Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science (Chicago Medical School)
Founded in 1912, Chicago Medical School has been dedicated to excellence in medical education for nearly a century. With recognized innovation in educating health and biomedical professionals, excellence in knowledge creation and scientific discovery focused on prediction and prevention of disease, outstanding clinical programs and compassionate community service, the School has educated thousands of professionals in the medical sciences at all levels of training and experience.
Chicago Medical School is proud to have educated physicians, scientists and researchers for 93 years. We are committed to continuing this tradition well into the
future and, in doing so, plan to serve our primary mission of providing our students with a comprehensive medical education while preparing them for a career and life of excellence in medicine. Recognizing that our students will be responsible for the health of future
generations, we are especially pleased that our School is located within a health sciences University that serves as a national leader in interprofessional education.
Our innovative educational programs, combined with our outstanding facilities and superb faculty, all make for an energized and exciting environment. It should become
readily apparent to you why we and others within the University are greatly enjoying our “Life in Discovery!"
The Chicago Medical School at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science is dedicated to encouraging and educating students to become competent, responsible, concerned physicians. The School seeks to help students acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes for a lifelong career of learning and professional service. Students, faculty and administration strive together to meet these goals at all organizational levels. The Chicago Medical School provides an environment where students work closely with faculty and administration. The School is vitally concerned with meeting students' developmental needs, both professional and personal.
The mission of the Chicago Medical School (CMS) at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science is to graduate highly educated, caring and competent physicians by providing a premier interprofessional learning experience for medical education and development. The School is dedicated to the education and training of professionals in the health sciences at all levels of training and experience. These goals are continually evaluated in terms of the School nurturing education, research, and healthcare delivery.
To that end, CMS strives to instill in every student the incumbent medical and scientific knowledge, skills,
attitudes, and values that the field of medicine and society expect of a physician. The following measurable
competencies and their associated objectives, our touchstones of excellence, reflect this overall goal:
I. Medical and Scientific Knowledge. Demonstrate knowledge about established and evolving biomedical,
clinical, epidemiological, and social-behavioral sciences, and apply this knowledge in caring for patients.
II. Patient Care and Prevention. Demonstrate patient care that is compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the promotion of health, prevention of illness, treatment of disease, and the end of life.
III. Professionalism and Self-Awareness. Demonstrate a commitment to professional service, adherence to ethical principles, sensitivity to diverse patient populations, and awareness of one's own interests and vulnerabilities.
IV. Practice-Based, Life-Long Learning. Demonstrate the ability to appraise and assimilate scientific evidence
and methods to investigate, evaluate, and improve one's own patient care practices.
V. Systems-Based, Interprofessional Practice. Demonstrate an awareness of and responsiveness to the larger context of health care and the ability to call on system resources and other healthcare professionals to
provide optimal care.
VI. Interpersonal and Communication Skills. Demonstrate effective understanding, information exchange, and
teamwork with patients, their families, and other health professionals.
The Chicago Medical School recognizes a responsibility to make available both intellectual and physical resources to meet the healthcare needs of the community and promote advancement in medical service.
The University provides its students with a full range of services, which include financial aid counseling, academic counseling and tutoring, ambulatory acute health care and personal and family counseling.
Students in all four schools participate in the University Student Council. This group, organized and run entirely
by students, concerns itself with overall policy and direction of the institution as they relate to student concerns.
In addition, the Council plans and supports campus social events and student delegation trips to national
professional group meetings. It also names student representatives to committees of the various schools and appoints observers to the University Board of Trustees. In addition to the representatives from each school, all interested students in any of the schools are welcome to participate voluntarily in the Council's activities. The Council meets monthly.
In addition to the University Student Council, CMS has chapters in many of the national medical student
associations. These include the American Medical Student Association, American Medical Women's Association, Student National Medical Association, Organization of Student Representatives (student branch of the Association of American Medical Colleges) and Beta Tau (CMS chapter of the national coed medical fraternity, Phi Delta Epsilon).
Student representatives participate as members of most committees of the medical school and have their own
representative on the School's Faculty Executive Council and Academic Assembly. A few of the committees
on which students serve include: Admissions, Student Evaluation, Promotion and Awards, Educational Affairs,
Faculty-Student Forum and faculty search committees.
The Clinics at Rosalind Franklin University were established in 1982 to provide primary care health services to residents of Lake County, Illinois and the University's employees and students. Since opening, the Clinics have expanded to offer a broad array of both primary and specialty health services. Today, the Clinics are one of a limited number of multi-specialty physician practices in Lake County.
The diversity of services which the Clinics provide has resulted in a steadily growing patient population. This increase is primarily due to the growth of Family Medicine and Center for Women’s Health. The combination of both primary and sub-specialty care at one site has resulted in great interest from managed care insurers. Consequently, the Clinics have been asked to become providers in the many Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) and Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs) as listed in Health Care Plans.
The quality of service and the courtesy of both medical and support staff have firmly established a loyal, growing patient base. This emphasis has also fostered an excellent working relationship with health insurers seeking both affordable and high quality patient care.
The campus is accessible from downtown Chicago by major highways (Edens Expressway and the Tri-State Tollway), and conveniently served by Metra commuter rail service. The school provides shuttle service to and from the train station in Lake Bluff four times daily for student and employee commuters. Most freshman and sophomore medical students choose to live in communities closely located to the campus and, therefore, commute by automobile. Adequate, free parking is available for students.
The cultural, sports and civic activities of the Chicago metropolitan area rival those of any other large urban
area in the United States, plus the added attraction of Lake Michigan. In addition to the world-famous Chicago
Symphony Orchestra, opera, and theatre, Chicago enjoys renowned jazz, blues and other music venues, as well as a full range of professional sports. Chicago's fine museums offer a variety of exhibits, and the Art Institute of Chicago displays one of the best impressionist collections in the world. Additionally, the North Shore and inland communities provide an abundance of well-developed cultural activities of their own. The Chicago Symphony's summer-long programs at Ravinia Park (about 10 miles south of the campus) are well-known.
The Boxer University Library collection holds nearly 120,000 volumes and currently receives more than 1,800 subscriptions to the world's leading biomedical journals, as well as access to more than 60 major medical information databases. Library services include reference assistance to identify and locate scientific and health related literature, online database searching, library instruction, interlibrary loans and fax service. Group study rooms, a 24-hour computer lab and network connectivity is available in the library. Orientations are available upon request. The Boxer University Library is open 103 hours each week.
The Academic Computing Labs are located on both levels of the LRC. Besides the 24-hour computer lab in the library, there are academic computing labs and a dedicated computer classroom on the lower level. Labs have PCs and Macs, printers, scanners and Internet connectivity. The LRC staff provides academic computer instruction.
The Audiovisual Lab located in the LRC houses a collection of non-print media including audiovisual programs in various formats, as well as training models for practice in clinical and diagnostic skills. Study carrels and preview areas, equipped with appropriate hardware, are located in the library. Audiovisual Services records special University events and sets up equipment for lectures and meetings.
The Photography Department offers the full spectrum of photographic services, including specimen and clinical
photos, photomacrography, photomicrography, B&W and color copying of research data, printing and slides from computer generation or research materials. In addition, ultraviolet and fluorographic photography as well as public relations and portrait photography are available.
The Information Technology Department provides access to the University's computing, networking, centralized administrative systems and technical support resources to the faculty, students, staff and administration of the University. The department is also responsible for creating and maintaining a technology infrastructure to support computer networks and telecommunication.
School name:Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and ScienceChicago Medical School
Address:3333 Green Bay Road
Zip & city:IL 60064 Illinois
Address:3333 Green Bay Road
Zip & city:IL 60064 Illinois
(1 vote)
Chicago Medical School Medical School Location
Chicago Medical School Courses
* Biochemistry : The fundamental chemical properties and biological reactions of important compounds in the normally functioning human organism are studied. Emphasis is placed on the regulation and integration of metabolic processes. The course makes use of both lectures and conferences. A unique aspect of the course is a selfteaching program that covers certain facts and concepts basic to biochemistry; this is an individual self-learning, self-evaluation program.
* Clinical Anatomy : Both gross anatomy and developmental anatomy are studied in this course. Laboratory time is devoted exclusively to the regional dissection of a human cadaver. Supplementary offerings within the course include films, prosected cadavers, and bone sets for individual study.
* Embryology : The course presents the normal and abnormal development of the human embryo and fetus. The course includes descriptive presentations of developing structures. Conceptual and mechanistic consideration of developmental processes drawn from non-human embryological events are also discussed (2 units).
* Epidemiology : This course acquaints the student with the basic concepts of biostatistics and introductory Epidemiology. Elements of research design are stressed so that the student is able to critically evaluate research literature. Practice in simple statistical skills and analysis is included.
* Genetics : The course is designed to provide first-year medical students with an understanding of basic genetic principles which are requisite to the practice of modern medicine. Topics discussed include chromosomal abnormalities, pedigree construction, Mendelian inheritance patterns and risk assessment, the role of linkage and restriction fragment length polymorphisms in diagnosis, indications for genetic counseling, and prenatal diagnosis and genetic aspects of cancer.
* Histology : The principal educational goal of this course is to convey the relationship between organ structure and organ function, through the detailed study of light
microscopic preparations and electron micrographs of cells, tissues, and organs.
* Introduction to Clinical Medicine : The first-year Introduction to Clinical Medicine Course provides clinical training in history taking, the physical examination, patient examination and physical diagnosis. The initial lectures and laboratory sessions concentrate on history taking skills and the approach to the patient. The lectures on history taking are held late in term two. The physical examination portion of the course, beginning in term three, is didactic and based primarily on audiovisual and live demonstrations. During this time, there is elaboration of the historytaking skills and introduction of the physical examination. These didactic sessions are complemented by workshops in which smaller groups of students are guided by personalized instruction as they develop the skills of history taking and physical examination that they
practice on each other. The course provides the students with his or her first clinical learning experiences. The students also practice the examination techniques on patient educators during workshops that are conducted during course hours and in the evening.
* Medical Ethics : The course introduces the student to the basics of ethical issues in the practice of medicine, as well as to recognize the controversial nature of issues such as patient's rights. Elements of research into the foundations on which positions are taken on medical issues are stressed. Logical approaches for such positions are developed. Inquiry into the historical
basis of ethical problems, appreciation for alternative
positions on ethical issues and identifying the ethical
issues concomitant with the new developments in the
practice of medicine are emphasized.
* Molecular and Cell biology : In this course, the molecular and cellular processes common to all eukaryotic cells are studied and, where appropriate, comparisons to prokaryotic cells are made. The molecular and cellular processes of specific cell types and tissue types are also considered, and related to their morphological appearance. Dr. Walters and faculty from the Departments of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Cell Biology & Anatomy.
* Neuroscience : An interdisciplinary introduction to the structure and function of the nervous system team-taught by all faculty members in the Department of Neuroscience. This course provides a broad overview of modern neuroscience, emphasizing: 1) cellular and molecular neuroscience, including transmitter neurochemistry, neural plasticity, and the biology of neural stem cells; 2) systems neuroscience, focusing on sensory, motor, limbic and higher cognitive systems; 3) neuroanatomy taught in small group sessions utilizing human cadaver brains and interactive computer-based learning; and 4) clinical neuroscience, including correlations on multiple sclerosis, headache and pain disorders, peripheral neuropathy, Parkinson's and Huntington's diseases, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, stroke, brainstem lesions, seizure disorders, sleep disorders, loss of consciousness, and Alzheimer's disease.
* Physiology and Biophysics : The course offers the basic principles of organ system physiology. Through lectures, demonstrations, conferences, and laboratory work, students receive a quantitative and integrated concept of subcellular, cellular and organ system function.
* Microbiology and Immunology : Focusing on the fundamental molecular biology, genetics, metabolism, immunology and morphology of microorganisms, these courses are also designed to provide practical experience in laboratory diagnosis in microbiology and parasitology. The first quarter is directed toward principles and concepts of microbiology and immunology; the second and third quarters, to infectious disease processes and laboratory diagnostic procedure.
* Clinical Neuroscience : This multidisciplinary course focuses on brain structure and function and their clinical manifestations. Faculty includes members of the Departments of Neurology and Psychiatry. Term I covers brain organization strategies for the diagnosis of central nervous system disease. These strategies include the mental status and cognitive assessment examinations, psychological testing, and routine (e.g., blood count) and specialized (e.g., lumbar puncture, magnetic resonance imaging) laboratory testing, normal and abnormal personality. Term II covers disorders of the central nervous system, encompassing psychopathology. For these disorders, prevalence, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment and prevention are covered.
* Preventive Medicine : Four-hour lecture and home study course. It contains a module in epidemiology, plus introductory lectures and assignments in the fields of occupational medicine and of environmental medicine. Further, there are lectures and assignments on a sampling of diseases which are common, which constitute public health problems and which are amenable to varying degrees to screening, early diagnosis and subsequent intervention.
* Pathology : The biologic bases and mechanisms of disease, including inflammation and repair, and cell injury by infectious, immunologic, vascular, genetic, physical, chemical, and neoplastic mechanisms, followed by a beginning survey of disease with emphasis on clinical pathologic correlations.
* Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology : The subject matter is covered in lectures, conferences and tutorials. The mechanism of actions of drugs at molecular, cellular and biochemical levels, and factors affecting drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion, are discussed. Pharmacogenetics, gene therapy, drug interactions, therapeutic uses, contraindications and side effects, and the toxicology of selected compounds are also presented.
* Family Medicine : Students learn about and experience family practice in its unique combination of inpatient and outpatient settings; service to all age groups and both genders; attention to both organic and functional aspects of illness; and the interactions among lifestyle, life stresses and disease.
* Internal Medicine : The Junior Medicine Clerkship is conducted at one of CMS's nine affiliated hospitals. An eight week rotation is offered at John H. Stroger, Jr., Hospital of Cook County, Christ Hospital, Hines Veterans Affairs Hospital, Illinois Masonic Hospital, Mount Sinai Hospital Medical Center, North Chicago Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Norwalk Hospital and Lutheran General Hospital. There are designated full-time faculty clerkship supervisors and full-time teaching faculty at each institution. The objective of the clerkship is to present the student with a basic core of information in internal medicine and the relationship to relevant basic sciences and medical disciplines. The student is provided with practical experience at the bedside, formal work and teaching rounds. Techniques of clinical diagnosis and management, including diagnostic and therapeutic medical procedures, are demonstrated and, in appropriate instances, performed by the clinical clerks with faculty guidance. Subspecialty rounds, clinical conferences, clinical-pathological conferences and medical grand rounds complement the clerkship experience. Case seminar series, including the principle areas of internal medicine, provide a core curriculum supplemented by specified assignments, reference to current medical literature and supplementary sources of written and audiovisual instruction.
* Obstetrics / Gynecology : This six-week required clerkship at John H. Stroger, Jr., Hospital of Cook County, Mount Sinai Hospital and Lutheran General Hospital provides the student with experience in all aspects of obstetrics and gynecology. This includes general obstetrics and gynecology and the subspecialties of endocrinology, oncology and perinatology.
* Surgery Clerkship : The Surgical Clerkship Program is an eight-week rotation in one of five affiliated hospitals: Mount Sinai Hospital Medical Center, Illinois Masonic Medical Center, Christ Hospital, John H. Stroger, Jr., Hospital of Cook County, Lutheran General Hospital, and Swedish Covenant Hospital, under the supervision of Internal Coordinators who are faculty members. Six weeks are assigned to general surgery, and two weeks of one of the following electives: anesthesiology, emergency room, metabolic care, orthopedic surgery, trauma, urology and vascular surgery.
As an integral part of the surgical team, the clerks gain
clinical experience by participating in clinics, rounds,
operative procedures, and on-call duties. They attend
the following regularly scheduled surgical conferences:
radiology, pathology, tumor, morbidity and mortality,
grand rounds, surgical GI conference, vascular, journal
club, critical care, surgical indications, basic science,
cardiothoracic, orthopedic, surgical nutrition and trauma.
* Pediatrics : This clerkship emphasizes close faculty supervision by full-time CMS faculty as well as full-time attending staff physicians from the clerkship site hospital. This includes personal attention to the performance of physicals and elicitation of histories, patient write-ups, chart notes and invasive and noninvasive technical procedures. Students are assigned to a service at one of the hospitals and serve as full-functioning members of the healthcare team that is composed of junior and senior residents and attending staff physicians.
The clerkship is currently conducted at Christ Hospital, Cook County Children's Hospital, Mount Sinai Hospital Medical Center, Lutheran General Hospital and St. Anthony Hospital. Students rotate through ambulatory and ward pediatric medicine, neonatology and the emergency room. Didactic teaching is presented in the form of lectures, seminars, individual presentations, ward rounds and student bedside rounds.
* Psychiatry : This is an intensive, full-time experience in the medical specialty of psychiatry. Under faculty supervision, clerks perform the duties of house staff. Clerks participate in interviews and history taking, charting, triage and referral decisions, treatment and care of psychiatric inpatients and significant experience in consultation/ liaison psychiatry and outpatient psychiatry. The classroom work consists of seminars on psychiatric emergencies, psychotherapy, behavior modification, liaison/consultation psychiatry, pediatric psychiatry, forensic and ethical psychiatry.
* Emergency Medicine : This is a required four-week rotation during the third year. The student learns the principles of prioritization of potentially life- or limb-threatening conditions and how to approach the acutely ill or injured patient with a focused history and physical exam. Procedures taught in the second year in “Introduction to Clinical Skills” are performed in the Emergency Department setting with attention to universal precautions and personal safety. A series of lecture/discussion group sessions are conducted by the faculty from Emergency Medicine addressing the major presenting complaints. The student is assigned to either John H. Stroger, Jr., Hospital of Cook County or Mount Sinai Hospital for the clinical portion. Lectures are attended by the entire group at Mount Sinai.
* Neurology : This three-week required clerkship prepares students to recognize and begin the management of patients with neurologic conditions, to demonstrate the ability to perform a complete and reliable neurologic history and examination, and to continue their progress toward achieving the School’s educational competencies. The student is provided with practical experience at the bedside, clinics, and teaching rounds, as well as varied learning environments including online quizzes, essay assignments, and simulated patient experiences. On the last day of the clerkship, the students perform a lumbar puncture on mannequin simulators.
* Medicine Sub Internship : The student Subinternship in Internal Medicine provides an opportunity to serve as an active member of a resident-intern-student team intimately involved in the acute care of patients on the medical service. The clinical experience exposes the student to a wide variety of medical problems for which the clerk is responsible for diagnosis and treatment under the direct supervision of the medical resident and attending physician. The full teaching program includes daily attending rounds, daily subspecialty conferences and weekly medical grand rounds. The clerkship is intended to permit the student to serve as an “acting intern” as a means of improving his or her understanding
of the pathophysiology of disease, clinical skills for
historical, physical and laboratory examinations, and knowledge and judgment in clinical medicine.
* Clinical Neurology : Clinical neurology is a fourth-year course in which the medical student expands upon earlier training in the required clerkship in the diagnosis and management of patients with neurologic disease. The student presents to the preceptoring neurologist those patients “worked up” in both an inpatient and outpatient setting. In addition, the student sees selected consultations that are presented to the preceptoring neurologist for discussion. Opportunities are afforded the student to participate in various neurologic diagnostic studies, including electroencephalography, electromyography, nerve conduction, and evoked response neurophysiology. The importance of these diagnostic studies in the neurologic diagnosis is emphasized. Highland Park/Edgewater Hospitals
![]() The CCOM course of study is typically 4 academic years. The first 2 years cover primarily didactic instruction, followed by 2 years of primarily clini... Address: 555 31st Street, Downers Grove, Illinois |
![]() FIRST YEAR M-1 During the M-1 year, students build on the basic concepts in chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics, and the behavioral sciences m... Address: 1853 West Polk Street |
![]() FIRST YEAR COURSES * Clinical Skills 1A : is the initial communication course that introduces students to the basics of doctor/patient communicatio... Address: 5841 S. Maryland Ave. |