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Indiana University (School of Medicine)

The School of Medicine is responsible for providing medical education within the state of Indiana. As part of a major university, it accepts and fulfills five major responsibilities: (1) it provides its students with the opportunity to acquire a sound basic education in medicine and fosters the development of lifelong habits of scholarship and service; (2) it advances knowledge through research in biomedically oriented studies, and studies related to the cultural and behavioral aspects of medicine and the delivery of health care; (3) it provides graduate education in order to produce practitioners, teachers, and investigators through clinical residency programs and advanced degree programs in the basic medical sciences; (4) it offers continuing education programs aimed at maintaining and improving the competence of those professionals engaged in patient care; and (5) it provides multiple services to the people of the state of Indiana in all areas of the medical sciences and health care.

The Indiana University School of Medicine (IUSM) was founded in 1903, and its first students were enrolled on the Bloomington campus. It was the fourth medical school in the United States, after Johns Hopkins, Harvard, and Western Reserve, to require two or more years of collegiate work for admission. The school awarded the Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) degree to its first class of 25 in 1907. Following the union of all medical schools in the state with Indiana University in 1908, the General Assembly of the State of Indiana, in 1909, mandated that Indiana University assume the responsibility for medical education in the state. Initially, students had the opportunity of taking the first two years of their medical school work at either Bloomington or Indianapolis. In 1912 all students entered through the Bloomington program and moved to Indianapolis for their second-, third-, and fourth-year courses. This remained in effect until 1958, when the work of the Bloomington division was transferred to Indianapolis. Excellent facilities for the teaching of the basic medical sciences and a strong nucleus of basic science faculty remained in Bloomington. Consequently, in 1959, a new experimental program of medical education was started in Bloomington in cooperation with the College of Arts and Sciences and the Graduate School. This program, the Medical Sciences Program, included studies that could lead to combined M.D., M.S. and M.D., Ph.D. degrees.

In 1965, a faculty committee of the School of Medicine recommended the adoption of a comprehensive plan for medical education throughout the state of Indiana. The plan involved the use of regional facilities in addition to those of the Medical Center in Indianapolis. The plan would coordinate and utilize elective programs in community hospitals, preceptorships with practicing physicians, internship and residency programs, and continuing medical education programs throughout the state.

The plan also resulted in the formation, within existing educational institutions, of "Centers for Medical Education" for teaching basic medical science courses to first-year medical students. In 1971, the General Assembly of the State of Indiana unanimously authorized legislation that led to the completion of the Indiana Statewide Medical Education System. This legislation mandated that the Indiana University School of Medicine be responsible for selection, admission, and assignment of students, for curricular development, and for evaluation and accreditation of the system. The institutions presently involved in this program, in addition to the Medical Sciences Program at Indiana University Bloomington, are Purdue University, the University of Notre Dame, Ball State University, Indiana State University, the University of Southern Indiana, and Indiana University Northwest. In addition, a first-year program was initiated in 1981 at the Fort Wayne Center for Medical Education on the campus of Indiana UniversityÐPurdue University Fort Wayne.

Further development of the Indiana Statewide Medical Education System was approved in the 1979 Indiana General Assembly. Approval for planning and funding for a second year of medical study at each of the Centers for Medical Education was passed. Consequently, second-year students were first appointed to all centers, except Fort Wayne, in the fall 1980 semester. Funding for second-year students at the Fort Wayne campus began in the fall of 1990. The school awarded 255 M.D. degrees and enrolled a total of 1,128 medical students during the 2003-2004 academic year.

Continuing education experiences are provided to physicians throughout the state of Indiana through the Medical Television Network (MTN), a biomedical communication closed-circuit broadcast facility linking Indiana University School of Medicine to more than 50 hospitals and regional centers, with programming eight hours a day, Monday through Friday. In addition, a videocassette mailing network extends service to more than 120 hospitals. The mission of the school is broad, and the hub of the Indiana Statewide Medical Education System is the Indiana University School of Medicine on the Medical Center campus in Indianapolis.

The Indiana University Medical Center (IUMC) campus covers some 85 acres within one mile of the center of Indianapolis. Half of the first- and second-year classes are on the IUMC campus; the other half are on one of eight campuses throughout Indiana located on or near IU and other universities in the state. Including the third- and fourth-year students, approximately 870 M.D., 150 Ph.D., and 40 M.D., Ph.D. students are on the IUMC campus. During these years, the M.D. students participate in rotations to physician offices and hospitals throughout the state.

The School of Medicine includes several facilities on the IUMC campus, including Fesler Hall, VanNuys Medical Sciences Building, Indiana Cancer Pavilion, IU Cancer Research Institute, Research Institute II, the Rotary Building, and Emerson Hall. The William H. Coleman Hospital, Robert W. Long Hospital, and the Willis D. Gatch Clinical Building have been renovated to provide research and administrative offices at IUSM.

Hospitals that are staffed by IUSM faculty and provide residency training programs on the IUMC campus include Wishard Memorial Hospital (a city-county hospital recently listed among the top 100 U.S. public hospitals), Roudebush VA Medical Center, Riley Hospital for Children, and Indiana University Hospital and Outpatient Center. Riley and IU hospitals separated from the Indiana University School of Medicine in 1997 to join Methodist Hospital of Indiana to form Clarian Health Partners. Clarian Health is committed to the school's mission of advancing education, research, and patient care. Located approximately two miles from IUMC, Methodist Hospital provides additional significant educational opportunities to IU students and residents.

There is minimal campus housing available at IUPUI; however, the surrounding neighborhood offers contemporary housing that has attracted young professionals, who attend IUSM or work in downtown Indianapolis businesses and corporations. Downtown Indianapolis and IUPUI provide an amateur sports mecca, frequently hosting NCAA and Olympic trial events in facilities that are also accessible to students.

The IUPUI Student Health Center is located on the Medical Center Campus in Coleman Hall. The telephone number is (317) 274-8214. Clinic hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Wednesday, 9 a.m to 5 p.m. on Thursdays and 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Fridays. Students may be seen in the IUPUI Student Health Center on a fee-for-service basis. All labs, X rays, or referrals are the responsibility of the student. Any injury incurred during the regular work week, including needle sticks, should be immediately reported to the Student Health Service. In case an injury occurs when the IUPUI Student Health Center is closed, students should go to the facility of their choice according to their insurance coverage for appropriate treatment. If a contaminated injury is experienced, page (317) 312-6824 (OUCH) immediately. The School of Medicine covers the costs of required tuberculin skin testing. This service is provided at the IUPUI Student Health Center.

Indiana University School of Medicine provides free and confidential counseling services to the medical students and house staff. Information can be obtained by calling Counseling Services at (317) 278-4750. Services available are individual, couples and family, and group counseling; consultation; programming; and emergency intervention. Typical concerns presented for counseling include adjustment, alcohol or drug-related difficulties, anxiety/stress management, body image, depression, disordered eating, emotional response to physician difficulties, self-esteem, sexuality, sexual victimization, and suicidal thoughts. At times, students and house staff require mental health evaluation and/or long-term counseling. These individuals are referred to mental health professionals both on and off campus who provide these services. The office of Counseling Services may assist, organize, and/or present educational programs depending on advance notice and availability. All individuals will be treated with respect regardless of age, color, counseling concern, ethnicity, gender, marital/parental status, national origin, physical ability, race, religion, sexual orientation, or veteran status. Counseling is confidential in accordance with state laws and ethical guidelines. Counseling records are maintained in files separate from the student/house staff files and cannot be accessed by faculty, staff, administrators, parents, or other student/house staff without the individual's written permission. Students and house staff may schedule an appointment by calling Counseling Services. A meeting with the counselor should be available within one week. Walk-in and evening appointments are welcome but depend on counselor availability. When an emergency occurs after regular business hours, call 911 or the Access Center for Clarian Health, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at (317) 962-2622. Identify yourself as a medical student or resident. The operator will direct your call to the appropriate emergency care.

Medical Student Council (MSC) is primarily a liaison between medical students and the Dean's Office, conveying student opinions, ideas, and concerns regarding the curriculum and other student issues to administrators. MSC is composed of twenty-two voting members, including four officers from each class, two Center liaisons, and four council officers. In addition, elected class representatives from each Center, appointed representatives from School of Medicine committees, and representatives from student interest groups participate in council functions. MSC represents students in academic and other concerns. Monthly MSC meetings are open to all medical students and are available by polycom to all medical education sites. Minutes are distributed on the Indiana University School of Medicine listserv and are posted on the MSC

The Indiana University School of Medicine maintains a continuing study of its educational programs involving students, faculty committees, and alumni of the school. Appropriate committees propose revisions of the curriculum; changes, once approved by the faculty and the dean, are implemented.

The School of Medicine, in cooperation with other institutions of higher learning, has expanded educational opportunities for first- and second-year students on several campuses throughout Indiana. Historically, first-year medical students could begin their course work on either the Indianapolis or the Bloomington campus of Indiana University. Pilot programs for first-year medical students were begun in 1968 with Purdue University at West Lafayette and with the University of Notre Dame at South Bend. A third jointly sponsored medical education program was inaugurated with Ball State University at Muncie in 1970. By 1971 there were first-year students matriculating at Indianapolis, Bloomington, the Lafayette Center for Medical Education at Purdue University, the South Bend Center for Medical Education at the University of Notre Dame, the Muncie Center for Medical Education at Ball State University, and the Terre Haute Center for Medical Education at Indiana State University. In 1972 pilot programs for entering medical students were begun at the Northwest Center for Medical Education in Gary and the Evansville Center for Medical Education in Evansville. The Fort Wayne Center for Medical Education at IPFW was assigned first-year students in 1981. Second-year programs were initiated at all of the centers, except Fort Wayne, in 1980. Funding for second-year students at the Fort Wayne campus began in fall 1990.

Recognizing that the art of medicine requires more than excellent medical knowledge and procedural skill, IUSM was among the first of a growing number of schools to adopt an innovative curriculum designed to support student development in nine areas of competency: (1) effective communication; (2) basic clinical skills; (3) using science to guide diagnosis, management, therapeutics, and prevention; (4) lifelong learning; (5) self-awareness, self-care, and personal growth; (6) the social and community contexts of health care; (7) moral reasoning and ethical judgment; (8) problem-solving; and (9) professionalism and role recognition

School name:Indiana UniversitySchool of Medicine
Address:1120 South Drive, Fesler Hall 302
Zip & city:IN 46202-5114 Indiana

(6 votes)


School of Medicine Medical School Location

School of Medicine Courses


The first and second years of medical school are a combination of classroom and clinical experiences. Small group discussions and problem-based learning are used to help students translate basic sciences into practical clinical applications. The number of hours spent in classroom instruction varies from campus to campus, but the average is about 27 hours of instruction a week during the first year and 26 hours a week during the second year.
First-year students also have the opportunity to participate in end-of-life care for patients, which includes home visits to patients in a hospice program sponsored by faculty and through Wishard Health Services, a nearby public hospital affiliated with the School.
In the second year, students develop clinical skills by taking patient histories and engaging in physical diagnosis sessions with patients under the direction of physician preceptors. By the end of the year, students perform record and present a full patient history and physical findings, an assessment and basic treatment plan.
The internal medicine preceptor program in the second year splits each eight-member group into two groups of four. A preceptor assigned to each four-member group reviews students' written evaluations of patients and physical diagnoses. Your preceptors will probably trade groups of four back and forth, so each of them will get to know each of you. This program is rated the highest preceptor experience by students at all nine of campuses, according to a 2001 poll conducted by the IU Medical Student Council.


* Concepts of Health and Disease : A multidepartmental, interdisciplinary course which integrates concepts of the first-year medical curriculum using the problem-based learning approach. Students work in small groups facilitated by faculty to interpret clinical cases and integrate basic science and clinical science concepts. Designed to assess the proficiency at Level I for portions of the competencies.

* Cell and Molecular Biology : Cellular and molecular biology that emphasizes the structural organization, biochemistry and molecular biology of cells. Includes cellular processes, development and differentiation and their relationship to medicine.

* Immunology and Microbiology : For prenursing, allied health sciences, and dental hygiene students; others by consent of instructor. Consideration of immunology and host-defense mechanisms, and pathogenic bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites in human disease. Laboratory exercises include microbial biology, microscopy, asepsis, pure culture, identification, antimicrobial agents, viral hemagglutination, representative immunological reactions. There are 3 hours of lecture and 2 hours of laboratory exercises each week in a 15-week course.

* Evidence-Based Medicine : A part of the Freshman Core Curriculum. EBM is a short introduction to the principles of integration of evidence, experience, and values in clinical decision making.

* Biochemistry : Biochemistry for medical students. Structure and function of biological molecules, regulation of cellular processes by nutrients and hormones, biochemical and molecular basis of disease. Designed to develop the knowledge base for Competency III "Using Science to Guide Diagnosis, Management, Therapeutics and Prevention.

* Gross Anatomy : Study and dissection of entire body, using regional approach. Frequent conferences and discussions with members of staff. Series of lectures on radiographic anatomy and clinical application of anatomy.

* Histology : Lectures and laboratory study of the microscopic structure of cells, tissues, and organs of the human body; correlation of structure and function.

* Physiology : introductory biology, organic chemistry, and physics. Graduate-level course in human physiology designed for students with no prior exposure to the discipline. Emphasis on basic physiological mechanisms of control with regard to membrane, neural, endocrine, reproductive, muscle, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, renal, and multisystems physiology.

* Introduction to Medicine I: Patient-Doctor Relationship : A multidepartmental, interdisciplinary course designed to introduce students to the patient-doctor relationship through interactions with faculty and patients in variety of settings. In small groups facilitated by primary care and behavioral science faculty, students direct their learning toward the complexity of the context from which a patient seeks medical care. In order to achieve this, students examine normal human behavior and development throughout the life cycle. Issues addressed include communication skills, normal human growth and development, medical ethics and professionalism, sexuality, cultural diversity, minority health issues, the role of communities, religion and spirituality, family dynamics, and death and dying.


* Pharmacology : Lectures, quizzes, laboratory. Required for sophomore medical students. Drugs classified as to site and mechanism of action; representative members of each class of drugs discussed; rational clinical uses emphasized; basic statistical techniques and their application to medical problems are introduced. The laboratory experiments illustrate typical actions of drugs. Student projects may be approved in lieu of part of laboratory.

* General Pathology : Introduction to mechanisms of disease through demonstrations, lectures, laboratory, and conferences; emphasis on basic concepts and principles of disease processes.

* Medical Genetics : Required for sophomore medical students. A comprehensive course in human genetics, emphasizing the principles of genetics and their application to clinical medicine through the family history, clinical findings, and laboratory studies. Examples of specific problems, their evaluation, and genetic counseling will be used to supplement didactic material.

* Systemic Pathology : Presentation of pathology by organ systems with emphasis on etiologic factors, evolution of lesions, pathologic physiology and clinical correlations.

* Introduction to Medicine II: History Taking and Physical :
An interdisciplinary course designed to introduce students to clinical medicine. Includes medical interviewing and physical examination skills learned at the bedside with direct patient contact. Clinical medicine is surveyed with emphasis on pathophysiology and diagnosis. Problem-solving skills are stressed, including synthesis and interpretation of medical data.

* Neuroscience and Clinical Neurology : A multidisciplinary consideration of structural, functional, and clinical features of the human nervous system.


In year three, student learning in the competency areas is furthered through the medical care programs of the hospitals. During clinical clerkships students assume increasing responsibility for all aspects of patient care. Clerkship opportunities range from preventive medicine and outpatient care through emergency services, general hospital ward work, and specialized medical services. The annual graduation questionnaire indicates that students value the exposure to a wide variety of hospitals, patient populations, and clinical experiences that is available in Indianapolis. Fourth-year students widen their experience through three required clerkships, advanced level projects in three of the nine competency areas, and six months of elective study. Students may choose from electives in basic and clinical science departments, hospital systems in and beyond Indianapolis, private practice preceptorships, or foreign study.

The formation of a physician's professional identity is not accomplished solely through the formal curriculum. Learners also assimilate patterns of relating that they experience in the social environment, or informal curriculum, during their training. In 2003, IUSM began a three-year process of self-study and organizational development known as the Relationship-Centered Care Initiative. The School is working to transform the informal curriculum to foster relationship in all aspects of medical school and practice. The desired outcome is a culture that consistently reflects the ethical, professional, and humane values expressed in the formal curriculum.


* Surgery : General surgery clerkship and assignment in neurologic, plastic and pediatric surgery, ward rounds, clinics, and conferences.

* OB/Gyn : Junior year, clinical clerkship. Application of physiologic and pathologic principles of pregnancy. Application of physiologic and pathologic principles of female reproductive biology. Clinic and hospital patient experiences.

* Surgical Subspecialties

* Medicine : Students are assigned to medicine teams that care for patients with problems related to general internal medicine and/or related subspecialties in both the inpatient and outpatient settings. Participation in patient care is the primary teaching device; conferences and workshops provide complementary educational modalities. The clerkship is an 8-week rotation. Vu and Staff

* Neurology : Students examine at the Veterans Administration Hospital, Wishard Memorial Hospital, or Indiana University Medical Center, participate in ward rounds with residents and staff, and attend established daily conferences.

* Psychiatry : Core experiences in techniques of patient evaluation and management within an inpatient, as well as an outpatient, setting. This four-week clerkship includes chemical dependency. Adult as well as child and adolescent psychiatry experiences are offered. Clinical assignments include the following facilities: Larue D. Carter Memorial Hospital, Methodist Hospital, Riley Children's Hospital, Roudebush VA Medical Center, University Hospital, University Adult Psychiatry Clinic, and Wishard Memorial Hospital/Midtown Community Mental Health Center.

* Family Medicine : Core clerkship will provide the student with basic knowledge and skills to assess common medical problems present in and ambulatory community setting. This course provides principles of family medicine, focusing on biopsychosocial aspects of medical problems, health promotion, and disease prevention.

* Pediatrics : The clerkship in pediatrics for third-year medical students is divided into approximately three-and-a-half-week rotations on inpatient and outpatient rotations. Inpatient rotations are offered at Riley, Methodist, and Wishard hospitals. Outpatient rotations are with general pediatricians including private pediatricians throughout Indiana, and may include one week in the normal newborn nursery. Study and care of patients is augmented by daily lectures or conferences for students, by attending physician rounds and resident physician rounds, and by attendance at departmental conferences.


* Radiology :An interdisciplinary course designed to introduce students to clinical medicine. Includes medical interviewing and physical examination skills learned at the bedside with direct patient contact. Clinical medicine is surveyed with emphasis on pathophysiology and diagnosis. Problem-solving skills are stressed, including synthesis and interpretation of medical data. A component of the course focuses on the role of diagnostic imaging in clinical care.

* Internal Medicine Sub-Internship : This core rotation is designed to provide students an experience that closely resembles the internship year. Students are assigned to inpatient medicine teams that care for patients in the medical intensive care unit, the medical ward setting, or both. Students are given primary patient care responsibilities with a closely guided experience in decision-making and in diagnostic and therapeutic management of typical medical conditions related to general internal medicine and/or related subspecialties. Students take overnight calls with the team to admit new patients and cover their own patients. The primary method of teaching is participation in patient care activities with daily teaching attending rounds; daily conferences and morning reports provide a complementary educational venue. The course is a one-month rotation. Vu and Staff

* Emergency Medicine : A part of the Senior Core Curriculum. EM gives students the opportunity to learn the fundamental approach to evaluation and treatment of the undifferentiated patient with urgent or emergent conditions. Students will be assigned clinically to one of five area hospitals.

* Electives : Electives are offered in general medicine and related subspecialties throughout the year. Specific information on each elective is available in the Senior Elective Program Course Listing, which is updated and published in January of each year. These electives are offered in the Medical Center facilities and in approved programs at clinics and hospitals throughout the state.

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