Baylor College of Medicine
Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, the only private medical school in the Greater Southwest, was founded in 1900 and is today an internationally respected medical and research institution known for excellence in education, research and patient care.
Today, the College consistently ranks among the top of the country's 125 medical schools. For 2007, U.S.News & World Report has ranked the College 10th overall among the nation's top medical schools for research and 11th for primary care. BCM also is listed 13th among all U.S. medical schools for National Institutes of Health funding, and No. 1 for research expenditures in biological science by the National Science Foundation.
Located in the Texas Medical Center, a 700-acre complex housing 42 member institutions, BCM has affiliations with seven teaching hospitals, each with a national and international reputation for medical excellence.
The College has total research support of $374 million, with $314 million from federal sources, and more than 90 research and patient-care centers and units. Currently, BCM trains more than 3,000 medical, graduate, nurse anesthesia, and physician assistant students, as well as residents and post-doctoral fellows.
Baylor College of Medicine is committed to being a national leader in advancing human health through the integration of patient care, research, education, and community service.
As Baylor College of Medicine proceeds into the new century, these principles guide our growth and operation: courage, trust, discovery, excellence, service, leadership, collaboration, scholarship, and people.
Tomorrow's health care leaders are being educated at Baylor College of Medicine today. The proof is found in the College's 9,900 alumni and 7,700 former residents, many of whom now chair academic departments, lead medical schools and graduate programs, run pharmaceutical companies, conduct groundbreaking research, spearhead international initiatives, and provide exceptional health care.
Baylor College of Medicine trains future leaders through our world-class faculty, who use an innovative curriculum and conduct leading-edge research. This combined with the outstanding training facilities available through Baylor's affiliated hospitals in the world- renowned Texas Medical Center, attract the brightest students from across the country.
The curriculum of the Baylor College of Medicine is designed to be a highly integrated unique and flexible program for the student to learn the art and science of medicine. It is designed to prepare students to be knowledgeable, skillful, compassionate, and dutiful physicians in the twenty-first century.
The four year curriculum consists of eighteen months of pre-clinical courses integrated with patient and physician educators to maximize the experience for each student. This is followed by two and one half years of clinical opportunities in core clerkships, as well as clinical and research electives. The curriculum has sufficient flexibility for students to do extensive research, pursue advanced degrees, participate in special tracks or explore other avenues of personal and professional growth.
The buildings that make up the main campus of Baylor College of Medicine center around the original Cullen Building, named for Roy and Lillie Cullen, who established the Cullen Foundation in 1947. Located in the heart of the Texas Medical Center at One Baylor Plaza, this building is easily identified by the circular drive and rising continuous-flowing fountain. This building contains the administrative offices of the Medical School, including the President. This building also includes teaching and research laboratories, lecture rooms, and departmental offices. Located on the first floor is the Cullen Auditorium with a seating capacity of 500, the Jaworski Classroom and central dining facilities. The Bookstore, and the Credit Union are on the lower level.
By 1964, additional space was needed for basic science research laboratories and departmental offices, and The Jesse H. Jones Hall, M.D. Anderson Hall, and the Jewish Institute for Medical Research were added.
As Baylor grew, so did its need for space and, in 1986, the Ben Taub Research Research Center was added, which houses the laboratories of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. The College's central business office and human resources office are located on the first floor of the Taub Center. Attached to the Taub Center, the Vivian and Bob Smith Medical Research Building (1989) allowed for expansion of administrative and research support services.
Facing One Baylor Plaza, across from the Jesse Jones Library and attached to the Cullen Building, is The Michael E. DeBakey Center for Biomedical Education and Research, built in 1980. The DeBakey Center houses the primary instructional facilities for Baylor's Medical School. The first five levels are dedicated to student learning and activities. The basement and the first and second floors are linked by the Hankamer Atrium flanked by Kleberg and McMillian auditoriums. The first floor houses the Office of Student Affairs, the Registrar's Office, and the Executive Board Room. Also housed in this building are the Education Resource Center/Computer Lab, the Molecular Biology Computational Resource Center, and the Student Lounge. The Curriculum Office resides on the third floor and contains 21 high-tech conference rooms, designed specifically for small group learning.
In 1997, the Margaret M. and Albert B. Alkek Building was built next to The Michael E. DeBakey Center for Biomedical Education and Research, and is connected to each of its ten floors. This sixteen-story building includes The Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Office of Admissions, Office of Scholarships and Student Financial Planning, and the Office of the Senior Vice President and Dean of Medical Education. Numerous research laboratories and lecture rooms are also housed in this building.
School name:Baylor College of Medicine
Address:One Baylor Plaza
Zip & city:TX 77030 Texas
Address:One Baylor Plaza
Zip & city:TX 77030 Texas
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Baylor College of Medicine Medical School Location
Baylor College of Medicine Courses
The pre-clinical curriculum extends from August of the first year to December of the second year. It is divided into three phases-Fall I, Spring I, and Fall II.
* Behavioral Science : Teaches Psychiatric Terminology, Defense Mechanisms, Mental Status Exam, Mood Disorders, Antidepressants, Mood Stabilizers, Electroconvulsive Therapy, Anxiety Disorder, Anxiolytics, Child Psychiatry, Psychotic Disorders, Antipsychotics, Delirium and Dementia, Alcohol and Substance Abuse, Eating Disorders, Personality Disorders, Somatoform Disorders, Sleep Disorders, Suicide, Traumatic Brain Injury, Psychotherapy, Professional Demeanor and Boundaries, and Legal Issues in Mental Health.
* Bioethics : Teaches the basic concepts and terminology of medical ethics, basic legal concepts and terminology as they apply to the topics covered in this course, and how to use the ethics work-up to resolve basic ethical dilemmas. Content includes: history of medical ethics, informed consent, clinical challenges to informed consent, end-of-life decision making, confidentiality, the ethics of student involvement in patient care, the ethics of managed care, maternal-fetal medicine, genetics, research ethics.
* Cardiology : This course teaches pathophysiology, pathology and pharmacology of the most common cardiovascular diseases including: a) coronary artery disease, b) hypertension and hypertensive heart disease, c) valvular heart disease, and d) pericardial diseases. Also teaches electrocardiogram as a useful tool to diagnose cv disease, heart sounds and murmurs, and includes web resources available to dwell deeper into current key concepts and obtain supporting evidence for recommendations covered in national guidelines.
* Endocrine : This course integrates the pathology, pathophysiology, and identified pharmacology relevant to endocrine diseases.
* Foundations Basic to the Science of Medicine : This integrated course provides basic science principles and knowledge of the normal function of the human body. These serve as the foundation for the further study of medicine. Content areas covered include biochemistry, cell biology, histology, gross anatomy, physiology, genetics, radiology and embryology.
* Genetics : This course teaches medical genetics, patterns of inheritance, metabolic and molecular bases of human disease, topics in prenatal diagnosis and laboratory diagnoses, ethical issues in medical genetics. Practical skills taught are in pedigree acquisition, database searches, resource management.
* General Pathology : This course teaches the five pathologic processes (cellular responses to abnormal stimuli, inflammation, wound repair and healing, hemodynamic alterations, and neoplasia) and pathophysiology.
* Gastrointestinal : This course teaches integration of the pathology, pathophysiology, and identified pharmacology relevant to common gastrointestinal diseases.
* GU/GYN : This course integrates the pathology, pathophysiology, and identified pharmacology relevant to pregnancy and urological and gynecological diseases.
* Hard and Soft Tissues : This course introduces the student to Dermatology, the Rheumatic Diseases, the pathology associated with normal and abnormal bone, muscle, soft tissue and skin conditions, and the pharmacology of the drugs used to treat skin and rheumatic diseases.
* Head and Neck Anatomy : The course covers the anatomy of the head and neck with appropriate embryology and sensory physiology.
* Hemeatology/Oncology : This course integrates the pathology, pathophysiology, and identified pharmacology relevant to common hematological disorders.
* Immunology : Some of the topics covered in the course include: Immunity and host defenses, basis of immune specificity and memory, antigen presentation, primary immuno-deficiencies, and vaccines.
* Infectious Disease : This course covers infectious organisms of all classes (the microbial world down to, and including, prions), the diseases they cause, and the treatment(s) for those diseases.
* Integrated Problem Solving : This course fosters integration of basic science content, provides the social perspective and the patient's view, uses a logical problem solving method, encourages the use of a wide variety of learning resources, and teaches the students to work in teams.
* Nervous System : The course introduces preclinical students to the nervous system, and is also the major preclinical course to prepare them for related clinical clerkships. It therefore incorporates not only basic science disciplines such as , neuro-anatomy,-chemistry,- physiology, but also neuro-pathology, -pathophysiology and -pharmacology.
* General Pharmacology : This course teaches (a) the general principles of pharmacology including absorption, distribution, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, and drug metabolism, (b) autonomic nervous system including adrenergic and cholinergic drugs, and (c) drug testing in humans and prescribing for the elderly.
* Patient, Physician, and Society : Teaches Professionalism; Vital Signs; Cultural Awareness; Delivering Bad News; Review of Systems and Physical Exam of the Cardiovascular, Pulmonary, ENT, Eye and Neurological systems. Students will use basic interview techniques, conduct focused histories about illness, conduct focused physical examinations, and present patient cases verbally and in writing. The third course, course solidifies and expands upon the history-taking and physical examination techniques introduced in first year course, incorporates GU and Gyn exams in the curriculum, prepares students to enter the ward environment and acquire a knowledge base of common abnormal physical findings.
* Renal : This course gives an overview of clinical nephrology including acid base and electrolyte abnormalities.
* Respiratory : This course builds upon the normal structure and function covered in Year 1. The objective of Fall 2 or Year 2 Respiratory is to provide the building blocks and bridge for respiratory clinical medicine in Years 3 and 4 by integrating pathophysiology, pathology, and pharmacology appropriate to the content identified. Content areas include Review of Normal Histology, Embryology and Anatomy; Respiratory History and Physical Exam (normal and abnormal); Pertinent Pulmonary Testing Procedures and Interpretation (Pulmonary function test, chest x-ray/radiology, arterial blood gasesIn); Pulmonary response to injury; Acute Respiratory Failure; Respiratory Disease of Vascular Origin (PE, venous thrombosis, pulmonary hypertension, cor pulmonale); Interstitial Lung Disease (Idiopathic, assoc with other disease, occupational, etc); Pulmonary Infections (TB, community-acquired pneumonia, nosocomial pneumonia); Obstructive Lung Diseases (COPD, asthma, cystic fibrosis); Pulmonary Malignancies; Pleural and Mediastinal Diseases; and Sleep Disorders.
The Clinical Curriculum begins in January of the second year and all Core Clinical Clerkships are required and must be taken by December of the fourth year. Family Medicine must be completed by the end of June of the third year. A student must receive a passing grade in all core clinical clerkships and electives to be considered for graduation. All of these must be taken at Baylor College of Medicine.
* Medicine : The 12 week clerkship consists of a rotations between public and private hospitals in adult general internal medicine.
* Neurology : The 4 week clerkship rotation is designed to prepare the students for the many neurologic problems they will encounter regardless of the field of medicine in which they decide to practice. The students round through adult and pediatric affiliated hospitals and participate in the discussion of physical findings, work-up, and management of individual patients.
* Obstetrics & Gynecology : The core Clinical clerkship consists of 8 weeks-4 weeks on obstetrics and 2 weeks on inpatient gynecology at Ben Taub General Hospital, and 2 weeks with a faculty member on outpatient care both in a private office setting and Harris County Clinics.
* Pediatrics : The 8 week clerkship provides rotations on ambulatory pediatrics, inpatient clerkship and neonatology at the affiliated hospitals with the responsibility for work-ups, progress notes and active participation in the management of the patients.
* Family & Community Medicine : Students spend most of this 4 week rotation in clinical work in community family physician's offices. Students are instructed in the generalists skills needed by all physicians, familiarized with the role of family physicians in the health system and encouraged to consider a career in family practice.
* Psychiatry : The 8 week clerkship consists of rotations in emergency, inpatient, consultation-liaison, and outpatient psychiatric care settings. The rotation teaches the student to formulate diagnosis and treatment plan and the numerous treatment modalities available to manage psychiatric illnesses.
* Surgery : The 8 week clerkship consists of providing a emphasis on basic knowledge of surgical disease, diagnosis, and pre-operative and post operative care. Special attention is given to surgical anatomy and physiology.
* Electives : Students are required to earn 40 elective credits, of which 32 credits must be in clinical electives and at least 24 elective credits must be taken on site at Baylor College of Medicine affiliated institutions.
Eight credits may be non-clinical and taken during the pre-clinical curriculum or research elective credit taken during the clinical curriculum. A student may choose to fulfill the elective requirement with additional clinical electives.
![]() FIRST YEAR COURSES : * Biochemistry * Developmental Anatomy * Gross Anatomy * Histology * Intro. to Clinical Medicine (cont’d in spring) * Imm... Address: 6431 Fannin Street |