Morehouse School of Medicine
The Morehouse School of Medicine is a historically black institution established to recruit and train minority and other students as physicians, biomedical scientists, and public healthcare professionals committed to the primary healthcare needs of the underserved.
The school's history is a unique one. In 1973, Morehouse College received a federal grant to study the feasibility of developing a two-year program to train students for careers as primary care physicians who would work in medically underserved areas among minority and poor populations.
The Morehouse School of Medicine is an historically black institution established to recruit and train minority and other students as physicians, biomedical scientists, and public health professionals committed to the primary
healthcare needs of the underserved.
Morehouse School of Medicine is located in the City of
Atlanta, a truly international city. The city is a major cultural, financial, industrial and educational center of the Southeastern United States. The school is the newest member of the Atlanta University Center. The
Atlanta University Center is a consortium of six independent institutions that constitute the largest predominately African-American educational complex in the world. Members of the Atlanta University Center are: Clark Atlanta University, a university offering undergraduate and graduate programs; the interdenominational Theological Center, a federation of six seminaries; Morehouse College, a liberal arts college for men; Morehouse School of Medicine; Morris Brown College, a co-educational liberal arts college related to the African Methodist Episcopal Church; and, Spelman College, a liberal arts college for women. Other major educational and research institutions in Atlanta include the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Emory University, Mercer University, Oglethorpe University, Agnes Scott College, Georgia Institute of Technology, and Georgia State University.
In addition to being a center for higher education, Atlanta
offers a variety of cultural opportunities including the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, Atlanta Ballet, the Alliance Theatre and several smaller theatre companies. The High Museum of Art is an architectural masterpiece that houses an extensive collection of its own and hosts
several first-rate touring collections each year. Atlanta is also known for world-famous centers honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and former President Jimmy Carter. Sports and entertainment facilities include the Atlanta Braves. new Turner Field, the impressive Georgia Dome, broadcasting’s CNN Center, the Fox Theater, the new Philips Arena and a growing number of jazz and blues clubs.
Morehouse School of Medicine mission is to recruit and train minority and other students as physicians and biomedical scientists committed to the primary healthcare needs of the underserved.
Additional goals of the Morehouse School of Medicine that are complementary to the mission are to:
* train more minorities for academic medicine, for the medicalspecialties, for research, for administration, and for healthpolicy positions;
* expand basic biomedical research and clinical research, with particular attention to those problems that disproportionately affect minorities and the poor; and,
* expand the size of the minority applicant pool for medicine, other health professions, and the biomedical sciences.
New scientific developments in Medicine occur at a rapid pace. Graduates must therefore be prepared to adapt to the changes in the profession. Hence, the education that begins at Morehouse School of Medicine must serve to provide the student a foundation for a life-long course of learning. The School seeks to help the student prepare for and contribute to resolving the problems of medicine and healthcare through a challenging and stimulating educational program in scientific medicine. There is also a strong focus on prevention, health promotion and basic and clinical research. Several programs have been instituted
to address these important issues.
Most of the instruction in the basic medical sciences occurs in a modern 91,000 square foot facility that was constructed in 1982. The Hugh Gloster Basic MedicalSciences Building contains classrooms and
laboratories, space for administration, faculty offices, an animal facility, and faculty research laboratories. In 1987, construction of a 70,000 square foot Medical Education Building that is attached to the Hugh
Gloster Basic MedicalSciences Building was completed. The facility provided space to double the size of the library as well as additional faculty office and research space. Additional faculty offices, administrative offices, maintenance and repair shops, central stores are
contained in a second nearby, recently renovated structure of approximately 30,000 square feet. In 1996, the School opened and dedicated a Multi-Disciplinary Research Center. It houses the Clinical Research Center, Neuroscience Center, and National Aeronautics and Space Administration programs. The National Center for Primary Care (NCPC) opened in 2002.
The Morehouse School of Medicine affiliates with the
following Atlanta hospitals for major clinical teaching and research: Southwest Hospital and Medical Center, Grady Health System Hospitals (Grady Memorial Hospital and Hughes Spalding Children’s Hospital), and South Fulton Medical Center. There also exists an affiliation with the Central Alabama Veterans Health Care System in Tuskegee Alabama.
Clinical instruction for medical students and for residents is conducted at affiliated facilities. Third-year students do the major portion of their clinical clerkships at Grady Memorial Hospital, a 1,000- bed, full-service hospital committed to offer medical services to the underserved including governmentally-sponsored populations.
Approximately 28,000 patient admissions with more than 200,000 total patient days of care annually and 500,000 ambulatory patient visits, allow medical students the opportunity to observe a broad range of medical problems and diseases. Through agreements with Fulton- DeKalb Hospital Authority, Morehouse School of Medicine and Emory University School of Medicine share the responsibility for patient care and MSM is responsible for the education of its medical students and
residents at Grady Memorial Hospital.
Third-year psychiatry instruction and the psychiatry residency training program occur in a number of clinical facilities throughout the Atlanta area. The facilities include: Georgia Regional Hospital, Ridgeview Institute, West Fulton Community Mental Health Center, Grady Memorial Hospital, and the Tuskegee Veterans Medical Center.
The Family Practice Residency, at Southwest Hospital and Medical Center, is located approximately 10 miles from the medical school. There is also an attached professional office building where the school’s model Family Practice Center is located. Third and fourth-year
instruction in Family Medicine occurs in these facilities.
Morehouse Medical Associates (MMA), Inc. is a separately incorporated faculty practice plan, staffed by MSM clinical faculty. It currently operates from three sites. The Family Practice Clinic operates as a branch of MMA, and provides the patient-base for the Family
Practice Residency program at Southwest Hospital and Medical Center. At Grady Health Care Systems, in-patient and out-patient care is provided on four departmental services (Pediatrics, OB/GYN, Medicine
and Surgery) and residency programs in Medicine, OB/GYN and Surgery. Private patients of our faculty receive hospital care at several Atlanta area hospitals, including South Fulton and Southwest Medical Centers.
An essential part of MSM's educational mission is providing our medical students, graduate students and clinical trainees with faculty role models pursuing state-of-the-art research. Moreover, it is our educational philosophy that health care facilities that care for the
underserved must play a leadership role in translational research that brings advances in basic science and clinical medicine to these special populations. We are in the top quarter of newer medical schools in total
NIH research funds and at the 80th percentile in funds per faculty member in the basic science departments.
Our research activities have resulted in the establishment of major research centers/institutes which include:
* The Clinical Research Center (CRC) houses several projects involving cardiovascular disease, community-based research, cancer research, clinical pharmacology research, and research in HIV/ AIDS. This Center brings together clinicians and basic scientists in collaboration on these and other projects on ambulatory patients. Dr. Elizabeth Ofili serves as Director.
* The Neuroscience Institute has active research projects addressing the molecular biology and physiology of circadian rhythms, signal transduction and modulation in the basal ganglia, regeneration of CNS neurons, functional imaging, and neurotoxicity associated with HIV infection. The projects are
supported by core facilities in imaging, molecular biology,
tissue culture, and histology. Dr. Peter MacLeish is the
* The Space Medicine and Life Sciences Center addresses cardiovascular responses to microgravity, gravitational effects on cell biology, and pharmacological interventions for musculoskeletal effects of microgravity. Dr. Myrtle Thierry- Palmer is the Director.
* The newly established Cardiovascular Research Institute (Summer, 1999) has as a common theme of research, the elucidation of the molecular basis of disease by understanding the dynamic interactions between genetic programs, cellular biology and integrative physiology. Dr. Gary Gibbons is the
In addition to these major research centers/institutes, we also have programs that support a significant portion of our research and infrastructure efforts.
* The Research Centers in Minority Institutions (RCMI) Program provides significant support for our state-of-the-art biomedical research technology core and shared-use facilities. Dr. Vincent C. Bond is the Director.
* The Minority Biomedical Research Support (MBRS) program provides funds to support continuous research excellence by faculty investigators, strengthen the institution’s research capabilities, and provide opportunities for students to work as part of a research team. Dr. Sandra Harris-Hooker is the Director.
In support of the mission of MSM, the faculty has developed a wide variety of initiatives to promote the health of members of our community, state, and nation. Among these initiatives are breast and cervical cancer screening programs, the Gerontology Program and
Resource Center, the Health Promotion Resource Center, the Parent Training Network, the Cancer Prevention Awareness Program, the Prevention Resource Center, and other similar programs. The
Partnerships for Health Professions Education project supports an interlocking series of efforts to increase the numbers of African American applicants to medical schools including the Ben Carson Summer Program, the Medical Post for high school students, focused
partnerships with selected Atlanta area schools, and summer enrichment programs. The commitment to improving rural healthcare and supporting practitioners is addressed in our Area Health Education Centers(AHEC) and Health Education and Training Centers (HETC).
The Morehouse School of Medicine participates in the American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS) of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). AMCAS is a centralized procedure for applying to any participating medical school with only one application and one set of official transcripts of academic work. Formal application for admission to the first-year class must be submitted through AMCAS. The AMCAS application for admission, common to all participating medical schools, may be obtained only through AMCAS.
The Faculty Development Program at Morehouse School of Medicine (MSM) began in 1993 in the Department of Family Medicine. The goal of the program is to increase the nation's supply of minority teachers in Primary Care. As of 1991, there were only 50 minority, full-time academic family medicine physicians in the entire United States. That was less than 3% of faculty in medical schools. Of those faculty members, no more than five were department chairs. The program has trained over 125 full-time faculty and community-based preceptors in primary care. Topics covered include Teaching methods, educational theory; grant writing, primary care research, audio visual media and writing for the medical literature. Funded by HRSA/s Bureau of Health Professions, the Program has trained nearly 100 full-time faculty and community-based preceptors in teaching methods, educational theory, computer skills, audiovisual media, grant writing, primary care research, and writing for the medical literature. The curriculum also covers cross-cultural communications and career issues for minorities in academic family medicine.
Morehouse School of Medicine (MSM) offers general residency programs in Family Practice, Internal Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Public Health and Preventive Medicine and General Surgery. All Morehouse School of Medicine (MSM) programs are accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). MSM has several training affiliates in and around the exciting Atlanta, Georgia metropolitan area. These programs provide ample 'hands on' experiences and the teaching support of an award-winning faculty.
The Morehouse School of Medicine trains primary care physicians, especially from underrepresented minority and disadvantaged backgrounds, to provide high quality health care to underserved and minority communities.
The educational program offered by Morehouse School of Medicine which leads to the Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) degree, focuses both on scientific medicine and on meeting the primary healthcare needs of patients who are underserved. Most of the first and second year classes are offered in the Hugh Gloster Basic Medical Sciences Building on the main campus. Clinical experience begins in the first year with clinical preceptorships in private offices. Learning in community service is also an element of the first year curriculum.
Clinical instruction is given in hospitals and clinics affiliated with MSM which include: Grady Memorial Hospital, Southwest Hospital and Medical Center, West Fulton Mental Health Center, Ridgeview Institute, Southside Healthcare, Inc., and others. In addition, clinical preceptorships in health clinics and physicians: offices are part of the educational program.
School name:Morehouse School of Medicine
Address:720 Westview Drive S.W.
Zip & city:GA 30310-1495 Georgia
Address:720 Westview Drive S.W.
Zip & city:GA 30310-1495 Georgia
( vote)
Morehouse School of Medicine Medical School Location
Morehouse School of Medicine Courses
The first year begins with a five-week summer component designed to assist students in finding the most efficient way to approach the curriculum. On the basis of their performance, students may elect to, or be required to, participate in the five year program. This
decelerated curriculum allows three years to complete the first two years of the basic sciences curriculum. This five-year program is a recognized and legitimate course of study. The entire first year curriculum extends over ten and one/half months.
* Human Morphology : This course is an introduction to the structure and function of the human body for first-year medical students. It integrates the major topics in human cell biology, histology, embryology, and gross
anatomy. The emphases are on: (1) defining the principles of organization of cells, tissues and organs in systemic and regional anatomy, and (2) utilizing those principles to correlate structure with function. The course incorporates lecture, laboratory and small group
discussion formats. It includes complete dissection of the human body, microscopic examination of cells, tissues and organs, radiological anatomy, and demonstrations.
* Medical Biochemistry : This is a comprehensive course required for all first year medical students. Medical Biochemistry is also a core course for the predoctoral graduate program. The course covers all areas of
biochemistry and includes clinical correlations integrated into each topic. The following topics will be presented: structures of biological compounds, pH and buffers, protein structure, hemoglobin and myoglobin, enzymes (kinetics and mechanisms), intermediary metabolism and regulation, bioenergetics, lipid metabolism, membrane
structure and function, cholesterol, steroid and lipoprotein metabolism, nutrition, heme and nucleotide metabolism, molecular genetics and amino acid metabolism. The course incorporates traditional lectures,
some small group tutorials/reviews and objective-based examinations.
* Neurobiology : The basic anatomy and physiology of the central nervous system are integrated in this course. The major portion of the course is organized by systems, i.e., sensory (e.g., visual, auditory), motor,
limbic and autonomic. In the laboratory, gross and microscopic sections of the brain and spinal cord are studied.
* Medical Physiology : This is a required course for all first year medical students and focuses on the mechanisms of normal function in the human body.
Major areas covered include general, cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, gastrointestinal and endocrine physiology. Neurophysiology is introduced in this course and covered in more detail in a Neurobiology course offered by the Department of Anatomy. A combination of
formats, including lectures, written exercises, discussions, and laboratory demonstrations, is used to present basic facts and concepts as well as promote active learning and problem-solving skills in the
application of these facts and concepts. Examples of environmental adaptations and pathophysiological conditions are used to reinforce and integrate material within and across systems.
* Community Health : This unique, interdisciplinary, community-based course includes all first-year Morehouse School of Medicine (MSM) students
in addition to nursing and social work students from other institutions. Faculty are multidisciplinary. The course minimizes lectures, relying primarily on a format of assigning students to small interdisciplinary groups that pursue health promotion activities in inner city communities in Atlanta. In the fall semester, students analyze the health problems of their designated community, and develop and present policy recommendations to local and state elected officials and community activists. In the spring, students develop health promotion interventions to address the community needs previously identified.
* Fundamentals of Medicine 1 :
- Clinical Preceptorship : For most students, the
Preceptorship Program is a student’s first exposure to
patient care. This experience allows students to view
the practice of medicine and the healthcare system
through the eyes of both the physician and the patient.
The course helps students learn to develop empathetic
patient relationships. Students experience the
practice of primary care medicine in several different
urban and rural settings involving Family Practice,
Internal Medicine, Pediatrics and
Obstetrics/Gynecology. The recognition of community
problems is stressed as well as the support systems
available to approach these problems.
- Human Values 1 : The first year of this 2-year course
introduces students to current ethical dilemmas and
human values issues that are explored from clinical,
public health, psychosocial, economic and cultural
- Biostatistics/Epidemiology : This course covers
methods including epidemic investigations, study
design, Bayes, Theorem, and hypothesis testing.
Instructional methods include lecture, discussion,
problem solving, and computer based tutorials. The
course includes computer-based tutorials.
- Human Behavior : This course covers the human life
cycle from birth to death, with a focus on normality
and adaptive behavior. It includes historical evaluation
of psychiatric nomenclature and the efforts to define
with increasing precision deviation from normality.
The second year of the curriculum begins in early August and concludes with the United States Medical Licensing Examination, Step I (USMLE, Step I). The ten-month curriculum includes course work in clinical medicine taught in affiliated hospitals and clinics.
* Pathophysiology : This is a two-semester course designed not only to cover the pathophysiological mechanisms of disease, but also to develop the
students’ clinical reasoning abilities. It is intended to be a year-long board review and, as such, integrates the basic sciences with clinical topics. The course is taught in case-based format where student participation and initiative are crucial to success. Student evaluation is
based on performance on board-type multiple choice examinations and class participation.
* Microbiology and Immunology : Lectures, case presentations, clinical correlations, laboratory exercises and group discussions are utilized to present the basic
concepts of immunology, virology, pathogenic bacteriology, mycology and parasitology. The agents of infectious diseases, the nature of the infections they cause, host responses and the natural and clinical
defenses against infectious diseases are studied. The goal of this course is to provide the student sufficient conceptual and practical knowledge of Medical Microbiology and Immunology to enter clinical training and future practice.
* Pathology : This course is a required course for medical students. It introduces the student to the study of disease and serves as a bridge between the basic and clinical sciences. The first part of the course
deals with general processes in pathology that are common to many diseases including cell and tissue reactions to injury, neoplasia, and non organ-specific disorders such as genetic diseases, immune diseases,
environmental disorders, infections, and nutritional diseases. The remainder of the course involves discussions of organ-specific disease states (systemic pathology). Specifically, the course covers causes,
pathogenetic mechanisms, morphologic and functional effects of diseases, and relates these to the patient in terms of prevention, diagnosis, natural history, course and prognosis. The course also incorporates principles relating effective use of the clinical laboratory in the diagnosis of selected diseases. An important aspect of the course is the introduction to the language of medicine and correct use of medical terminology. Teaching methods include lectures, simulated clinical case discussions, laboratory sessions utilizing fixed gross specimens, glass slides, color prints and transparencies. The case simulations allow the student to correlate clinical information with the morphology. These case vignettes also allow the student to begin to
organize clinical data from various sources in order to solve clinical problems and strengthen skills in clinical reasoning.
* Pharmacology and Toxicology : Medical Pharmacology and Toxicology is a course for secondyear medical students and graduate students. The course lectures
include: introduction to the principles of harmacokinetics (how the body acts on the drug) and pharmacodynamics (how the drug acts on the body) and a survey of major classes of therapeutic agents with emphasis on their mechanism(s) of action and therapeutic use(s), adverse effects and drug interactions. The Department also incorporates lectures, small group-sessions (patient-oriented problem solving; peerassisted learning), case studies, clinical correlation conferences and objective-based examinations into the course.
* Nutrition : Course is designed to increase student understanding of the basic nutritional principles needed for general patient care. Course content includes: nutritional assessment and support; diet and disease
trends; nutritional disorders.
* Fundamentals of Medicine 2 :
- Introduction Primary Care : The goal of the second year
Introduction Primary Care – Pediatrics is to give an
overview of clinical Pediatrics. The course features
two lectures covering interviewing skills by age,
normal findings birth to 18 years, developmental
attainments, delayed development, and common
pediatric illnesses. Additionally, the student have three
group meetings with the same preceptor using
inpatients on the practical application of interviewing a
patient/parent, physical examination and oral
presentation of the history and physical findings. The
students are not provided any medical records for the
patients prior to their interviews or physician
examination. The goal is to organize their inquiries,
which could lead them to a differential diagnosis and
assessment of appropriate organ system. They are
then requested to present the history and physical
findings obtained or recovered to their classmates. All
students are given the opportunity to examine patients
with significant clinical findings or review with the
preceptor radiographs where appropriate. The
teaching site for the inpatient experiences is Hughes
Spalding Children’s Hospital.
- Human Values in Medicine II : In the second year, social
and psychosocial issues are addressed and students
become sensitive to the medically underserved, and
begin to understand the rigorous demands of the
human medical practice.
- Psychopathology : Students are introduced to
techniques of psychiatric and psychological
assessment, to the most common psychiatric
disorders and emergencies, crisis intervention, and to
psychopharmacology. A survey of the relationship of
psychiatry and the applied behavioral sciences of
other disciplines and specialties is provided. Medical
students should become sensitized to a variety of
social and cultural problems infringing on patients and
physicians in receiving and delivering healthcare
services, such as sexual dysfunctions, substance
abuse, sexism, racism, and poverty
The academic schedule for the third year begins in early August and ends in late July. During this twelve-month period, students must complete all of the following clerkships: Surgery, Family Medicine/Maternal Child Health, Psychiatry, Radiology, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, and Obstetrics & Gynecology.
* Internal Medicine : Students spend a two-month rotation on the medical inpatient services of Grady Memorial Hospital. The students collect the database,
formulate the problem list, devise the initial plans and follow each patient in a problem-oriented fashion. To a large extent the students have primary responsibility for their patients, working under the close supervision of house staff and faculty. Working as an integral member
of one service team consisting of an attending faculty member, senior resident, two interns and another student, each student makes rounds with the house staff, presents patients to the attending faculty and takes call every fifth night with the house staff members of the team. Each student completely works up two or three new patients per week during the two-month rotation. Student goals are to learn how to collect data,
identify and define individual components and clarify their relationship to each other, apply pathophysiologic principles to the clinical setting, organize problems for solution and follow them systematically through to their resolution.
* Pediatrics : Oriented to Primary Care Pediatrics in medically underserved settings, this required clerkship features a three-week ambulatory placement in a community private practice, Kaiser Office, or a
neighborhood health center. The inpatient section of the course includes a two-week rotation at Hughes Spalding Children’s Hospital and a oneweek service at the term nursery of Grady Memorial Hospital. Finally,
there are two community/subspecialty weeks where students spend time in either subspecialty offices or clinics. There are also three half-days weekly for case discussions, clinical simulations, and other classroom
activities. The clerkship is largely based on a national curriculum developed by the Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics and the Ambulatory Pediatrics Association.
* Obstetrics/Gynecology : Obstetrics and Gynecology spans the entire age range of the female patient and is extensively health-oriented with emphasis on prevention of illness and on surgical and obstetrical techniques.
Students participate actively in the prenatal, intrapartum, and postpartum care of normal and abnormal obstetrical patients. They are actively involved with the diagnosis and treatment of minor and major gynecological problems in the outpatient department and on the
hospital wards. Students are also exposed to the different obstetrical and gynecological subspecialties, including maternal fetal medicine, oncology, reproductive gynecology and infertility.
* Psychiatry : Seven-week rotation during the third year. Emphasis is on the clinical application of principles of psychiatry and aberrant behavior learned in the first two years. Students are assigned rotations at Ridgeview Institute, a psychiatric service facility, Fulton County
Mental Health Centers (FCMHC), an outpatient community mental health facility, and Atlanta Regional Hospital, a public psychiatric facility. Ridgeview, FCMHC, and Atlanta Regional Hospital offer a broad spectrum of psychiatric disorders in both inpatient and outpatient
settings. Clinical responsibilities include performing admission histories and psychiatric examinations, formulating psychodynamic aspects of the case, psychiatric differential diagnosis and actively participating in the psychotherapeutic and psychopharmacologic treatment and management of patients. Students attend and participate in rounds and ward teaching conferences as well. Students will also
participate in group therapy to gain further insight into the psychiatric problems of patients and their families. A clinical case teaching conference is held with an attending physician on a weekly basis. This
conference is to demonstrate interview techniques, discuss differential diagnosis, and to allow for in-depth discussion of psychodynamics of selected patients. A lecture series addresses clinical aspects of the
diagnosis and treatment of the major psychiatric disorders. Some selected topics are interviewing skills, nosology, emergency psychiatry, behavioral medicine, psychopharmacology, suicide substance abuse and forensic issues.
* Surgery : Third Year Clerkship in Surgery is a required eight-week rotation offered for all students who successfully complete all Basic Science requirements. The rotation is under the guidance of Morehouse School of Medicine, Department of Surgery’s clinical faculty at Grady Memorial Hospital. Emphasis is on the use of basic science principles, while developing clinical diagnosis and management skills. Students are expected to participate fully in the diagnosis, treatment, and
management of patients on the surgical teams, including in-house call. Didactic lectures, conferences and rounds are mandatory. Participation in the operating room is under the supervision of residents and faculty attending. Mini rotation in pediatric surgery, urology, and
otorhinolarynogology give students subspecialty experience. Students participate in a suture workshop during the first week of the Clerkship. The didactic lectures/ workshops will cover General Surgery and its
subspecialties. MCQ computer administered exams are given as a part of the student evaluation.
* Family Medicine : The Family Medicine/Maternal and Child Health clerkship is a required eight-week clerkship. It is designed to meet the educational objectives in Family Medicine, Pediatrics, and Obstetrics & Gynecology. The student will have the opportunity to evaluate acute and chronic medical problems that frequently occur in the community. Even though the emphasis is on the development of effective clinical skills in the ambulatory patient care setting, experiences in the direct care of patients on family medicine hospital services, including labor and delivery, are also provided. Students are assigned a prenatal patient and expected to participate in delivery. Sites may include the Morehouse Family Practice Center; offices of practicing family physicians; community health centers; Southwest Hospital and Medical Center, where students serve as sub-interns. Providing healthcare for senior citizens, adolescents, and obstetrical patients is strongly emphasized.
* Radiology (an integrated curriculum) : Integrated into the Grady-based clerkships in medicine, surgery and Ob/Gyn, this is a general introduction to radiology including small group sessions on indications for diagnostic imaging, including plain film, CT, MRI and sonography.
The academic schedule for the fourth year begins in early August and ends in late April. During this nine-month period, students must complete the remaining two clinical rotations, i.e., Rural Primary Care and Ambulatory Medicine, in addition to a minimum of five
clinical electives. The electives program, which must be approved for each student in order to ensure a balanced program, may include electives at other LCME accredited medical schools.
* Ambulatory Medicine : This is a one-month required clerkship. The course aims to provide the student with a positive experience in primary care of adults, with role modeling by faculty staff, as well as a firm grounding in the body of general internal medicine knowledge. Emphasis is placed upon data collection and integration and differential diagnosis skills. Staff physicians supervise the students in the clinical setting and MSM faculty teach the didactic sessions. There are no lectures; the course is taught in problem-based format.
* Rural Primary Care : This ambulatory training experience focuses on common primary healthcare problems in non-urban settings. The goal of this course is to introduce students to the comprehensive primary care of rural populations and the analysis of rural health problems. Additionally, students are required to complete a Special Study Project that focuses on a unique rural health problem, or the rural aspects of a larger problem.
* Elective Rotations
![]() FIRST AND SECOND YEARS The first two years of basic science coursework are conducted on the Emory campus. The first two years also include problem-... Address: 1440 Clifton Road N.E. |