University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston (School of Medicine)
UTMB is a major academic health center dedicated to health science education, patient care, research, and community service. For more than a century, dedicated teams of UTMB employees and volunteers have committed themselves to service, diversity, education, community, and innovation—all with the common goal of safeguarding the health of Texas.
With a revered historical prominence of being the oldest physician training facility in Texas, The University of Texas Medical Branch School of Medicine boasts one of the nation’s largest medical enrollments and a faculty distinguished in virtually every medical specialty.
Approximately 200 medical doctors are graduated annually. In addition, the school provides residency training in UTMB hospitals and is a source of continuing medical education for practicing physicians. It is estimated that one-fourth of the physicians in Texas received a portion of their training at UTMB.
Early history of the School of Medicine parallels that of The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston. The UT Medical Department, as UTMB was first known, opened in 1891 as a medical school—the first to be state-sponsored in Texas.
The School of Medicine is directed by the dean. Instruction is provided through 15 clinical and five basic science departments. The faculty represent every major medical specialty, and through their varied research, contribute regularly to advancements in their fields. Although science has changed drastically since the school’s founding, its basic mission remains the
same: to produce physicians equipped to give quality, compassionate medical care.
UTMB will strive to create tomorrow’s medicine today by discovery and application of new knowledge, and by inspiring life-long learning and clinical excellence.
We will accomplish this mission through innovative leadership and a steadfast commitment to Scholarship and Service Excellence by :
• Educating and inspiring skilled physicians and scientists who are dedicated to life-long learning and reflect the diversity of the people whom we serve.
• Enhancing the well being of our global community by expanding the frontiers of our basic and applied scientific knowledge and its translation from the bench to the bedside.
• Improving the health of all individuals by providing outstanding evidence-based, compassionate, culturally fluent patient care, which recognizes the utmost importance of human interest, values and dignity.
• Sharing our talents to form partnerships with others — individuals, communities, governments, foundations, schools/universities and industries — in the service of our community, our state and the world.
Each year the Office of Student Life leads and facilitates cultural, recreational, and social celebrations, ceremonies, and events for the University community. We collaborate with students and faculty in the implementation of programs and activities that support students’ personal and professional development, while expanding their learning experiences.
There are over 60 active student organizations here at UTMB. Most are professional- and discipline-specific. Others are cultural, religious, social, or special interest. Each year these organizations continue UTMB’s tradition of service, activism, and cultural opportunities by organizing hundreds of projects for the campus and the Galveston community.
This involvement helps develop essential life skills, critical thinking, leadership, lifelong learning, and oral and written communication skills. Through additional participation in University related activities, you will discover multicultural and global perspectives, civic and individual responsibility, respect for individuals, a sense of competence, and the capacity to work well with others.
School name:University of Texas Medical Branch at GalvestonSchool of Medicine
Address:301 University Boulevard
Zip & city:TX 77555-0133 Texas
Address:301 University Boulevard
Zip & city:TX 77555-0133 Texas
( vote)
School of Medicine Medical School Location
School of Medicine Courses
* Gross Anatomy and Radiology : This course will be the first basic science core presented in the new curriculum. The prime objective, therefore, is to provide the students with a basic understanding of the anatomy of the entire body that will serve as a solid foundation for the remainder of the student's medical education and future profession. Second, this course was designed to alert the student of the clinical relevance of anatomy for diagnosing clinical disorders. It will further promote the development of student-directed problem solving skills, while also encouraging team work. As a side benefit, this course will introduce the student to the majority of nearly 10,000 terms commonly used in medicine today.
* Molecules, Cells, and Tissues : The general aims of this 8-week course are twofold. First, to help students develop problem-solving skills focusing on biomedical issues related to the basic sciences. Second, to help students obtain knowledge, at an introductory level, of those concepts that deal with the normal structure and function of the body (excepting macroscopic anatomy). This includes: Cell Biology, Microscopic Anatomy, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Cell Physiology and Pharmacology.
The course is divided into eight thematic topic areas organized within four blocks of nine days each. Two themes are presentable in parallel for each block of nine days, which allows for integration of concepts. The course will be introductory in nature, emphasizing basic concepts rather than facts. It is expected that these topic areas relating to the basic sciences will be expanded and reinforced in subsequent sections of the curriculum, especially in the organ systems portion of the curriculum.
For each theme there will be two major activities. One activity involves problem-solving in small groups, which will generally consist of four two-hour sessions per week focusing on clinical cases. The second activity will be lecture presentations emphasizing concepts in basic science that impact heavily of the practice of medicine. One day in each of the four block periods will be reserved for review and assessment of student progress. One segment of the course (Microscopic Anatomy) will also contain laboratory activities. The remaining time assigned to this course will be study time. Review activities, formal and informal, as well as discussions with expert faculty can also be scheduled during this time. Whenever possible the themes treated in the Molecules, Cells, and Tissues course will be coordinated with those addressed in the Clinical Experience course.
* Pathobiology & Host Defense : The Pathobiology and Host Defenses Course includes subjects that were previously taught in Pathology, Microbiology, and Immunology.
In general, the course committee feels that lectures should be initiated with a clinical situation, that the objectives of the lecture should be stated early on, that efforts should be made to involve the students as much as possible, and that they should deal with concepts rather than apparently isolated facts that can be easily gleaned from standard texts. For most of the proposed weeks of instruction, the lecture time on Fridays will be devoted to a timely expert lecture topic or to a round table discussion by experts.
The problem based learning portion of the course will be patterned after the present Interactive Learning Track in the School of Medicine.
The class will be divided in half for the laboratory exercises, arbitrarily designated above as Group A and Group B. Each student will spend four hours per week in laboratory; examples of topics in the labs include study of gross and microscopic morphology of basic pathologic processes, examination of bacterial or viral cultures or plaque assays, and study of parasites in tissue and in clinical specimens. The students will have a low stake quiz weekly in the lab exercises.
* Neuroscience and Human Behavior : Every week, 12 students will go to a psychiatric service and be instructed in the performance of a psychiatric evaluation including the mental status examination. Each student will be assigned a patient and be required to conduct a full evaluation. At the end of the week, students will meet in groups of 3-4 with a psychiatrist and present their patients in oral and written formats. These exercises will take place in the afternoons during the time the Clinical Experience Course has designated for ward visits. Small groups will meet on Thursday or Friday afternoons in coordination with the CE Course.
* Practice of Medicine, Module 1 - 4 : The Practice of Medicine is a comprehensive course in the medical curriculum that addresses the development of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors that are necessary to practice the art and science of medicine in an optimal manner. In order to obtain these abilities, an excellent physician requires, integrity, compassion, and knowledge. Thus, the course has been constructed with three integrated components that include: 1) clinical skills and reasoning ability, 2) understanding of ethical issues, communication skills, and professional behavior, 3) interest in and ability to conduct life-long learning.
A variety of settings are provided to meet the course objectives. Primary is the small group setting that meets weekly with a clinician facilitator. Physical exam and interviewing skills, exercises in evidence-based medicine, and discussions of clinical and ethical/professional issues are accomplished in these settings. After the first 8 weeks, students are assigned clinical sites where development of their clinical skills are further developed in a supervised setting with real patients. These activities are further supplemented by large group (whole class) interactions and computer-based instruction.
* Cardiovascular and Pulmonary : This course covers the circulatory and the respiratory systems. It attempts to integrate normal structure and function with pathology, pathophysiology, therapeutics, and diagnostic techniques. Teaching modalities include lectures, case-based small group sessions, and laboratories.
* Renal/Fluid/Electrolyte : The renal course is designed to understand the normal functions, physiology, anatomy/ histology, and pathology of the kidney. The first half of the course contains anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology of renal function and hypertension. During the latter half, the focus is on the relationship of pathology of glomerular and interstitial diseases, embryology, tumors, microbiology, immunology, and pharmacology to renal function. A major emphasis is placed on self-directed learning by use of problem-based cases that emphasize the important and relevant basic science issues of renal function and fluids and electrolyte homeostasis from a clinical viewpoint. Lectures are provided to supplement these self-directed learning exercises by providing a broader picture in which to incorporate new knowledge, emphasizing priority areas for learning issues, and clarifying difficult-to-understand concepts. Computer-based exercises in urinalysis, anatomy and histology, and acid-base disorders are provided to supplement the lectures, reading materials, and problem-based exercises.
* Gastro-Intestinal/Nutrition : The Gastrointestinal/Nutrition (GIN) course provides an integrated approach to understanding the pathophysiologic basis of gastrointestinal, hepatic and nutritional disorders as well as the pharmacological rationale for their therapy. The structure and function of the gastrointestinal tract and associated organs are explored at the physiological, cellular, molecular and biochemical levels in both health and disease. A variety of traditional, interactive and online tools are used throughout the course, with special emphasis paid to laboratory sessions in pathology and related disciplines. At the same time, students are introduced to the clinical approach to these disorders, including clinical, laboratory, and radiographic findings.
* Endocrine/Reproduction : The Fundamentals of Endocrinology and Reproduction Course has been designed to promote student-centered, self-directed, active learning. Problem–based learning is the predominant educational modality. The cases have been carefully designed to highlight the most important aspects of normal and abnormal endocrine function and normal and abnormal reproduction. Substantial unscheduled time is incorporated into the schedule to allow sufficient time for independent study. Most small group faculty are content experts in some aspect(s) of endocrinology and/or reproduction. However, none are expert in all areas, and all have been charged with using their expertise to ask thought-provoking questions rather than to provide answers.
Major topics of the course include normal and abnormal sexual development, normal and abnormal growth and pubertal development, reproductive endocrinology, infertility, sexually transmitted diseases, normal and complicated pregnancy, menopause, breast cancer, obesity, glucose homeostasis, diabetes, pituitary disorders, thyroid physiology and disease, adrenal disorders, endocrine hypertension, and disorders of mineral metabolism.
* Dermatology/Hematology/Musculoskeletal : The Dermatology/Hematology/Musculoskeletal (DHM) course provides an integrated problem-based approach to understanding the pathophysiologic basis of dermatologic, hematologic and musculoskeletal disorders as well as the pharmacological rationale for their therapy. Material is introduced in a stepwise fashion beginning with normal organ-specific anatomy, biochemistry, and physiology, and progressing to the pathophysiology, clinical features and treatment of representative disorders. The course is introductory and as such is not intended to present the topics in exhaustive detail. Instead emphasis will be placed on an understanding of the basic functions of these organ systems and the ways in which abnormal (pathologic) processes lead abnormal function and disease. The learning material will consist of expert lectures, facilitator-managed small group sessions, textbook reading assignments, and computer-based instructional materials. Active participation in small group sessions is required to pass this course.
* Great Syndromes : The student will appreciate the complex dimension of clinical judgment, including: Complexities of interactions, involvement of multiple organ systems, examples of major syndromes and diseases, life stages, patient's perspective, and incorporation of basic science knowledge.
Predicated on students' knowledge of the basic science organ systems, this course acquaints students with the complexities and integrative dimensions of clinical judgment. Via clinical cases involving selected syndromes, this course will explore content topics including: aging, disability, substance abuse, death and dying, pain management, critical thinking, ethics and professionalism, treatment principles, and situational awareness.
* Practice of Medicine, Module 5 - 9 : The Practice of Medicine is comprehensive multidisciplinary course that will address the development of knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors that are necessary for the physician in order to practice the art and science of medicine.
The course will follow the organ-based design of the integrated medical curriculum.
The course has been designed to enhance the following areas: history taking skills, physical examination skills, communication skills, counseling skills, ethical issues and finally professional behavior.
* Internal Medicine
* Pediatrics
* Surgery
* Obstetrics/Gynecology
* Psychiatry
* Family Medicine
* Elective
* Neurology
* Emergency Medicine
* Senior Surgery
* Acting Internship selective
* Ambulatory Community selective
* Basic Science/Humanities selective
* Electives
![]() FIRST YEAR COURSES : * Biochemistry * Neuroscience * Clinical Integration * Physiology * Gross Anatomy & Embryology * Microbiology * Micro... Address: 7703 Floyd Curl Drive |
![]() The curriculum at TCOM is presented using an organ systems approach in which basic science topics pertinent to a particular organ system of the body a... Address: 3500 Camp Bowie Boulevard, Fort Worth, Texas |
![]() FIRST YEAR COURSES : * Biochemistry * Developmental Anatomy * Gross Anatomy * Histology * Intro. to Clinical Medicine (cont’d in spring) * Imm... Address: 6431 Fannin Street |