the mechanism of diseases, their detection and treatment, and thus, convert the theoretical skills of biochemistry into a working knowledge in clinical medicine. * Developmental Medicine : The course is an integration of human genetics, embryology and developmental pathology. It considers the underlying foundation of genetics and genetic disease. It presents the development of the human from fertilization to birth, correlating morphologic development with molecular genetic events and the pathology that results when that process is flawed. Basic and clinical science elements of heritable syndrome definition, prenatal and population genetic screening and genetic aspects of aging and cancer are discussed. * lmmunobiology : The course is an integration of medical immunology and elements of general pathology. It presents the morphology and function of the cells and tissues involved in the body’s response to allergens and infectious agents. It provides basic material about antibodies, cell receptors and cytokine structure and function. Diagnosis and consequences of immune-mediated injury are discussed. lmmunodeficiency states, autoimmune, alloimmune and allergic conditions and transplantation and its associated immunosuppression are present at both the basic and clinical levels. * infectious Disease-1: The objectives of the infectious Disease-1 course are to teach basic concepts in microbiology and infectious disease as they relate to the overall human organism in health and disease. lnfectious Disease-1 emphasizes basic concepts and principles of microbes with an introduction to clinical infectious disease. The objectives are achieved by a series of formal lectures in bacteriology and virology. Lectures are supported by clinical problem-solving and a computer assisted review. In addition to basic science faculty, clinical faculty give lectures in the course, which assist students in the transition from theoretical to practical applications. lnfectious Disease-1 is the first part of a two-part course. lnfectious Disease-2, which is taught in the second year, reviews basic concepts and principles but focuses on clinical infectious disease of organ systems in the human host. The two courses are integrated and designed to give the students an exceptional experience in this important area of medicine. * Introduction to Physical Examination : The Introduction to Physical Examination (IPE) course is offered to Ml students during the winter term. Students learn basic office procedures and how to conduct a Screening Physical Examination. This experience provides students with fundamental skills in preparation for patient care sessions with community preceptors and for the Physical Diagnosis Laboratory during M2. Small-group instruction is scheduled in the family practice centers in each community where students examine each other in a laboratory setting with supervision and feedback. * Microscopic Anatomy : The first half of the Microscopic Anatomy course is designed to be a comprehensive survey of the structure of the normal cells and tissues that comprise the human body. The second half of the course emphasizes a systems approach to the study of tissues. Lectures are followed by corresponding laboratory sessions where students are guided in their observations of prepared and fresh tissue sections, electron micrographs and projection slides. Each student has his/her own microscope and set of slides. Further review by small groups of students with an instructor using the eight-headed microscope is very beneficial. This initial introduction to normal healthy tissue serves as an essential foundation for understanding the diseased states of tissues encountered in pathology. * Medical Neuroscience : A solid understanding of the normal functional anatomy of the central nervous system is critical to an understanding of the abnormal. The Medical Neuroscience course integrates basic information relative to the structure and function of the central nervous system with clinical material commonly encountered in the practice of medicine. The course begins with an introduction to the basic anatomy and physiology of the central nervous system. The course continues with an emphasis on functional concepts along with structure. A number of clinical correlation sessions are included, in which case studies of patients whose central nervous systems are malfunctioning in one way or another are discussed. The later part of the course covers higher functions and systems studies such as learning, memory, emotions, motor systems, etc. Some of this is review to reemphasize earlier concepts. A laboratory exercise continues throughout the course to help integrate concepts to actual nervous system structure. * Physiology : The Physiology course seeks to provide students with an understanding of how the major organ systems function. To this end, structure-function relationships are considered at levels of organization ranging from the subcellular to the whole organism to provide the student with an integrative view of human physiology. To reinforce these concepts, relevant disease processes are discussed as manifestations of disorders of normal physiology. The course is taught during Terms 2 and 3, with cardiovascular, respiratory and integrative cardiopulmonary physiology in Term 2, and renal, acid-base, gastrointestinal and endocrine physiology in Term 3. The course is taught through both lecture and small-group laboratory sessions that give students hands-on experience in problem solving. SECOND YEAR The sophomore medical year serves as the bridge from classroom and laboratory basic science work to clinical applications in hospitals and ambulatory settings. The curriculum and educational activities cover material in body system modules and concentrate on basic pathophysiologic processes and the mechanisms underlying clinical signs and disease. The curriculum emphasizes hands on experience in labs and in hospitals and in community settings. In Introduction to Clinical Medicine, simulated patients help students develop and strengthen skills in interviewing, physical diagnosis and history taking. Students attend classes at the Rootstown campus and at the major teaching campuses where small group teaching takes place. Each system module starts with exposure to a patient, followed by an integrated approach to the clinical content, with a final session that focuses on the impact on the community and how illnesses in that area can be prevented. A capstone experience ties the year together. An additional modular block called infectious Disease 2 is taught entirely on the Rootstown campus. COURSES : * Introduction to Clinical Medicine : The introduction to Clinical Medicine (1CM) course is designed to provide the student with educational experiences to develop the role of physicians in relation to patients, their families and the community. 1CM is taught in six family practice centers on the clinical campuses. 1CM emphasizes skiiis and attitudes in the areas of communication and interpersonal relationships, physical examination, clinical problem solving and family and sexuality issues in health care. * Principles of Medical Science : The Principles of Medical Science course is taught in three terms and covers the basic pathophysioiogy of disease with an introduction to the application of basic principles and knowledge of disease as it appears in the patient. The course covers aH the disciplines of medicine and includes, in addition to lecture format, additional hours of case study and the practical application of principles to patient care. * Organ Systems Radiology : Organ Systems Radiology extends through the full academic year and correlates with the concurrent organ system learning in the other M2 courses. The course emphasizes the value of diagnostic imaging in clnicai aspects of anatomy, physiology and pathology of various organ systems. Choice of procedures is stressed, including patient benefit and cost effectiveness. in addition, students are introduced to basic radiation physics and biology, as well as radiation oncology. * Medical Pharmacology : Medical pharmacology provides students with the fundamentals needed to practice rational drug therapy in humans. The course highlights the basic principles of pharmacodynamics, mechanisms of action, physioiogical disposition, side effects and toxicities and the relative evaluation of drugs. To relate drugs to disease states, the Medical Pharmacology course bridges pathophysioiogy with pharmacology by emphasizing therapeutics — how drugs influence disease. in addition to full-time basic medical science faculty, clinicians participate in teaching therapeutics and provide students with exposure to patients as they are being treated with effective drugs. Thus, students learn not only how drugs work but also have the opportunity to see and hear how drugs reverse the disease process from people helped by them. * Systems Pathology : Systems Pathology defines the nature of basic pathologic processes such as degeneration, injury, repair, inflammation and neoplasia, as they occur in the specialized tissues of the hemiclymphatic, cardiac, respiratory, gastrointestinal, nervous, urinary, genital, integumentary and endocrine systems. Material is covered by lectures and readings in a comprehensive text and coordinated laboratory sessions where the morphology and clinical pathology of the conditions being studied are reviewed. General Pathology is a prerequisite course. * Infectious Disease-2 : infectious Disease-2, the second part of a two-part course (infectious Disease-1 is taught in the Ml year), is taught in the interterm from mid-November to mid December. The central theme of the course is infectious disease and it is taught in an integrated, interdisciplinary approach for four full weeks during which there are no other courses. It reviews basic concepts and principles but focuses on the clinical aspects of disease that are totally microbiological in nature or that have a significant microbiological component. Methods of treatment and control also are covered. The course has a laboratory in which students learn basic techniques of microbial identification while identifying unknowns. In addition, self-directed, computer-based clinical problems as well as a directed inquiry of the infectious disease literature serve to complete a study of microbiological diseases. THIRD YEAR The junior medical year provides theoretical and practical foundations in the clinical disciplines. Working with clinical faculty and residents in the major teaching hospitals, students learn diagnostic and therapeutic skills, gain experience in patient management and examine the ethical dilemmas of contemporary medicine. The faculty regularly provide special teaching sessions appropriate to the learning level of medical students. In each of the six clerkships, students spend their time in the hospital and study with a primary focus on the specific patients they encounter. They become the junior members of clinical teams, gradually taking on active roles in support of the nurses, residents and faculty. The third year is a demanding, full-time clinical experience, requiring students to apply the education they gained in the classrooms and labs of the first two years. For the year, students are assigned to one of the three clinical campuses: Akron, Canton and Youngstown. They rotate among the hospitals on their city campus. REQUIRED CLINICAL CLERKSHIPS : * Internal Medicine : The purpose of the M3 rotation in Internal Medicine is to develop clinical competence, foster appropriate attitudes toward professional responsibility as a physician and to introduce the student to the specialty of Internal Medicine. The emphasis will be on the internist's method and approach to care of the patient. Both cognitive and non-cognitive learning will be primarily patient oriented. * General Surgery : You will spend six weeks in General Surgery and four weeks consisting of two weeks each in selectives in Anesthesia, Cardiothoracic, Orthopaedic, Urology, or Pediatric Surgery. During this time, you will be evaluated by both faculty and residents. Areas of evaluation will include history-taking and physical exam skills, understanding diagnostic procedures, the ability to form a treatment plan, comprehension of the pathophysiology of surgical disease, adequacy of case presentations and performance during SUPAK. Surgical skills will also be evaluated such as understanding aseptic techniques, both in the operating room and at the bedside; changing dressings; and manual skills in technical procedures, such as suturing of subcutaneous skin wounds. You will also be evaluated in the areas of relationships with patients and peers and attitudes toward professional responsibilities. At the end of the Clerkship, you will be required to take the National Board of Medical Examiners Shelf Copy Examination in Surgery which will count as 25% of your grade. You will also be given an oral exam, which will be counted as another 15% of your grade. Exams will be given at NEOUCOM. On the first day of the clerkship, you will be given a SUPAK manual which contains twenty-six topics for roundtable discussion. You will be expected to have thoroughly researched all of these disease processes in preparation for SUPAK sessions. The oral exam will focus on these disease processes. * Pediatrics : Pediatrics is a cornerstone of primary care, involving the care of infants, children, and adolescents. The Pediatrics rotation, a required M3 rotation, is designed to help each student demonstrate competency in the care of pediatric and adolescent patients. In addition to passing the rotation, each student is also required to pass Step 2 and Step 2 CS of the USMLE to graduate from NEOUCOM. Therefore, it is the objective of this clerkship to facilitate the student’s acquisition of knowledge of pediatric and adolescent medicine and to assure the presence of adequate clinical skills in each student such that each student will successfully complete the pediatric portion of these graduation requirements. In addition, it is a goal of the clerkship that the student will gain an appreciation for the recognition of the critically ill pediatric patient. The focus of the pediatric clerkship is the acquisition of a fundamental body of knowledge, clinical competency with infants, children and adolescents, and the development of clinical problem- solving skills. The format chosen to accomplish this is two 4-week segments. One segment involves a rotation through the inpatient service of a children’s hospital. The other segment is an ambulatory experience including office-based practices, the emergency room of a children’s hospital and the newborn nursery. Through this broad-based exposure the student will see a variety of patients, from those that are well to those that are critically ill as well as from infant to adolescent. * Obstetrics/Gynecology : During the core clerkship in Obstetrics and Gynecology, you will learn about the common conditions affecting women’s health. Despite your future specialty choice, at the completion of this rotation, you should know the effects of pregnancy on other health conditions, the effect of various illnesses on pregnancy, the common ambulatory and surgical gynecologic conditions, and aspects of health maintenance and disease prevention for women. * Psychiatry : The M3 Psychiatry Clerkship is designed to provide for the acquisition of clinical competence and basic knowledge in psychiatry, the development of interpersonal skills, and the promotion of attitudes commensurate with high standards of professionalism. The biopsychosocial model will serve as a framework for the educational experiences including lectures, case conferences, and patient care activities. * Family Medicine : You are responsible for providing patient care in a variety of settings including the family practice center, the hospital, private offices, at a patient’s home, at underserved clinics, and other locations as assigned. Although times and places for patient care will vary among the six clerkship sites, the process will be the same. You will see each patient alone, and then meet with a preceptor to discuss each case and your performance. The precepting session will conclude with the preceptor seeing the patient. (All patients seen by students must be seen by a physician before they leave the office.) In addition to seeing patients, you are expected to participate in office procedures, hospital admissions and therapy sessions, whenever possible. FOURTH YEAR Guided by advisers and working within a set of requirements, seniors design their own curricula based on their educational and career priorities. Over the year, students take at least five clinical electives, each one month in length. They are required to select a balanced set of electives across four major categories, and to take at least three of these within the consortium hospitals. Within the framework of these requirements, the possibilities are very numerous. It is the first time the students have had to arrange their own curriculum’ since entering college. Seniors often choose to participate in unusual and exciting educational experiences while meeting the requirement for the year. These have included traveling by canoe into isolated areas of Alaska to provide health care in Eskimo villages, making house calls with an obstetrician in the Scottish Highlands, providing general medical and surgical care for the underserved population of Bangledesh and opthalmologic examination and treatment for patients in Ecuador and Mexico. Students may apply for a grant from the NEOUCOM Foundation to assist with travel expenses.
![]() YEAR 1 Year 1 focuses on the normal structure, function, and development of the human body. COURSES : * Biochemistry : Is a course designed ... Address: 231 Albert Sabin Way |
![]() Students enrolled in OU-COM study in one of two tracks – the Patient-Centered Continuum (PCC) curriculum or the Clinical Presentation Continuum (CPC) ... Address: Grosvenor, Irvine and Parks Halls, Athens, Ohio |
![]() FIRST YEAR In typical programs, students begin their medical education by studying basic science at the molecular level, not fully aware of the rel... Address: 2109 Adelbert Rd. |