University of Connecticut (School of Medicine)
The University of Connecticut School of Medicine was established in 1961 and is part of the University of Connecticut system of higher learning. Situated in suburban Farmington on the160 acre campus of the University of Connecticut Health Center, the School of Medicine, the School of Dental Medicine, and the Graduate School in the Biomedical Sciences, represent the scholastic side of the academic medical center that includes, the John Dempsey Hospital, UConn Medical Group, UConn Health Partners and University Dentists.
One of the school’s main beliefs is that physicians are scientists, and the educational structure is designed to reflect that principle. The curriculum emphasizes problem-based learning, chronic care, ambulatory experiences, disease prevention, and rehabilitation, among other medical aspects of human health, and always within the context of scientifically-based knowledge and conclusion.
Medical students play a role in patients' health from the very start. In their first week of medical school, students are assigned to a community physician and begin their clinical education. The curriculum complements the practical experience, and classroom and small group instruction and discussion, shaping and refining students’ problem-solving, diagnostic, and treatment skills.
“Remarkable Care Through Research and Education” is a statement of our highest priorities. Research – the discovery of new knowledge – is what the scientist does. Education – of physicians – is our reason for being. Scientifically adept physicians provide the best care – remarkable care – because of their skills and the best-practices management they provide.
An equally important principle is that physicians should be humanists. Students are admitted not just on their academic standing, but on their extracurricular activities and achievements. The practice of medicine needs skilled, well-rounded physicians who can relate to their patients, not just as practitioners and care-givers, but also as people.
The school’s classes consist of no more than 80 students per year. It is intentionally so. The moderate size is considered optimum to respond to the state’s educational needs, and allows a highly desirable student-to-faculty ratio that promotes an educational environment based on personal interactions.
The primary mission of the University of Connecticut School of Medicine is education at the undergraduate, graduate, and professional levels for practitioners, teachers, and researchers, conducted in an environment of exemplary patient care, research, and public service. The School of Medicine's mission is reflected in its programs, which incorporate four basic interrelated goals:
* to provide educational opportunities for Connecticut residents pursuing careers in the patient care professions, education, public health, biomedical and/or behavioral sciences;
* to advance knowledge through basic, biomedical, clinical, behavioral, and social research;
* to develop, demonstrate, and deliver health care services based on effectiveness, efficiency, and the application of the latest advances in clinical and health care research;
* to help health care professionals maintain their competence through continuing education programs.
The educational experience in the School of Medicine is student-centered. It is designed to produce physicians dedicated to superior patient care, service to community and scientific inquiry.
The School of Medicine is devoted to nurturing students. The careful cultivation begins with admission and continues through the fourth year. Faculty plays a vital role as teachers and mentors, guides, advisors, counselors and friends.
The first two years of medical school have been pass/fail since its inception. The lack of class rank or GPA promotes better peer and small group learning. The passing standard is high and students set their personal challenge to excel.
Nearly 100 percent of physicians become clinicians who provide patient care one-on-one. The UConn School of Medicine provides students with the knowledge skills and attitudes that will allow them to succeed in any chosen specialty field. The school especially prides itself on providing exceptional training for the practice of high quality patient-centered clinical medicine.
Today’s academic medical center is defined by a complex infrastructure of people, services, buildings and missions serving three fundamental masters – education, patient care, and research. At the University of Connecticut School of Medicine, opportunities abound for students to invest their energies, abilities and talents to advance our knowledge and understanding of basic sciences, clinical sciences, public health, and biopsychosocial understandings of wellness and disease through involvement in our various student research programs.
Students can enroll in research opportunities that may span one month to several years, including:
* Formal research protocol and design courses in order to gain familiarity with the research process.
* Individualized research project for elective credit.
* The design and implementation of an individualized summer fellowship with faculty mentors.
* A variety of full year enrichment fellowship programs available either through the school, nationally competitive programs, or as a special leave of absence identified by the student with support from the school.
* Research interests in public and health care management and organization through participation in the combined degree programs, M.D./M.P.H. or M.D./M.B.A.
* An M.D./Ph.D. which requires an additional three to five year commitment.
Additionally, supporting students' spirit of inquiry, encouraging the mental tenacity to see the project through, and expecting the ability to record, write-up and present findings according to accepted scientific standards are the promises each of our faculty gives to each student embarking on any research endeavor with us. We want our students to appreciate what goes into the rigorous search for the right research questions, how to achieve the tightest research design and protocol, and how to systematically convey experiences and results in oral and written form. We invite you to explore the opportunities available so that each student can build into his or her own academic development that unique set of skills and unique bond that develops among people invested in identifying and carrying out a protocol on a specific research question.
School of Medicine – College Summer Fellowship Program
The purpose of the program is to provide a research enrichment experience and some exposure to clinical medicine. A popular and competitive program for nearly two decades, the program is offered to college students intent on exploring and developing their appreciation for research experience as part of their overall preparation for medical school and a medical career. The faculty develop and make available suitable project descriptions from which students select a research opportunity. The student then meets with the faculty sponsor(s) and they develop a research protocol. The student commits approximately 30 hours per week to carry out the project. Approximately eight hours a week are set aside for clinical experience and seminars. A stipend is provided as is assistance in locating housing. Accepted students are encouraged to explore the faculty and research departments and centers listings to access areas of interest, ongoing research themes and initiatives by departmental focus, and current initiatives, recent publications, and future initiatives of specific faculty.
A signature feature of the University of Connecticut School of Medicine experience is the degree and intensity of student involvement in the community. Whether through standard curricular offerings, or through various community service activities, students are immersed in serving the populations they will serve as junior and senior medical students.
First-year students gain an appreciation of the various patient communities in the Principles of Clinical Medicine (PCM) course. Students are given a hands-on introduction to the communities through guided tours as part of the introduction to PCM. Tour guides brief students on the history and development of Greater Hartford's diverse communities.
Students receive their first community involvement through the Student Continuity Practice placement, where they are assigned to work with physician preceptors in their practices one afternoon a week for three years. Students gain significant exposure to various community agencies as part of their training and exposure in their program. Students may select a Community Service Improvement Project, a two-month experience in the fourth-year curriculum, to fulfill the selective requirement. Through these required and elective course offerings, students come to better appreciate the communities they serve, and to appreciate the necessity for cultural sensitivity and competence in serving the varied populations.
Throughout medical school, students are offered a multitude of volunteer opportunities to give time, attention and service to the local communities. A short description of many of these offerings is given here to capture the strong sense of service that defines the culture and character of the student body.
The student-run mentoring program in cooperation with the Health Career Opportunity Programs (HCOP) and the Student National Medical and Dental Association chapters offers medical, dental, graduate, nursing and allied health students, who have an interest in the health professions, the opportunity to serve as mentors to high school and college students. These students are generally identified by the Health Professions Partnership Initiative established through the HCOP office.
The School of Medicine is part of the UConn Health Center campus on 162 acres, seven miles west of Hartford in scenic Farmington. The Hartford area boasts all of the charm, beauty, and history of New England. In addition, Boston and New York are about a two hour drive, and Long Island Sound is a 45-minute drive from school. Day or weekend excursions are convenient during any season. In the spring and summer, the sandy beaches of Southern Connecticut and Rhode Island are only about an hour away.
The Berkshire Hills of Western Connecticut, with their characteristic Colonial-era buildings, covered bridges, and quaint villages, are about a half-hour drive. The drive is scenic any time of year, and especially breathtaking in the fall. In the winter, in addition to the local ski slopes, the mountains of Vermont are two-and-a-half hours away.
The Health Center is built atop a hill with panoramic views of rural hills and the skyscrapers of Hartford. It is a pleasure to go to school in a quiet suburban area with all the outdoor recreational opportunities and vestiges of small-town life, yet with the excitement of a city less than 10 minutes away.
The area offers a wide variety of housing options. For example, the Farmington Valley offers suburban living and a , West Hartford – from the upscale neighborhoods of West Hartford and its vibrant center – to the diverse neighborhoods of New Britain – to city living in Hartford. You can choose your price range, living style, and setting, and never be more than 10 minutes from the Health Center.
Whether you look at age, gender, race, educational background, extracurricular or community service interests, diversity is one of the most striking aspects of UConn's medical school. The range of backgrounds run the gamut from 21-year-olds just out of college; to 24-year-olds who have taken off a couple of years after college to travel, study, or work; to 30-somethings with families or advanced degrees. The average age of the entering class is about 24.
In recent years, equal numbers of men and women have matriculated. Over the last several years, a typical class is 12 percent underrepresented minority, 11 percent Asian, and 77 percent Caucasian. There are normally about 50 different undergraduate colleges and universities represented in each entering class. Students have majored in diverse fields from biochemistry to English, and from neuroscience to art history. Many have pursued independent study or research interests as part of their preparation for medical studies.
Students have strong outside interests. Researchers and emergency medical technicians, rock climbers and ballerinas, artists and rugby players, are all learning and training together. Each class spends a portion of its first two years with the dental students, who add still different perspectives. With their vastly different backgrounds as a backdrop, students teach and learn from each other on academic, professional, and social levels.
Faculty and administration are committed to creating an environment in which students can grow as individuals, as well as professionals. The curriculum is structured so there are fewer hours of lecture and fewer tests, compared to a more traditional curriculum. This allows for greater student autonomy in time-management.
During the first two years, classes typically begin at
8 a.m. and end at noon, giving students time to run errands, get some exercise, or catch up on work. Nights are usually spent studying – alone or in groups. As long as an exam isn’t looming, most students find time to go out one or two nights a week. The “new” curriculum has decreased lecture time and increased interactive small group conferences.
From the beginning of medical school, students are trained to work effectively and compassionately as professionals in the Principles of Clinical Medicine (PCM) course. One afternoon each week is spent learning patient history-taking procedures and physical exam skills. The psychological and social aspects of the patient-doctor relationship are discussed in small groups, where personal experience and ethical issues may be discussed confidentially and compassionately.
In the physical exam portion of PCM, the emphasis is on patient comfort as well as physician competence. Student discomfort is also addressed, and practical experiences are provided long before the “real thing” comes along in the third year.
Student life is supported by the school community. From student-run interest groups and clinics to scholars groups, medical students are involved outside the classroom.
Smaller interest groups for various specialties are open to everyone and provide casual gatherings to discuss fascinating clinical material. Interest groups in family medicine, general medicine, history of medicine, and bioethics meet monthly. The Christian Medical and Dental Group has bimonthly prayer meetings and speakers on the abstract aspects of medicine. A Student Literary Discussion Society is held at a faculty member's home and offers insight into past and present literary classics.
Students take a closer look at particular fields and become more academically involved through faculty-driven scholar organizations such as Pediatric Scholars, Surgical Scholars, Scholars in Medicine, Family Medicine, Ob/Gyn Scholars, and General Medicine Scholars). Scholar groups may ask students to make a presentation, conduct research, or participate in a preceptorship. The school and residency programs recognize these extra efforts.
National medical student organizations, including the American Medical Student Association, the American Medical Women’s Association, and the Student National Minority Association, are active. Many organizations sponsor trips, lectures and activities. Primary Care Day is a national event occurring every year in October. UConn students raise thousands of dollars in funding from local companies to host a day of education and dinner with guest speakers. Medical students also serve on virtually every committee affecting their lives and education, such as the Admissions Committee and the Committee on Undergraduate Medical Education.
An active and well-funded student government supports many activities, such as winter and spring dance formals, and a variety of student parties. The student government has also underwritten trips for students, whether for education, like a recent trip to Peru, or pleasure, an outing to a baseball game.
Choosing the right medical school is an important and often-times difficult decision. Many factors must be weighed in your decision, not the least of which is the curriculum. The content of medical school curricula varies little across the country, in large part because accreditation standards dictate what must be taught during the four years of medical school. However, the format of delivery of this content and the teaching methods used in the curriculum do vary from school to school. In deciding where you want to go to medical school you need to consider what curriculum format
and which teaching methods best fit with your learning style. In this regard I believe The University of Connecticut has much to offer you. Our curriculum underwent a major revision from 1995-1998. Since that
time, it has received national recognition for it’s innovative Albert and Wilda Van Dusen Professor format and teaching methods. In our most recent
accreditation of Academic Medicine review, the curriculum was cited as the number one strength of the school. Our curriculum is designed to prepare you
for your career in medicine by providing you with a strong foundation in the knowledge, skills and professional attributes you will need to succeed in your
chosen specialty or subspecialty. Every year we survey our graduates and the directors of their residency programs to determine how well they have been prepared for their roles as interns and resident physicians. We are gratified each year at the positive self-assessment of our graduates, who feel they were
exceptionally well prepared by our curriculum. This positive assessment is shared equally by their program directors, and we often find that our graduates are ranked at the top of their residency class.
The curriculum is highly integrated. In the basic medical sciences, structure and function of the body and its organ systems are taught together. Separate courses in biochemistry, anatomy, cell biology, and physiology do not exist. We feel this better reflects how the human body functions in both health and disease, and how you must think as a physician when confronted with an individual patient. There is also close integration of the basic medical sciences with clinical medicine. You will
begin seeing patients, as part of SCP, within several weeks of starting classes.
This continuity practice, which extends over the first three years of curriculum, will allow you to not only apply the knowledge gained in the classroom,
but will also allow you to rapidly develop your clinical skills. The required clinical rotations in years three and four will then allow you to build on and mature these skills to a high level of sophistication. The curriculum balances lectures with a considerable amount of small group learning activities, such as case conferences and PBL. Early in the curriculum you will learn effective
problem solving – problem solving that considers not only the underlying biomedical principles, but includes consideration of social, behavioral, ethical and legal issues. The hospitals and clinic sites through which you will rotate will expose you to a rich and diverse patient population. In these settings you will be involved in health promotion, disease treatment and prevention, and in serving the health needs of the community.
The advancement of knowledge through research is another important aspect of our programs. You will have ample opportunity, if you choose, to participate in a wide range of research activities. These span the spectrum from basic research at the cellular and molecular level, to clinical trials of new treatment modalities, and to epidemiologic, population-based and health outcomes
We take seriously our mission of training physicians for the future. To this end, we seek individuals who wish to excel and become physicians deeply committed to serving the needs of their patients and their community. We welcome all applicants who aspire to this career of service.
The SOM curriculum is designed to prepare professional men and women to practice medicine in a health care system that is evolving at an accelerated rate. In addition, it will equip them to formulate creative and courageous solutions to health care problems and issues. The primary goal of the curriculum is to develop in all students a fund of knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will enable them to pursue the postgraduate training necessary for their chosen career. Acknowledging that medical school is just the first step to becoming a competent physician, the curriculum provides a foundation for “career competencies,” which our graduates will possess, and which will allow them to provide high-quality, cost-effective clinical care.
School name:University of ConnecticutSchool of Medicine
Address:263 Farmington Avenue
Zip & city:CT 06030-1920 Connecticut
Address:263 Farmington Avenue
Zip & city:CT 06030-1920 Connecticut
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School of Medicine Medical School Location
School of Medicine Courses
Phase 1 constitutes the first two years, and is comprised of five courses, and electives. Each year has a 38-week academic calendar, separated by a 10-week summer break. During Phase 1 instruction consists of lecture, laboratories, case conferences, and PBL.
A major emphasis of Phase 1 is related to the basic medical sciences.
Students begin their study of the basic sciences with the Human Systems course, which presents the normal structure and function of cells, tissues and the organ systems. This is followed by the Human Development and Health course, which focuses on the biological, psychological, and social development of humans, and the legal and ethical issues associated with the provision of health care across the lifespan. Phase 1
concludes with the Mechanisms of Disease course, which presents the pathology and pathophysiology of the organ systems, infectious diseases, and principles of therapeutics, especially pharmacology. The Correlated Medical Problem Solving (CMPS) course runs throughout Phase 1. Its format is problem-based learning, with the cases chosen to reinforce
and integrate the basic science concepts presented in the Human Systems, Human Development and Health, and Mechanisms of Disease courses.
Phase 1 also prepares students for the clinical aspects of their program through the Clinical Medicine course.
* Human Systems: The Human Systems course runs the entire first year (38 weeks: 17 hours/week). It is divided into four sections (approximate length of section):
- Human Biology (13 weeks)
- Organ System 1 (7 weeks)
- Organ System 2 (9 weeks)
- Organ System 3 (9 weeks)
The course covers the basic elements of human anatomy, histology, biochemistry, physiology, and genetics. Also included is an introduction to biostatistics and the principles of epidemiology.
* Human Biology - This section presents the basic structure, biochemistry, and physiology of cells and tissues. It provides the foundation for the material presented in the context of the organ systems, and gives students a framework upon which to build their knowledge of the basic medical sciences as the year
progresses. The section begins with an introduction to the general principles of biochemistry and molecular biology as the foundations of the biological sciences. This is followed by study of the histology of the major types of tissues, including the fundamentals of the immune response. Students also begin dissection of the human body starting with the upper and lower extremities.
* Organ System 1 - The primary focus of this section is the structure and function of the central nervous system. The gross anatomy of the head and neck is also presented.
* Organ System 2 - This section presents an integrated view of the organs of homeostasis including the heart, lungs and kidneys.
The gross anatomy of the thorax is presented, as is an
introduction to biostatistics and epidemiology.
* Organ System 3 - The structure and function of the gastrointestinal tract, the endocrine organs, and the reproductive organs is the primary focus of this section. The principles of human genetics are also presented. Students concurrently dissect the abdomen and pelvis.
* Human Development and Health: The Human
Development and Health course begins the second academic year, and runs for 9 weeks (17 hrs/week). It comprises a multidisciplinary survey of biological, psychological, and social development from conception to death; an investigation of the behavioral and social determinants of health and illness; an introduction to principles of medical law and ethics applied to
doctor-patient relationships and health care problems; and an overview of health care services across the life span, their effectiveness, and the forces shaping their evolution.
* Mechanisms of Disease: The Mechanisms of Disease course completes the second year running for 29 weeks (17 hrs/week).
It is comprised of eight sections (approximate length of section):
- General Pathology and Pharmacology (4 weeks)
- Infectious Disease (4 weeks)
- Diseases of Homeostasis (7 weeks)
- Oncology (3 weeks)
- Diseases of Metabolism (3 weeks)
- Diseases of the Nervous System (4 weeks)
- Diseases of the Reproductive Systems (2 weeks)
- Immune and Non-Immune Mediated Diseases of Skin, Connective Tissue, and Bones/Joints (2 weeks)
The course reviews the pathology and pathophysiology of the organ systems previously presented in the Human Systems course. In addition, basic principles of therapeutics, especially pharmacologic, are presented.
* Correlated Medical Problem Solving (CMPS): The CMPS
course runs through Phase 1 in parallel to Human Systems, Human Development and Health, and Mechanisms of Disease. It is designed to assist students in their development as independent learners, and to promote the acquisition of skills related to problem solving, access to information, and group interaction and communication. The instructional format is PBL, with students divided into groups of eight with two faculty facilitators (one clinical and one basic science).
The course meets for three hours each week. Case content is chosen to correlate with topics being presented in the concurrently running basic science courses. Each case is developed and discussed over a three week period, thereby providing students with two weeks of independent study.
* Clinical Medicine Course (CMC): CMC extends through
Phase 1, and is devoted to developing in students the skills, attitudes and knowledge needed to practice clinical medicine.
The course focuses on the patient, on the developing physician, and upon the special and complex relationship between them. It also examines the role of community and family in health and illness. It consists of two sections: PCM and SCP. Each section meets one afternoon a week for four hours. The curricula for PCM and SCP are intimately linked, and together they are designed to complement the basic science courses
running concurrently. PCM takes place at the medical school, while SCP occurs in the office of physicians practicing in the community.
* PCM : This section is devoted to medical history-taking skills, physical examination, and professional development. It is run in a seminar format. In the first year, the focus is on health, wellness behavior, preventive medicine, and on normal physical
findings. In the second year, students revisit the medical
history and physical examination skills with a focus on illness and abnormal findings. Differential diagnosis and clinical reasoning are also presented.
* SCP : This is a longitudinal clinical experience which begins in the fall of the first year, and continues through Year 3 (and an optional elective in Year 4). Students spend one half-day per week in an ambulatory clinical site, under the supervision of a physician preceptor. It is tightly coordinated with the PCM section to help students practice medical interviewing, physical examination skills, and community-oriented medicine.
* Electives I: Students have the opportunity for elective course work in both Phases 1 and 3 of the curriculum.
During Phase 2 of the curriculum (Year 3), there are two courses - Multidisciplinary Ambulatory Experience (MAX) and Inpatient. These courses together with the Advanced Clinical Experiences course (Year 4) constitute the core clinical components of the curriculum. MAX is divided into two 16-week components: MAX-1 and MAX-2. These three 16-week components (MAX-1, MAX-2, and Inpatient) can be taken in any order. During MAX and Inpatient, the students attend their half-day per week SCP, which they started in the first year.
* Multidisciplinary Ambulatory Experience: MAX is a 32 week course focused on ambulatory medicine. It is divided into two 16-week sections (MAX-1 and MAX-2).
During MAX-1 and MAX-2 the students have three “Home Week” sessions, where all students return to the medical school. Evaluations (written and clinical skills assessment) are essential activities during Home Week. In addition, each Home Week is oriented around a theme. Students must also complete an evidenced-based medicine project on one of the patients they have seen during either their Inpatient or MAX experiences.
* MAX-1 - There are two six-week experiences: Internal Medicine and Pediatrics and two one-week experiences: Orthopedics and ENT. During these experiences, the students have a half-day/week ambulatory Psychiatry clinic.
* MAX-2 - There are two six-week experiences: Family Medicine and OB/GYN and one three-week experience: Ambulatory General Surgery.
* Inpatient Experience: The Inpatient block is 16 weeks in duration, and consists of rotations in Medicine (four weeks), Surgery (four weeks), Psychiatry (four weeks), Pediatrics (two weeks), and an experience called Beginning-to-End (two weeks). In the Beginning-to-End experience, students follow patients from admission in the Emergency Department through discharge, regardless to which service the patient is
admitted. The focus of Beginning-to-End is on the patient’s interaction with the health care system, and addresses issues related to quality of care.
Phase 3 (Year 4) consists of three components: a
required three month Advanced Clinical Experience
course; a two month Selective experience; and five
months of Electives. Students may customize this
phase of the curriculum, taking any of the components
in their preferred sequence. The schedules are
made in one month increments, and students do not
have to schedule all months of a particular component
in sequence.
* Advanced Clinical Experiences: This course is three months in duration, and provides students with an
intensive inpatient experience and exposure to issues related to critical and emergency/urgent care. It is divided into three sections (each one month in duration), which can be scheduled at any time during Phase 3.
- Advanced Inpatient Experience - Students can choose to do the experience either in Medicine, Pediatrics, Surgery, or Family Medicine. It allows students to build on the knowledge and skills acquired during their previous clinical experiences. Students assume responsibility for the simultaneous care of multiple complex inpatients, acquire advanced knowledge and skills, and improve their efficiency. It is expected that students will improve upon their history and physical examination skills, and advance in their ability to
interpret clinical laboratory and radiological data. Students are expected to function as an integral part of an interdisciplinary team, participate in the education of the team members, and assume a greater role in their own learning.
- Emergency/Urgent Care Experience : Students participate in patient care as it is delivered in an urgent/emergency setting. Students split their activities between day and evening shifts. In addition to providing patient care, students participate in workshops on wound care, suturing, and splinting.
- Critical Care Experience : Students can choose to do the experience either in the Medical Intensive Care Unit, Surgical Intensive Care Unit, Coronary Care Unit, or
Pediatric/Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
* Selectives: The Selectives course is two months in duration and can be scheduled at any time during Phase 3. It is designed with the recognition that being a physician encompasses the roles of researcher, educator, and advocate for community health. The Selectives provide students with the opportunity
to establish an experiential and knowledge base for these roles. In each of the Selectives’ sections, students learn methodology, skills and content as applied to an independent project. Students develop a project within the framework of research, education or community health. The selective can be scheduled as a block or as a longitudinal experience. Students in combined degree programs (M.D./Ph.D., M.D./M.B.A. and M.D./M.P.H.) may use the Selective course to complete course work toward their graduate degree.
- Research - The goals of the research Selective experience include: to develop an understanding of how research leads to advancement of knowledge and the improvement of clinical programs and community health; to acquire research skills and methodologies; and to collaborate with colleagues from a variety of fields and specialties.
- Community Health - The goals of the community health
Selective include: stimulation of student interest in population health; development of skills in addressing community health problems; increasing awareness of community resources; and development of an understanding of sociocultural factors that affect health.
- Education - The goals of the education Selective experience include: preparation of the student for their future educational roles (academic, patient instruction, and continuing education); promotion of an understanding of the process of education; and broadening the student teaching experience.
- Electives II: Students have five months of elective time in Phase 3, with each elective being one month in duration (students may use one month for vacation/residency interviews). Electives can be scheduled at anytime during Phase 3. Students must complete at least three elective months in order
to graduate. Longitudinal electives can be arranged as well. There are no requirements as to the type of electives to be taken, or that electives need to be done at UConn affiliated sites and institutions.
![]() PRE-CLINICAL YEARS (1 AND 2) Yale’s curriculum begins with two years of basic science–normal biology and pathology– coupled with clini... Address: 333 Cedar Street |